The Spokane Association of REALTORS®:
ENGAGES its members, ENCOURAGES professional excellence and cooperation,
ADVOCATES for real property rights, and PROMOTES strong, sustainable communities.
Weekly Notices
July 8, 2022
File photo - June event
Next week!

Taco Tuesday - July 12th
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
SAR Parking Lot
The next time your calendar shows Tuesday it will be Taco Tuesday!

This is the day complimentary tacos and all the fixin's will be served up in the name of member engagement in the SAR parking lot (1924 North Ash Street) beginning at 11:30 a.m. and wrapping up at 1:30 p.m - or when the food runs out.

All active broker and affiliate members are welcome to come and enjoy this popular event.

Our food vendor will be Cochinito Taqueria from downtown Spokane - the same as we had for our June event.

Thank you SAR Membership Committee chair Keri McCombs and her committee members for making this happen for us!
Spokane Mayor Unveils Emergency Housing Recommendations
Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward and her staff unveiled a series of emergency changes and expanded zoning opportunities, last week, that she will ask the city council to adopt immediately, in an effort to address Spokane’s Housing Crisis.
See the item below to learn how you can participate in a briefing on this development exclusively for REALTORS®.

Housing Changes in Spokane
Wednesday, 7/13 Noon-1pm
at the SAR (1924 North Ash Street)
Come to your SAR and hear our Governmental Affairs Director Darin Watkins give us a briefing on the housing changes and opportunities that lie ahead for the City of Spokane.

From ADU' reducing SEPA reviews... the city is working to provide more housing opportunities.
You may participate either in-person at the association office (limited to 20 participants) or virtually via Zoom, as you choose.
On Common Ground is a bi-annual publication of the National Association of REALTORS®. The Publication presents a wide range of views on smart growth issues, with the goal of encouraging a dialogue among REALTORS®, elected officials and other interested citizens.

Spokane Makes the Cover of NAR's
On Common Ground

National Experts
Provide Solutions for
Spokane’s Housing Crisis
“The key to advocacy is to convince someone of your
viewpoint and then include your friends to help convince others,” Watkins says.

“This has helped us build a better coalition.

We’re all working on this together.

We all have the same voice and it’s hard to say no if you’re a politician.

The good news is this isn’t a red or blue issue.

Red folks see the business endeavors and blue folks see the social issues.

Everything is tied to housing and housing availability.

Darin Watkins
SAR Governmental Affairs Director

2023 SAR Leadership Nominations Are Now Open 

Due by Friday, August 5th
Nominations are open for directors to serve on your association board for 2023-2024.
There are five, two-year terms available on the board.
Nominees for directorships must be REALTOR® members of the Association who have:
(i)    served on a minimum of two (2) standing committees within the seven (7) years prior to the time of the election;
(ii)  served on one (1) standing committee within the three (3) years prior to the time of the election; or
(iii) who are currently serving, or within the one (1) year prior to the time of the election have served, as President of the Young Professionals Network or President of the Women’s Council of REALTORS®.

If a candidate has served on only one (1) standing committee within the three (3) years prior to the time of the election, that candidate must also attend two (2) Board of Directors meetings within the twelve (12) months prior to running for Director.
To place a name in nomination with the Nominating Committee, please complete the application forms, offered here.
You may email your completed forms to, FAX to the SAR at 324-8650 or mail to: SAR, 1924 N Ash, Spokane, WA 99205, by Friday, August 5th.
If you have questions, please contact Eric Etzel at 995-2833 or Sharon Houston at 326-9222

Thank you for participating in the leadership of your association!    
  • Wednesday, July 13 at 11 am PT

  • Tuesday, August 9 at 9 am PT

  • Wednesday September 14 at 11 am PT
In this one-hour webinar, you’ll gain the skills necessary to put together a winning listing presentation, by:

Helping your sellers digest information in a way that helps them make better decisions

Interpreting data and identifying trends

Exploring RPR’s two CMA tools to guide you in preparing a complete listing packet.
SAR Golf Tournament
Thursday, July 21st
Down River Golf Course

Event is full!

