The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

October 18, 2024

Meher Center Archive Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

A loving Jai Baba from His home in the West.

In His book The Everything and the Nothing, Meher Baba said:

“God exists. If you are convinced of God's existence then it rests with you to seek Him, to see Him and to realize Him. 

“Do not search for God outside of you. God can only be found within you, for His only abode is the heart. 

“But you have filled His abode with millions of strangers and He cannot enter, for He is shy of strangers. Unless you empty His abode of these millions of strangers you have filled it with, you will never find God. 

“These strangers are your age-old desires—your millions of wants. They are strangers to God because want is an expression of incompleteness and is fundamentally foreign to Him who is All- sufficient and wanting in nothing. Honesty in your dealings with others will clear the strangers out of your heart. 

“Then you will find Him, see Him and realize Him.” *

In His love and service,

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff

*The Everything and the Nothing, by Meher Baba, p. 12.

"I'm glad God has an address"

Meher Baba said, "Drugs are harmful spiritually, mentally and physically." With this message, Baba sent Robert Dreyfuss back from India to the United States in 1965 where he, Allen Cohen and Rick Chapman were charged to spread this message across America. In this humorous talk filled with banter, wit and shared memories, Robert and Allen recount their experiences in the 1960s as they attempted to fulfill Baba's order and spread His message on drugs in the West.

Video, 1:22:34

Meeting Place at Meher Center, October 10th, 2003

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"He was stern but loving"

In this recording, Faredoon Driver, nicknamed 'Padri' by Baba, shares stories of the early days as a disciple at Manzil-E-Meem. He tells tales of a long foot march from Pune to Bombay, and Baba's early lessons in literal obedience.

Audio; 14:30

Meherabad, India, October 29th, 1975

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

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