The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

March 8, 2024

Darwin Shaw Photo Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings from Baba's home in the West. Spring has arrived at the Center; Azalea buds are starting to bloom and the lake is sparkling in renewed sunlight. The Center is quite full and busy at the moment, as it usually is in the spring months.

This weekend we are hosting an annual gathering for our dedicated Evening and Overnight volunteers. The weekend after, we will be hosting the Spring Cleaning Sahavas from March 14th to 17th. For more information, click here.

Meher Baba said, "Selfless service and love are twin divine qualities. Only the one who loves can serve. Serve your Beloved God-Man and you are serving your own self in every other self.

"The service He extracts is for your own spiritual benefit; but this service must be spontaneous, willing, wholehearted, unconditional and not expecting any reward. This service is an ordeal that tries body, mind and spirit; or else wherein would the perfection of serving if it were to be easy and at one's convenience?

"The body suffers, mind is tormented, but the spirit of the selfless server of the Master experiences the bliss of satisfaction." *

In Baba’s Love and service,

Buz Connor,

For Meher Center board and staff

* Treasures from the Meher Baba Journals, ed. Jane Haynes, pp.49-50

Meher Baba Of Ahmednagar: His Life in Historical Perspective

Part 1

In the first session of the Center's new Virtual Program series, Jamie Newell introduces this ten part series. This biographical series will build upon the story of Baba's life within the history of religions, the time period during which Baba lived and the world at large. In this talk, Jamie also analyzes Baba's Persian heritage vis-à-vis the influence of the great poet, Hafiz in Baba's life, teachings and ministry. The session ends with questions from the audience.

Video; 1:23:58

On Zoom at Dilruba, Meher Center, February 18th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"The Avatar Himself is the shortcut"

Darwin Shaw was a devoted disciple of Meher Baba, who had the good fortune to meet the Avatar for the first time in 1934. Darwin went on to become instrumental in the development of Meher Center. In this recording, Darwin shares an overview of the spiritual path laid out by Meher Baba, ending with a poignant message given by Baba at Longchamps restaurant in New York City in 1956.

Audio, 5:53

El Cerrito, CA, July 7, 1976

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

For full talk, click here and go to NC-027

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