The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

March 1, 2024

Meher Center Archive Photo Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings from Meher Spiritual Center. We had a lively celebration of Baba’s Birthday at the Center this past week and are happy to be sharing in this week’s offering a video of the play that was performed over two evenings.  

The Youth Sahavas application for participants was sent out this week. Please click here for the registration form or call the Gateway for additional information.

Meher Baba said:

“Those who despair for mankind, and particularly in time of war, should know that real possibilities for the new humanity exist, and they will come into being through a release of love in measureless abundance. This release of love can come through spiritual awakening brought about by the masters. 

“Love can never be born of mere determination; through the exercise of will one can be dutiful at best. Through struggle and persistence, it is possible to mold external action to conform to one's concept of right, but such results are spiritually barren because they lack the inner warmth of real love. Love and coercion can never sit side by side holding hands. 

“Love springs spontaneously from within, but although love can never be forced from or upon another, it can be awakened through love itself. Essentially, love is self-communicative: Those who do not have it catch it from those who have it, for one cannot absorb love without making a response. Regardless of the barnacles which may cover the surface, the response is stamped by the nature of love. 

“The secret of true love is that it is unconquerable and irresistible. Even the one who resists its approach is lost as he springs to plug the hole through which it is flowing past the walls of his heart. It races behind him, and he turns only in time to find himself surrounded and born aloft on its irresistible might. 

“True love gathers power and spreads itself until it transforms everyone it touches. Humanity will attain to a new mode of life through the unhampered interplay of pure love, as it spreads from heart to heart.”*

In Meher Baba’s Love and service,

Buz Connor,

For Meher Center board and staff

*Listen Humanity, edited by Don Stevens, p. 138.

Two Characters in Search of their Author

A play for Baba's birthday

A birthday play for Baba is starting at the Center, the audience are seated and the cast is excited. Introductions are made and the first act has just begun. Suddenly, two strangers appear right in the middle of the stage. Who are they? Are they lost? Have they been to the Center before? Have they had a tour? "No," they reply. They claim to be fictional characters come to life, impassioned to find their author. Thus unfolds their story and their destiny in this creative and entertaining production.

Video; 50:33

Meher Center Meeting Place, February 24th and 25th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"It should come spontaneously from the mouth of the guru"

Hazrat Babajan was a Perfect Master whom Meher Baba referred to as "The Emperor." With one kiss between the eyes in 1914, she brought about young Meherwan Irani's realization of His Infinite Self. In this recording, one of Meher Baba's long-time mandali members, Padri, shares stories of Baba and Babajan from the 1920's.

Audio, 6:41

Meherabad, India, Date unknown

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

For full talk, click here and go to NC-002F

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