As of
July 7th (Tuesday, this week), all Washington state businesses are required to demand that all customers and employees comply with the statewide face covering requirement.
statewide order requires that masks be worn inside any building or business open to the public, outdoor public areas when six feet of social distancing cannot be maintained, and other settings.
No goods or services are to be furnished to customers not in compliance with statewide face covering requirements.
Individuals with certain health or medical conditions are excepted and are not required to produce documentation of the condition to be considered exempt.
View the full Face Covering Requirements document from the governor's office (pictured above) online here.
Spokane County
remains in Phase 2 of the governor's Safe Start Recovery Plan.
Each county's status is based on five risk assessment areas: COVID-19 activity, testing, healthcare system readiness, case investigations and contact tracing, and the protection of populations at higher risk.
You can check the status of any county, any time, on the state's COVID-19 Risk Assessment Dashboard,
online here.
Updated July 7th
Washington REALTORS® and the Northwest Multiple Listing Service continue to revise the FAQ guidance document for Brokers as information changes.
The current version of this document is
new as of July 7th.
All Washington REALTORS® COVID-19 resources are
online here.
Home sales and other economic data from April and May look grim, but there's every indication that this recession-yes, it's official-won't reach the depths of the 2008 financial crisis or last nearly as long. In the latest Pivot in Place video, NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun has encouraging insights into why the real estate market will lead the nation's economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, including May's record monthly gain in pending home sales.
Buyer demand is there to keep the market moving forward, Yun explains, so you should be ready now to engage prospects.
See his new three-minute video online here:
The National Association of REALTORS® is taking orders now - for August delivery - for REALTOR®-branded bottles of antibacterial gel (pictured below)
The offer is for one case (price depends on quantity); each case includes 100 bottles; each bottle contains a half ounce of moisture-bead, FDA approved, antibacterial gel.
The bottle features the REALTOR® logo in blue on a white label.
All National Association of REALTORS® COVID-19 resources are
online here.
DOL Announces New Online System
The Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) has launched a new online system for licensees to manage their professional and business licensing information.
Helpful instructions and videos about Secure Access Washington (SAW) accounts, how to access the new system, setting up an account, and how to link licenses can be found online here.
If you are having technical difficulties with the new system, please contact the Command Center at: 360-664-0200 option 7 or email at DOLelicensingsupport@dol.wa.gov.
E-KEY Showing Notifications
Did you know your Supra eKEY can tell you who accessed your listings and when?
Click on the image below to see a two-minute mini-lesson on how this works:
SAR Leadership Nominations Open
Nominations are open for directors to serve on your association board for 2021-2022.
There are five, two-year terms available on the board.
Nominees for directorships must be REALTOR® members of the Association who have:
(i) served on a minimum of two (2) standing committees within the seven (7) years prior to the time of the election;
(ii) served on one (1) standing committee within the three (3) years prior to the time of the election; or
(iii)who are currently serving, or within the one (1) year prior to the time of the election have served, as President of the Young Professionals Network or President of the Women's Council of REALTORS®.
If a candidate has served on only one (1) standing committee within the three (3) years prior to the time of the election, that candidate must also attend two (2) Board of Directors meetings within the twelve (12) months prior to running for Director.
To place a name in nomination with the Nominating Committee, please complete the application, offered below.
You may FAX your completed form to the SAR at 324-8650, mail to: SAR, 1924 N Ash, Spokane, WA 99205, or Email to
Sharon@SpokaneRealtor.com by
Friday, July 31st.
Thank you for participating in the leadership of your association!
Download the
2021-2022 SAR Director Nomination Form (pictured above)
online here.
Legal Hotline - Broker Authority
Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline lawyer
Annie Fitzsimmons is on a mission to answer all the questions on the Designated Broker Wish List.
We asked DBs around the state to submit their questions to her via email so she could address them and share them as a Friday Video.
What exact, express, or implied, authority do agents have; how can we better train agents to know what they do and don't have the authority to do?"
