Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,
Holiday greetings to all from Meher Center. For those of you visiting the Center over the next two weeks, we’ve provided a detailed schedule of events below. I also want to mention two upcoming programs for which we will be presenting additional information after the first of the year.
- January 31st: Virtual Amartithi celebration with Rick Chapman.
- March 14th-17th: Intergenerational Spring Cleaning Sahavas
This is the time each year when we celebrate the birth of Mehera J. Irani, closest disciple of Beloved Baba. Mani, Meher Baba’s sister and life-long companion, gives us a glimpse of the role Mehera played in this Advent:
“As Sita was for Ram, Radha for Krishna, Mary for Jesus, for this Advent of Meher Baba it is Mehera who plays the leading role. This role, of being the chosen counterpart to the God-Man, amounts to the highest, purest, most spiritual relationship, consisting of a divine love which the world cannot imagine.
“This love between Baba and Mehera is in an inner realm which has nothing to do with "love" as defined in the world's dictionary. In these times, when the outer has become the altar of worship, when the wrapping of a gift often receives more attention than its contents, it is natural that everything concerning "love" should be translated into the external, the physical. But do not make that mistake about Mehera's relationship with Baba; or for that matter, about any of us living with Baba.The keynote of our life with Baba was purity, and Baba was very, very particular and strict about it. He never allowed the slightest compromise in this regard, so our relationship with Baba and with each other was always totally innocent of physical involvement.
“You could even say that we were as children together around Baba. Easterners and Westerners, young and old, Baba kept us like children in this respect and shaped that childlike quality of life which leads to true purity of heart, involving self-forgetfulness and self-sacrifice of the highest order. And so, just as Mehera is Baba's Beloved, she is also His "child" in the spiritual sense. The absolutely clear mirror of Mehera's immaculate heart, which Baba took great pains to keep unclouded by the dust of the world, reflects Baba's image, the image of the Divine Beloved, as none other can.” *
In Meher Baba’s love and service,
Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff.
*Mehera, by Mehera J. Irani, p. VII-VIII.