The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

March 22, 2024

Meher Nazar Photo Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

A loving Jai Baba to you. Please join us for a virtual conversation with Meher Center’s Board this Sunday, March 24th, at 4 p.m. 

This online gathering will be a chance to see one another face-to-face, hear updates on current Center programs and operations, and ask questions or voice your opinions in breakout rooms with one of the board members. 

We look forward to meeting with you and sharing together about His home. Please click here to access the meeting. 

This past week the Center held its second Spring Cleaning Sahavas, and it was a smashing success. Over 50 participants joined together to serve the Beloved at His home in the West. While a great deal of work was accomplished, many participants felt, most importantly, that our being together was a time of receiving and participating in the joy of His love. Many thanks to all who pitched in.

Next week will be Easter week, and the Center has several things planned including special presentations by Peter Nordeen about the history of Meherabad, an Easter sunrise program and special activities for children including music, crafts, storytelling, an egg hunt, and also a children's tour of Meher Abode!

In Baba’s Love and service,

Buz Connor,

For Meher Center board and staff

Participants at the Spring Cleaning Sahavas

Following Meher Baba Panel Discussion

During the Spring Cleaning Sahavas last week, Susan MacDonald moderated a panel discussion with two Center staff members about "following Meher Baba." John Collins and Bryan West share how they follow Baba in their lives, discussing the integration of their work on Center and their personal relationships with Baba. Infused with good humor and camaraderie, their love for Baba and the Center comes through in their unique responses.

Video; 24:36

Meeting Place at Meher Center, March 15th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"Love consumes you until you are no more"

In this talk given in Mandali Hall, Eruch addresses the ever-present question of, "how do we love God?" Utilizing a series of examples given by Baba when answering that very question, Eruch illustrates the difference between human and divine love, stressing that constant remembrance of the Avatar is the first step toward loving Him.

Audio, 26:30

Meherazad, India, August 1980

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

You can find all previous newsletters and searchable video and audio offerings on our website.

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