The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

October 11, 2024

Meher Center Archive Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

We are happy to share that many of the nearby community members and our friends at Baba Zoom came together to drop off needed items for the Asheville area in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The back porch of the Gateway building along with the sitting room area were full of valuable items ranging from small items like baby wipes to large items like chainsaws and generators.

One truck load was already taken up and another truck is due to go up after October 20th when we stop receiving these donations. We thank you all again for helping out with this effort.

Meher Baba said, "It is natural that at times you feel 100% miserable. Be sure that I know everything. When everything goes wrong, the mind becomes helpless and has to rely on the heart.These are the moments when you resign to my will and rely solely on my help. When you leave all to Me, I dare not neglect you, and you get relief from your predicament. I am the Ocean of Love and Compassion." *

In His love and service,

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff

*82 Family Letters, by Mani Irani, p.176

"We are already whole within"

Darwin Shaw first met Meher Baba in 1934, and remained a devoted disciple for the rest of his life. From 1989-2005, those visiting Meher Center may have been lucky enough to attend one of his Discourse meetings. In this recording, Darwin reads two sections: "The Destiny of the Reincarnating Individual," and "The Avatar." He follows up by answering questions, as well as with a few stories from his own experiences with his Beloved.

Video, 1:12:39

Meher Center, January 4, 2002

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"I experienced a breath of freedom"

In this delightful audio, Mani Irani talks about the New Life. She starts with the story of Dr. Ghani's willingness to come on the New life despite his lack of physical endurance. Ghani struggled to walk long distances and had to use a walking stick until Baba exercised His compassion. Mani goes on to talk about the depth of the New Life and experiencing the freedom that Baba talked about within the bindings.

Audio; 08:33

Meherazad, India, October 3rd, 1991

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

For the transcript of this audio, please click here

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