Thanksgiving Business Days
Reminder! Both Thanksgiving Day AND the Friday following Thanksgiving (known as Native American Heritage Day) are State holidays per RCW 1.16.050. They are not considered business days for the purposes of computing time. NOTE: Your SAR will be closed Thursday and Friday (November 26th and 27th) to keep the Thanksgiving holiday.
2021 SAR Leadership Opportunities
Your association runs on volunteer power. Here's your chance to plug in and make a difference!
2021 SAR President Eric Johnson invites you to join him in volunteering to lead our association in the new year.
If you'd like to talk with Eric before you decide how you'd like to volunteer, call him at 951-9331 or email him at
Here are just some of the volunteer opportunities where you can help get the work done:
Budget & Finance
Professional Development
Governmental Affairs
SOS (Serving Our Spokane)
Special Events
3rd Grade Poster Contest
Food Drive
Holiday Party & Auction
Submit your application by Friday, December 4, 2020.
See the 2021 SAR Leadership Opportunities flyer for more information and an application (pictured above),
Spokane Housing Action Plan Survey
The City of Spokane is creating a Housing Action Plan to help increase housing options that are affordable and accessible for people and families of all incomes.
When completed, it will provide a coordinated vision that supports more people being able to find a home that meets their needs with access to opportunities, services and amenities. If you live or live/work in the City of Spokane, we want to hear about your housing needs, issues and experiences.
This survey should take 10 minutes to complete.
Be assured that this information is being used to further gain insights of the housing needs in the City of Spokane and will not be used for any other purpose.
All responses will be anonymous.
Please complete the survey by December 6, 2020.

Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline Lawyer Annie Fitzsimmons and Managing Broker Eric Shull with John L. Scott Kent North, this week, continue a new video series on Form 35R.
In this series, Annie and Eric dig a little deeper into the Inspection Contingency as a negotiation tool and how to use it most effectively.
The third video in this series is loaded with information on additional inspections and requests for repairs or modification.
This includes a discussion on the importance of coaching your buyers about conducting their due diligence; answering common questions like, "Should a Buyer ever deliver their notice of additional inspection and request for repairs at the same time?"; they expand on computation of time scenarios; and how buyers should use Form 35R to request repairs or terminate the agreement.
This video runs about 15-minutes:
The second video in the series covers the steps and the differences between the initial inspection period and the additional inspection period.
The video runs about 15-minutes, online here:
Form 35R: Part 2, Initial vs. Additional Inspection Period
The first video in the series covers a topic that many brokers want clarification on...counting dates, or the Computation of Time. They review counting dates for the initial inspection period, the additional inspection period, and Form 35R request for repairs...and more. Watch the new 16-minute video online here:
WR Wants to Hear from You!
Here's your chance to let the Washington REALTORS® know about your experience as a member and quite possibly win a gift card for it!
This survey is a great opportunity to tell us what you think about your membership in the Association and to help us set our priorities.
We're here to serve you, and we need your input to make sure we're doing our job.
The Washington REALTORS® will be conducting a confidential survey of our members.
On Monday, November 16th, all members will be emailed a link to the online member survey and invited to provide their input and feedback.
All members who complete the survey can choose to be entered to win one of five $100 American Express gift cards.
An independent research firm called American Strategies ( will conduct the survey on our behalf to ensure confidentiality.
Your participation is optional, but we do hope you'll take a few minutes to respond and provide invaluable feedback to the Washington REALTORS®.
Thank you in advance for your participation and good luck should you choose to enter the drawing!
PS: Please check email/spam filters if you do not see/receive the email.
Thanks again!
Welcome to Fairhaven
Pacific Northwesterners may already know about Fairhaven, the historic community just south of Bellingham.
NAR has created another Fairhaven - this one fictional - where REALTORS® work against the clock to sell homes while confronting discrimination in the homebuying process.
This new, immersive online simulation training puts members of the National Association of REALTORS® in the shoes of a client experiencing discrimination as they try to buy a home.
NAR's Fairhaven launched this week.
New NAR Benefit
If you're shopping for a major appliance, you may as well grab a discount when you can, right?
REALTORS®, REALTOR® Association employees, and immediate family members have access to the family of GEA brands including Profile™, Cafe™, GE®, Monogram®, Haier, and Hotpoint® appliances through the GE Appliances Store - an exclusive shopping site where you can browse from a variety of high-quality options and finishes to upgrade your home.
At the site you'll find popular appliances for every need: - Refrigeration: refrigerators, freezers, wine reserves and beverage centers, icemakers (including the new ice nugget maker)
- Cooking: ranges, ovens, cooktops, microwave ovens, vent hoods, and more
- Clean-up: washers, dryers, dishwashers, disposers, and compactors
- Household: water filters, softeners, and heaters
- Filters and parts
Marketing Ideas for New REALTORS®
As a new REALTOR®, you probably have a lot of questions about where to start and how to build your business.
We know that it can be overwhelming, and perhaps even a little confusing with so many options to choose from.
However, RPR® is here to help!
As an NAR Member Benefit, RPR® is available exclusively to REALTORS®.
It provides you access to data, tools and reports that can help you "wow" your clients and close more deals.
In addition to searching for properties, building a comp analysis and sending property reports to clients, it can also help you market yourself to clients and prospects.
With some help from RPR, new agents can focus on establishing and building their businesses by adopting a tool that helps them market to neighborhoods, impress buyers, showcase their professionalism, and nail listing presentations.
SAR Professional Development
SAR Professional Development
Please be in touch with Tami at the SAR if you have any questions about classes or your license education requirements, by phone at 326-9222 or by email.
NEXT WEEK! Success Basics for Landlords and Property Managers with Eric Besett (Zoom class) Monday, November 30 1 - 4 p.m. 3.0 clock hours Purchase & Sale with Sabrina Jones Schroeder Two day Zoom class - both days required Tuesday 12/1 - 8:30-12:30 Thursday 12/3 - 8:30-Noon This mandatory course will include: An introduction and discussion of intentions, goals and purposes in properly completing the new Purchase & Sale Agreement; the deposit, parties and property; financing and the financing contingencies, title insurance and transfer and inspections; representations and disclosure; and remaining provisions. This class must be taken once every four years.
What Else do we Need - PSA Addenda with Sabrina Jones Schroeder.
Two day Zoom class - both days required
Tuesday 12/15 - 9am-Noon
Thursday 12/17 - 9 am-Noon
This is a six (6) hour course focusing on the addenda which might be added to a Purchase & Sale Agreement - the foundation of the transaction between the buyers and sellers of real estate. Understand the importance of using our local forms including the Spokane Addendum & the Spokane Buyer Representation Agreement.
Plus, much more.
Success Basics for Landlords and Property Managers with Eric Bessett (Zoom class)
Weds. December 16 -1 - 4 p.m.
This course is divided into three distinct sessions: (1) Landlord-Tenant Law (including SB5600), (2) Forms, Notices & other documents (3) Practical, Real-World Best Practices. Come receive a comprehensive overview of how to property navigate the legal, practical and technical landscapes within this housing segment.
3.0 clock hours
Click on the calendar image below to see
the current SAR calendar showing dates and times
of classes, committees, and events.
Other regional calendars:
WR Updates COVID-19 FAQs

