Meher Baba’s birthday play will take place at the Center on February 24th and 25th. Additional information will be sent out this coming week about how to reserve a space.
The 2024 Spring Cleaning Sahavas will be held from March 14th-17th. Please contact the Gateway for additional information.
Robert Een will be Meher Center’s "Artist In Residence" during the week of April 15th to the 21st. Additional information will be forthcoming.
In Meher Baba’s Love and service,
Buz Connor,
For Meher Center board and staff
"Wherever you are, there I am"
In this beautiful interview conducted by Irwin Luck at Meher Center in 1971, devoted mandali members Kitty Davy and Adi K. Irani share stories of their lives with Baba. Kitty talks about her first year with Baba in 1931 and her journey to accept the separation that Baba had planned for her for His work. Adi recounts the events of Baba's final day in His physical form. Throughout, their love and faith in Baba shine through every word.
Video; 13:34
Meher Center, 1971
Courtesy of The Avatar Meher Baba Center Southern California -US -ArchivesThe Avatar Meher Baba Center Southern California -US - Archives
"Baba's miracle of His love"
In this brief, exquisite remembrance, Baba’s beloved Mehera talks about Baba’s beauty, His suffering, and His love.