Flyer available for informational purposes only.
Teams of four will start shotgun style at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 21st, at Down River Golf Course.

After a round of golf, we'll gather in the club house for lunch and prizes.

Questions - call Tami Peterson at (509) 326-9222 or Wendy Shiley at (509) 979-6792.
Next Week!

Free! Live!

DPR training session
Thursday, July 14th, at 10 a.m.
The SAR MLS had 1,577 properties listed during the month of May that were DPR eligible - that's 63% of all listings that had money waiting on the table for the right buyers.

Did you help your clients explore their eligibility for a down payment resource?
Now is the time to get in front of sidelined buyers and build your future business pipeline. Today’s consumers are online getting prepared for homeownership and researching their down payment options. Show them that you can help.

Learn how to start more conversations that lead to homeownership by highlighting information about down payment programs in your marketing campaigns, website content and social media platforms. You’ll also learn how Down Payment Resource’s agent tool, Down Payment Connect, can match your clients to homeownership programs and deliver leads right to your inbox.

Register now for a FREE, LIVE DPR training session: Thursday, July 14th, at 10 a.m.
First-Time Homebuying 101: Everything a homebuyer needs to succeed in today’s market
REALTOR.COM® has created a free downloadable ebook First-Time Homebuying 101: Everything a homebuyer needs to succeed in today’s market.

The volume was written by the news editors at® in plain language, without jargon, and is updated for 2022.

This ebook is free of charge to download and share with your buying clients.

In this book, we won’t barrage you with a slew of statistics or obscure terms. We firmly believe that even the most complex aspects of real estate can be explained in plain old English. Our aim is to help you feel more confident throughout the homebuying process that you’re asking the right questions, making thoughtful decisions, and ultimately choosing the very best home for you.

Judy Dutton
Next week!

Wellness Webinar:
Wednesday, July 13th.
No two ways about it: Medicare is complicated.

But chances are you've been paying into it your entire working life, and you have a right to reap the rewards when the time comes.

Being prepared in advance can save you a lot of headaches and ensure that you maximize the benefits available to you.

Learn how to qualify for Medicare, when and how to apply for benefits, what’s covered and what isn’t, how much to budget for premiums and co-pays after your Medicare eligibility begins, and how to find more answers when you need them.
July: Medicare & You
Wednesday, July 13th - 11 a.m.
Target Audience: Seasoned Agents

Mistaken Identity: Forms
Part 4 - Information Verification Provision & Form 35
In part four of our Mistaken Identity: Forms Series, Annie Fitzsimmons (Washington REALTORS®' Legal Hotline lawyer) discusses not a mistaken identity, per se, but rather a mistaken use of a provision called the ‘Information Verification Period’ (section W) within Form 21 (Purchase and Sale Agreement).

This provision allows a Buyer to terminate the Purchase and Sale Agreement within 10 days if Buyer discovers a material inaccuracy in any of the Seller’s representations made by Seller.

Some Buyer Brokers mistakenly believe this allows them access to the Seller’s home to test those representations via inspection, but it, in fact, does not in any way allow for that — with or without a home inspector. However, without an Inspection Contingency (Form 34), Buyer won't have any basis to terminate.

Annie explains in this video that runs about four minutes.

See past videos in this series online here:

Results Series Webinar On-Demand:

Dos and Don'ts of
Social Media in Real Estate
Social media is all about top of mind awareness and one of the most effective ways to achieve that is to tell the story of your brand, your company, what you stand for. Learn how to prepare, execute and engage your followers and these influencer pro-tips.

This is available as a "view any time" webinar.

Click on the button whenever you're ready to begin learning.
Professional Development

The SAR offers a full schedule of virtual classes to help members satisfy their professional development requirements to keep their REALTOR® status current.
Please be in touch with Tami at the SAR if you have any questions about classes or your license education requirements, by phone at 326-9222 or by email.
Next week!

Biggest Bloopers & Blunders we make in our Statewide Forms with Ken Sax 

Tuesday, 7/12 9:00-12:30 

3.5 clock hours
You can sign up to take this class in-person at the SAR or you can zoom in.

