The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

December 15, 2023

Mani Mehera MSC Archives

Meher Center Archive Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Happy holidays from Meher Center. Today we celebrate Mani Irani’s birthday, sister and disciple of Meher Baba who served Him wholeheartedly throughout her life. She was a perfect example of devotion and service, and of creating an atmosphere of lightness, humor and steadfast conviction.

Below is an excerpt from the diary of my wife, Wendy and I, from our visit to India in February of 1986:

“Today Mani talked about how important it is to remember Him. Being here, in His love, it is easier to remember Him. Mani said, 'But back home, you must make an effort to remember Him. Whatever it takes, you must find ways to put Him into your lives. Until such a time that only He remains – the purity of His love remains.’

“’He wants us to be happy; not necessarily jolly, but happy. Ironically, how much he suffered for our happiness. So, we can suffer our little bit for Him; suffer our lot our burden for Him. He knows how difficult it is. But think how much more difficult it would be if He had not taken that burden upon Himself.’

“Mani remembered the day before Baba dropped His body. In His bedroom, He was sitting on His bed and He called her to Him. She walked up behind Him and put her hand on His shoulder and said ‘What is it, Baba?’ – like a sister would to an ailing brother. And He looked into her eyes with such suffering. She said it was like looking into an ocean of suffering. She said, ‘He is at once an ocean of love and an ocean of suffering.’ She had never before felt His suffering like this.

In this time of year, when we celebrate the birth of the Christ, she reminds us that it is for the sake of love that He comes, and through His suffering reveals our true and eternal nature of divine love.

Meher Baba’s love and service,

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff.

"God is not only supreme love, He's supreme purity"

Mani Irani was God's sister and spent her life in whole-hearted devotion to Meher Baba. In this recording, Mani shares stories and answers questions about her many decades with the Avatar. She touches on such themes as Baba's beauty, the power of His name, and His omnipresence. She ends with a delightful performance of her hand-shadow puppets.

Video, 1:05:10

Meherazad, India, October 2, 1976

Courtesy of Meher Nazar Publications

Beads on One String

Meher Baba said, "I shall revitalize all religions and cults, and bring them together like beads on one string." In this presentation, Sevn McAuley explores Baba's powerful saying by quoting more from Baba's words and retelling anecdotes from Baba's life to illustrate the concept. Finally, he speaks in detail of the five active pathways to God that Baba charted out, thus talking about religious and mystical traditions of the world.

Video, 1:13:35

Meeting Place, November 24, 2023

From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives

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