Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,
A loving Jai Baba from Meher Center. As we move into the very busy holiday season at the Center, we pause to remember Mani Sheriar Irani, born on December 15, 1918. Mani was Meher Baba's sister and companion during much of His advent. Fortunately, we have many writings and videos of Mani to remind us of what it means to love Him and to make Him our constant companion.
In a passage from The Real Treasure by Rustom B. Falahati, Mani explains her understanding of divine will and free will gathered from Baba:
"You see, it's like a train journey. Once the journey begins, you are stuck with whatever baggage you have. This baggage represents your sanskaras. Divine will represents the route. You can't alter the route of the journey. The train takes a fixed route to its destination.
"Your free will is only restricted to what you can do on the train. Either you can look out the window, play cards, or read a book. Although the options are many, and the activity you do on the train may give you a sense that you can alter your journey, yet it is not the case.
"Your life, the beginning and the end and the route it takes, is fixed by the Divine will. What you do on the fixed route is your free will. How you accept the events in your life, the people who are supposed to meet you, how you interact with them, that is your free will. It is this free will that will decide your next journey and the baggage that you will carry on it.
"So you see there is very little one can do to avoid the major events, whether they are mishaps or successes, from happening. These have already been ordained for you based on your past sanskaras or actions of your past life.
"However, there is one thing you can do - accept these events joyfully and gracefully, filling up every moment with Baba's remembrance.
"If you do this successfully, not only will His remembrance soften the impact of the mishaps or other bad events that are meant to occur in your life, but eventually it will finish off your journey once and for all. It will take you to the final goal of all journeys, after which you have to journey no more." *
In Meher Baba's love and service,
Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff
*The Real Treasure, Vol. 2, by Rustom B. Falahati, pp. 28-30