The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

February 17, 2023

Shaw Photo Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,


A loving Jai Baba to all. We are looking forward to next week when our worldwide Baba family will get to celebrate Baba’s birth. If you are able to join us in Myrtle Beach, the following events will be taking place on Center over the weekend.


Friday, Feb. 24


8:15 p.m.: Three short plays, written and directed by Joe DiSabatino, at the Meeting Place (don’t forget to reserve your attendance! See details below)

Saturday, Feb. 25


5 a.m. (sharp!): Prayers, Arti and music at the Barn (the Center's front gate will open at 4:30 a.m. Don’t forget to dress warmly if it is chilly!)


9 a.m. - 5 p.m.: Extended visiting hours


9-11 a.m.: Meher Abode (Compound open 9 a.m.-5 p.m.)


3:30-4:30 p.m.: Chai and birthday cupcakes outside the Original Kitchen


8:15 p.m.: Three short plays, written and directed by Joe DiSabatino, at the Meeting Place (don’t forget to reserve your attendance! See details below)


Sunday, Feb. 26


9:30-11 a.m.: Prayers & Arti at the Barn


11 a.m.-1 p.m.: Meher Abode (Compound open 11 a.m.-5 p.m.)


8 p.m.: Celebrating the Divine: An informal get-together for sharing poetry, readings, music and stories at the Library Reading Room


Whether you are near or far, we hope that Baba’s birthday is full of sweet remembrance of our Beloved.


In Baba’s love and service, 


Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff


*RESERVE YOUR ATTENDANCE FOR THE PLAY: If you live or are staying nearby and plan to come to one of the weekend evening play performances, please call Jane Mossman right away at 843-222-0858 to make a reservation for the play. If you are staying on Center, the Gateway will ask you which night you would like to attend. 

Lovers' Offerings

Family Letter #57

Read by Leslie Griffin


These are readings of a collection of letters written by Mani, Meher Baba’s sister, to the Western family of Baba lovers between 1956 and 1969.

"The chance to obey My order"

Mehernath Kalchuri is the son of Bhau Kalchuri, Meher Baba's beloved watchman and author of Lord Meher. In this video, Mehernath shares countless stories demonstrating Baba's love for His devotees and the lessons He taught them. For example, Baba once asked His Mandali member Vishnu to bring Him His alphabet board, and when Vishnu started walking uphill barefoot, Baba gave him His slippers. Vishnu said, “Baba, I will obey whatever you say, but those are God's slippers, I can never wear them.” Baba teaches him the importance of truly obeying God's word, and not just going along with cultural customs. This is just one short story from a treasure trove of Baba memories that truly makes you feel like you are right in the room, sitting and listening to Mehernath. 

Video, 1:22:52

Meher Center Meeting Place, June 15, 2013

From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives

"Trying my very best"

During a chat in Mandali Hall, Katie describes how she started cooking for Baba during the Blue Bus tours. She had “never been in the kitchen in [her] life” when Baba called her to Him along with Eruch’s sister Manu and asked them to cook for all 35 of the women on the journey. Despite their apprehension, both said yes. Katie would find joy in the kitchen for the rest of her life.  

Audio, 5:34

Mandali Hall, Meherazad, India, November 30, 1999

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks