November 13-17, 2017
November 17, 2017
7:20 - 7:45 AM
So much to be grateful for!
PTO Skate Night
Skateworld, Kernersville
6:00 - 8:00 PM
From the Office of Principal Denise Francisco
We hope that all our families enjoyed the observance of Veterans Day on Friday. Here is a brief history of Veterans Day and why we observe this holiday. I took these words from the History Channel Website where you can visit and learn even more about this national holiday. Veterans Day originated as "Armistice Day" on Nov. 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. Congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and Nov. 11 became a national holiday beginning in 1938. While Memorial Day is a tribute to those who died in service to the USA, Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans, and especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.
We look forward to seeing all our students back in school on Monday. Please dress warmly and wear appropriate shoes to school as students have recess outside unless the temperature is below freezing. This week we have a few special events to remind our families about:
- Gus the Bus will be at school on Monday for our Kindergarten classrooms
- 2nd Grade will be on a Field Trip on Tuesday
- Classroom Spelling Bees in Grades 3-5 will take place this week. The winner from each classroom will move forward to the ORE Spelling Bee on December 15th
- Science Fair Approval Letters have been sent home to all students who submitted a form to the Science Team. We look forward to seeing all of the Science Fair projects when they are due to the school on Monday, December 4th.
Mrs. Francisco
Congratulations to the Super Colts for the 1st quarter of the 2017-18 school year -- Ethan Gallimore, Addison Hoover, Alice Feng, Reese Barnes,
Holden Mizell,
Hollynn Gentel,
Daksh Singhal,
Tyler Warguez, H
enry Kriegler,
Ellie Burwood,
Audrey Northrop,
Will Pait,
Hadley Benjamin,
Laila Ratliff,
Marlo Borota,
Matthew Pait,
Addie Grace Bennett,
Grady Wood,
Mallory McDonald,
Ethan Lampley,
Parisha Khakural,
William Pope,
Lillie Ringeman,
Cooper Welch,
Alex Kate Bell,
Paige Caviness,
Davis Franklin,
Simon Zhang,
Reese Kosobucki,
Landis Middleton,
Wiliam Dyas, Jax Brainard,
Kathaleen Garmendia-Ortiz,
Dallas Isley,
Shayla Pinon,
Saide Burwood,
Marilee VanSteen,
Tate Brown,
Avery Chioniere,
Liam Kelly,
Bridgette Yang, Aaron Wu, Tasneem Megri, Hannah Hack,
Aleyna Aydogdu,
Noah Flanders,
Emaan Irfan,
Logan Dmuchowski,
Olivia Barrezueta,
Jack Duell,
Nikunj Gupta,
Kaitlyn Lee, J
osephine Wei,
Addison Barber,
Arjun Gupta,
Dylan Collins,
Reina Liu,
Sunny Chen,
Jackson Milam,
Katie Parker,
Vincent Tresino, Anna Partyka, Addison Welker, Hannah Brown,
Ava Copple,
Lincoln Young,
Carly Hurst,
Krish Shenoy,
Chris Adams,
Abby Elliott,
Mackenzie Stewart,
Walker Riordon,
Nathan Dorner,
Sarena Mustafa,
Aidan Mather,
Avalon Voakes,
Braxton Suits,
Chloe Lee,
Maisa Megri,
Greyson Council,
Bruno Zampiri Hohmann,
Sophia Jiang,
Maya Mather,
Luke Winterhoff,
Blake Abbott,
Grace Choi,
Ethan Dyer,
Laila Suits,
Hanna Gentel,
Karin Palming,
Elliott Hoskins,
Zachary Hill,
Emily Cao,
Nathan Misenheimer,
Cameron Nitz,
Alan An,
Evan Pozzo and
Sanaia Mustafa! We are so proud of you!
2017 AHA Jump Rope for Heart is coming to Oak Ridge Elementary!
In an effort to raise awareness (and funds) for the benefits of exercise for cardiovascular health, Oak Ridge Elementary is sponsoring Jump Rope for Health from the American Heart Association.
Flyers with detailed information were distributed this week, and students are starting to sign up for this great cause and donations are coming in! To make an online donation, please follow this link.
The top fundraisers from each grade level get to slime Mrs. Anderson! That's definitely incentive!
Continue a holiday tradition (or start at new one) -- help the Light Up the Night event at Oak Ridge Park on December 2, 2017
On Saturday, December 2, 2017, Oak Ridge Park is again going to be transformed into a beautiful light display of thousands of luminaries and the town needs your help to make the event a success.
Here is more information about this great family activity!
There is a need for volunteers in the morning for set-up, in the afternoon for lighting the luminaries and in the evening after the event for clean-up. Please
sign-up here to help! If you would like more detailed information about these activities,
here are the set-up instructions.
We hope to see you there!
Bring Change for a Great Cause -- the entire ORES Community can help the United Way
The United Way organization has projects that strengthen the health and education of communities in our backyard and around the world. In support, Oak Ridge Elementary would like to give the students the opportunity to give back to their community through a United Way Kids Campaign.
There is now a United Way container in the cafeteria for students to donate change. Together with the staff and their own giving campaign, the whole ORES Community can contribute to such a great cause!
Mark your 2018 calendars! Oak Ridge Elementary Night at the Greensboro Swarm Game, March 4, 2018
They say the early bird gets the worm, but in this case, the prize is great tickets for a special Greensboro Swarm game on Sunday, March 4, 2018! Priced at only $8, a ticket buys you a great time at a game marked by special activities specifically for Oak Ridge Elementary School students, staff and their families. Quantities are limited so don't delay!
Please see this flyer for more information.
Get your pictures into the ORES Yearbook!
The yearbook staff invites parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you have great photos of school or community events we'd like to see them!
Upload your photos of school events to
Please submit photos that are at least 300 dpi to ensure acceptable print quality for the yearbook. Thank you for your support!
PTO Volunteer Opportunities at ORES
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any successful PTO - we hope that you consider
helping out this year! Thank you very much to those who have submitted forms and we have begun reaching out to find the right fit for you.
Guilford County Schools (GCS) requires that all volunteers register with them to serve as a volunteer inside any GCS School. After your initial registration or updating your existing registration, you are all set for one year.
All volunteers must re-register on an annual basis.
All of our sponsors make a difference, no matter how big or small. Sponsoring our weekly newsletter, gymnasium banners, website and school planners, helps us provide the school staff, our students and our families resources that the school's budget does not provide. If you are interested in a sponsorship, please
contact us.
See whats happening on our social sites.
ORES PTO is using Remind to send out important reminders to parents.
Click here to subscribe to updates by email or text. Or download the Remind app and use class code @oresp.
A HUGE thank you to all of our sponsors. Find out more about these and other valuable partners on the Sponsor tab on our website.
The above materials/statements/programs are not endorsed by GCS nor do they represent the district's position or policy.