The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

December 6, 2024

Meher Center Archive Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings from the Center! After wrapping up Thanksgiving, the Center staff and volunteers are gearing up for the Christmas and New Year season on Center. We look forward to having many pilgrims here at Baba's home to celebrate the holidays. A detailed program of events for the holiday period will go out in the coming weeks.

Baba said, "As you all become more intimate with Me, with opportunities to come closer to Me, all that is good and all that is bad within you comes out in sparks, as it were...all the impressions of the past, the accumulations of past 'sanskaras'— of all illusory things, which include both good and bad, come out.... My proximity, the intimacy with Me just change that mass of 'sanskaras' and sometimes you find sparks of good and bad flying out. 

"When you become one with God, the Bliss that you experience is eternal and infinite. There is no break in that Bliss, it is continual. Life in eternity knows no bondage, decay or sorrow." 

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff

*Meher Baba Calling, p. 28.

A Conversation with the Meher Center Board

On November 24th, the Meher Center Board held a virtual gathering open to all members of the community. Board members presented current news about the Center, as well as an update on its finances and operations. Community members then had the opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts in breakout rooms.

Video, 43:52

On Zoom, November 24th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"It's the most beautiful film of Baba"

In this very short audio, Don Stevens shares a story about filming Baba with his old fashioned camera in 1962. Baba had not played the drums since the 1930s and He allowed Don to film Him playing the drums. Don was elated! There was only one catch, Baba decided the place He would be filmed and Don knew right away that things would go as he planned.

Audio; 6:53

Meherazad, India, July 21, 1985

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

For the transcript, click here

You can find all previous newsletters and searchable video and audio offerings on our website.




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