Here's Annie's new video - it runs about five minutes:
Designated Broker Wishlist Q & A: Broker Authority
Right Tools, Right Now
The National Association of REALTORS® has relaunched its Right Tools, Right Now program which offers several business resources - many of which are free to members to help them in their businesses.
Right Tools, Right Now offers access to webinars, tips for managing finances, educational resources, and more.
SAR Professional Development
SAR Professional Development
Your SAR Professional Development Committee is pleased to announce we will be holding
two virtual classes with local instructors this month - see details below.
Please be in touch with
Tami at the SAR if you have any questions about classes or your license education requirements, by phone at
326-9222 or by
Purchase & Sale with
Sabrina Jones Schroeder
Two day Zoom class - both days required
Tuesday 7/21 - 8:30-12:30
Thursday 7/23 - 8:30-Noon
What Else do we Need - PSA Addenda with
Sabrina Jones Schroeder.
Two day Zoom class - both days required
Tuesday 7/28 - 9am-Noon
Thursday 7/30 - 9 am-Noon
Thursday, July 23rd
9 a.m.
Planned content (subject to change):
Curating and Creating Content that Works
How to get Over Your Video Fears
Creating Videos that Work for You
Building Your Social Brand
To stay current with your continuing education requirements, please visit The CE Shop - Washington REALTORS®' preferred vendor for online continuing education.
These are state-approved, self-paced courses that you can take in the comfort of your own home or anywhere you have internet access.
Click on the calendar image below to see
the current SAR calendar showing dates and times
of classes, committees, and events.
Other regional calendars:
Extended due date July 15, 2020
Third Quarter MLS fees have been posted to the SAR member portal. They are due by July 15th.
Please email Brenda at the SAR if you have a question about your fees or contact her by phone at 326-9222. Thank you!
Someone is Always Watching
2020 SAR President Tom Clark, Kestell Company REALTORS® (right, above) and 2020 SAR Communications Committee Chair Laura Branning, EXIT Real Estate Professionals (left, above) will be in this space, next week, with a video message about broker behavior in the field during a time of pandemic.
They'll share what has been reported to the SAR with some general advice for us all.
The short message: someone is always watching.
See the new six-minute video online here:
Be the REALTOR® your clients think you are.
Your SAR Governmental Affairs Committee is pleased to announce its endorsements, and encourage your support,
for these candidates in the upcoming 2020 election:
Washington State Legislature
Andy Billig
Mike Padden
Mark Schoesler
Marcus Riccelli
Jenny Graham
Mike Volz
Jacquelin Maycumber
Leonard Christian
Spokane County Commissioner
Josh Kerns
Mary Kuney
See the SAR formal news release (pictured above) delivered to local media today, online here.
These endorsements are based on in-person interviews with each endorsed candidate and careful discernment of each candidate's position on REALTOR® issues such as home ownership, private property rights, and small business advocacy.
Ballots for the 2020 Primary Election will be mailed on July 15th.
The 2020 Primary Election Day is August 4th.
Luau on the Bluff - CANCELLED!
The SAR Luau on the Bluff, scheduled for August 6th at Arbor Crest Winery (pictured), is cancelled due to the Corona virus pandemic.
The committee hopes to try again next year.
Member Roster Update - May
Updated for May
Click here to view the latest Member Roster Update (pictured above) - approved by the Board of Directors at its February meeting.
Market Activity Report - June
The SAR Market Activity Report for
May is now online.
See the latest full report -
a member-exclusive product
See the
June 2020
Market Snapshot Report
See the
2020 Year to Date Market Snapshot Report (pictured above),
online here.
Presented by your Spokane Association of REALTORS® 
See what's NEW at
Quick Information
Tech Helpline: 866-610-8939
Legal Hotline: 800-562-6027
Washington State Legislature Hotline: 800-562-6000
MLS Weekly News & Info
2020 SAR Leadership
Tom Clark
Coldwell Banker Tomlinson N
Gina Mosey
RE/MAX Inland Empire
John L. Scott, Inc.
Windermere Airway Heights
Executive Vice President
2020 SAR Committee Chairs