The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

January 5, 2024

Shaw Photo Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

A happy new year to all of you, once again. We hope the new year brings us ever closer to the Beloved in all we do. New Year's festivities at the Center were vibrant with musical and dance performances, square dancing, Baba films and superlative food prepared by Keren Rice, one of our staff. Thank you Keren! See pictures below.

Looking at the year ahead reminds me of Eruch's words on being determined to be His and the power of His presence in our lives. Eruch said, "If you are determined to be His, then you do whatever is necessary to become His. This does not have to be explained. But the mind, oh the mind, what can I tell you about the mind? You know what the mind is like. So the mind says, 'But what is necessary to become His? Even in the presence of Baba, people's minds would play mischief this way. Baba would tell a large gathering, 'Love me.' And someone in the crowd would stand up and ask, 'But how should we love you, Baba?' Baba asked the man if he were married. He said yes. Baba said, 'Does anyone have to tell you how to love your wife?' 'No, Baba.' 'So no one needs to tell you how to love God, you just do it.' It is that simple and that difficult."*

Eruch goes on to say, "One of the hints that we are on our way to becoming His is when we develop an unshakeable acceptance of His will ... As long as we are for ourselves, even if we try to love the Lord, we cannot be resigned to His will. But if we become His, then His will becomes our pleasure and every manifestation of it is a fresh marvel of His divine attributes. If we are His, our equanimity is never disturbed because it is all His doing, and His presence sustains us."**

In Baba's love and service,

Buz Connor,

For Meher Center board and staff

*Is that so? Compiled by Bill Le Page, p.106

**Is that so? Compiled by Bill Le Page, p.110

"He is not a dull Avatar"

In this spirited talk, Irwin Luck discusses the time he spent with Baba, but his recollection is not a plain recounting; it is interspersed with a lifelong reflection on what it is to be with Baba and belong to Him. Irwin first went to Baba because he wanted to know God and Baba indulged his request and changed the inner fabric of his being. His inner voice intuitively led him to New York from where he finally ended up in India. Tackling questions on metaphysics and beyond, Irwin describes Baba's work in our lives through the effacement of the mind and finally through lovethe only way to God.


Meher Center Meeting Place, November 23, 2023

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"He made human of them"

In this segment of a talk, Naja Irani, Baba’s cousin and close disciple, discusses following Baba in the very early days of His work, around 1920. She speaks of the sometimes ragtag group of early disciples—from all religions and castes, and with wildly different temperaments—and how Baba in His love accepted all of them, bringing each inexorably nearer to God. 

Audio, 4:04

Meherazad, India, August 29, 1976

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

For full talk, click here and go to DF-018B

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