You'll want to check out this class and learn what the bloopers are and how to avoid making the same mistakes! 
Don't be that broker!
Ken Sax has been teaching the Purchase & Sale class since 2010.  
He's very passionate about REALTORS® being experts on this... after all, your clients think you are! 
Ken will be discussing Forms - 21, 50, 51, 22A. 22EF, 22B, 39, 22Q, 35/35R, 35E and 36.

TransactionDesk Class
with Eric Johnson
Monday, 7/18 1:00-4:00
3.0 clock hours
In-person at the SAR

Eric Johnson will be teaching his TransactionDesk on Basic Sale/Listing Creation.
You won't want to miss this class!

You'll learn all you need to know about the TransactionDesk.
Here are some of the highlights he'll cover in class: Introduction to key features and how to become a paperless office, System Navigation, Settings & Templates, Creating a Sale Transaction, Uploading Signed Documents, Creating an Authentisign Electronic Signing, Archiving Transactions and Receiving & Counter offering an offer.

Code of Ethics - Our Promise to Professionalism
with Karene Loman  
Tuesday, 7/19 9:00-12:30 
3.5 clock hours
You can sign up to take this class in-person at the SAR or you can zoom in.
Remember, you must take a Code of Ethics class once between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024. This class meets those requirements.
This class will include the following objectives:
  • Heighten awareness of the key tenets of the Code of Ethics.
  • Appreciation for the role the Code can and should play in professional lives.
  • Enhances professionalism and competency.
  • Encourages REALTORS® to view their Code of Ethics as a living, viable guide in their daily dealings with clients, customers, and the public

Purchase & Sale
with Sabrina Jones Schroeder 
Tuesday 7/26 8:30-12:30
- and -  
Thursday 7/28 8:30-Noon
7.5 clock hours

Zoom class - two-day class - both days required

This mandatory course will include: An introduction and discussion of intentions, goals, and purposes in properly completing the new Purchase & Sale Agreement; the deposit, parties and property; financing and the financing contingencies, title insurance and transfer and inspections; representations and disclosure; and remaining provisions.
This class must be taken once every four years.

Everything you Wanted to Know about Mobile Homes 
with Angie DeArth
Wednesday 7/27       1:00-4:00
3.0 clock hours

You can sign up to take this class in-person at the SAR or you can zoom in.
This is the class you've been asking from: A Manufactured home on land or a leased lot in a park? Who holds the title? Elimination - is it needed or was it done? Labor & Industries inspections? Where is the VIN number? Sales tax & excise tax? Closing costs, who pays for what? And, all the pesky forms from so many different agencies: DOL, DOR, LPO, NWMLS, UCC, L&I.
Don't miss out on this very informational class on Mobile Homes!
Class Cancellation Policy:

A refund will be granted until 3:30 p.m. three days prior to the class, after which time there will be a 50% refund.

Anyone not showing up for class will not be given a refund.
How to Handle an Ethics Violation
Spokane Association of REALTORS® Grievance Committee member Tim Olsen shares some advice on how to handle an ethics violation.

Click on the image to play a four-minute video created by your SAR Grievance Committee.
You be the Judge!

An opportunity to learn from real cases in real courts.
Congratulations to Angela Newcomb, EXIT Real Estate Professionals – May Wake Up Call Gift Card Winner!
Members with the correct answer
will be entered into
a monthly drawing
to receive a
$15 Wake Up Call Gift Card!   
You be the Judge - June

Case #16-8: Unauthorized Use of Information Received from Listing Broker for the Purpose of Creating a Referral to a Third Broker or for Creating a Buyer Relationship.

(Reaffirmed Case #21-14 May, 1988. Transferred to Article 16 November, 1994. Revised May, 2017).
Test your judgement on this issue with a real NAR Case Study:
MLS Weekly News and Information
Keep up with rule changes, get tips and tricks and see the monthly MLS totals. 

Don’t forget to check this valuable resource!
Current Market and Membership Information from your Association:
May 2022
Home Sales Report
May 2022
Year-to-Date Home Sales Report
June 2022
Member Roster Update
See the full member-exclusive Market Activity/MLS Statistics online here.
SAR and Community Calendars:
SAR Document Archive