The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

April 19, 2024

ECPPA Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

We hope this offering finds you well in Beloved Baba's love.

In 1954, on Baba’s tour of Andhra, a public program was held in

the Town Hall in a place called Machilipatnum. Hundreds of people attended, and Baba enjoyed the bagpipe music very much. After the usual formalities, Baba had His message, "Self Lost is Freedom Gained" read out in English and Telegu. The full text is given below:

When lust, greed, anger, jealousy, hatred, backbiting and selfish

desires are totally absent, God manifests His Presence. However, these "evils" are the outcome of impressions [sanskaras] of past lives and must necessarily be expressed. Getting rid of them is ordinarily impossible; it is like a rock trying to lift itself.

Nevertheless, past impressions must be expressed to be gotten rid of, but at the same time that these past impressions are being expressed and spent, new ones are forged because of the assertion of the lower self. If one is to be free of the endless chain of impressions, past and present, this assertive lower self must be abolished…

To follow the path of true karma, dhyan or bhakti-yoga is the best remedy for the uprooting of this heritage of “evils” derived from past impressions, expressed by constant actions and sustained by the continual formation of new ones.

In karma-yoga, one tries to lose one’s self in selfless service for others; in dhyan-yoga one tries to lose one’s self in contemplation and meditation. In bhakti-yoga, one tries to lose one’s self in devotion to God. Even in these yogas, it is only at their very ultimate that the lower assertive self is lost [in God- consciousness].

The easiest and safest way to lose one’s self is by completely surrendering to the Perfect Master. Then the past, present and future impressions of the one who has surrendered are drowned in the Master, [Perfect Master’s Divinity] and one is no longer either bound by or responsible for any of one’s actions whether good or bad, expressed during one’s [life of] implicit obedience to the Master.

Thus, complete surrender to the Perfect Master is, in itself, Freedom.*

In Baba’s Love and service,

Buz Connor,

For Meher Center board and staff

*Glimpses of the God-Man, By Bal Natu, Vol V, Part 1, p. 123

"A powerful, powerful love"

George Eaton is the son of Frank Eaton, who was one of the original caretakers of the Center beginning in 1943. In this talk, George reminisces with great humor and charisma about the lives of his mother and father, his own childhood growing up in Myrtle Beach, and the ever-present hand of Baba that guided each of their lives.

Video; 1:06:42

Meeting Place at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, November 24th, 2016

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"Search your heart for an answer"

In this short but powerful recording, at Eruch's request, Devana Brown reads Baba's message to a priest who comes to Baba asking for a vision of Christ. This lovely message penetrates all our hearts to create more yearning and love for God.

Audio, 4:24

Mandali Hall, Meherazad, August 6th, 1989

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

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