The Governor, last week, announced wide ranging restrictions that went into effect Monday, November 16th, and will remain in effect through Monday, December 14th, to try to curb the surge in new COVID-19 cases in Washington State.
Some of these restrictions will impact residential and commercial real estate operations.
As of Monday, November 16th:
All real estate open houses are suspended.
Professional services should work from home. If you are unable to work from home, those services will be limited to 25% of building occupancy and closed to the general public.
Please note that private home showings are still permitted by appointment with no more than five (5) people, in addition to the broker, on site with strict social distancing.
Thank you to all of the real estate practitioners who have followed the Governor's COVID-19 orders and guidance and practicing real estate in a safe manner.
Real estate professionals have demonstrated to the public that we can conduct business safely and effectively under these guidelines; now, we will do it again.
Our team will continue to work with the Governor's office to help real estate brokers move forward with their business safely.
Get your copy of the new WR COVID-19 Real Estate FAQ Guidance document (pictured above) online here.
See a summary of changes to guidance for real estate practitioners, as of November 16th, directly from the governor's office (pictured above) online here.
The SAR Governmental Affairs Committee has collected some resources and information on how COVID-19 restrictions affect your business.
To access this page on the SAR website, click here.
2021 SAR Dues Due
Your 2021 SAR annual dues are due January 1st, 2021.
You should have receive an email regarding this.
If you did not receive this email, please call the SAR at 326-9222 or continue with the online payment process here.
To pay your 2021 SAR annual dues online, click on the graphic below, which will bring up the login screen for the SAR member portal:
Once online, use the Review and Pay Balance section to make your payment online.
Alternately, you may retrieve an invoice while online to pay by mail send to 1924 North Ash Street, Spokane WA 99205.
Thank you for your continuing membership in your SAR!
SAR Blood Drive
SAR Blood Drive
Your SAR Serving Our Spokane (SOS) Committee is partnering with the Spokane-Eastern Washington Women's Council of REALTORS®, the Spokane REALTORS® YPN (Young Professionals Network), and Vitalant to hold a two-day Member blood drive to help support our local blood bank at this important time of year.
The blood drive will be held at two sites on two days in December. Pick the one that best suits your schedule and join your fellow REALTORS® in making a difference for those who need your gift of life.
If you can give blood on Tuesday, December 15th, on the north side, please click here. If you can give blood on Thursday, December 17th, in downtown Spokane, please click here. Get your copy of the event flyer (pictured above) online here.
Take the RPAC® Jeopardy Challenge!
How well do you know RPAC®?
RPAC® = REALTOR® Political Action Committee
You'll be surprised to learn how many times "RPAC did that!"
SAR Member Roster Update - October
Updated for October
Click here to view the latest Member Roster Update (pictured above) - approved by the SAR Board of Directors at its most recent meeting.
SAR Market Activity Report - October
The SAR Market Activity Report for October is now online.
See the latest full report - a member-exclusive product
See the October 2020 Market Snapshot Report
See the 2020 Year to Date Market Snapshot Report (pictured above), online here.
Presented by your
Spokane Association

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Quick Information
Tech Helpline: 866-610-8939
Legal Hotline: 800-562-6027
Washington State Legislature Hotline: 800-562-6000
MLS Weekly News & Info
2020 SAR Leadership
|  |
Tom Clark
|  |
Coldwell Banker Tomlinson N
Gina Mosey
RE/MAX Inland Empire 953-3410
John L. Scott, Inc.
Windermere Airway Heights
Executive Vice President
2020 SAR Committee Chairs