The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

May 10, 2024

ECPPA Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

At one point in 1954 when Baba was in Andhra, India, He talked about the tricks of the ego:

“There is a world of difference between modesty and humility. Modesty is weakness, but humility is strength. The moment you say, "It is not my ego," or "in all humility I say," that very expression is egotistical. No sooner is humility given expression in words, than it is no longer humility. The life of humility is to be lived spontaneously and it should not give rise to any thoughts either about humility or modesty. . . . 

“To try to be humble is humbug. You must be so natural that your life becomes humility personified, which is then all strength and free from any weaknesses. .

“Be natural. Whatever you are, express it unmindful of the reactions of others. If you are dishonest, don't try to hide yourself behind the curtain of honesty. That, however, does not mean that you should be dishonest. What I want to say is that you should be most natural rather than be the least bit hypocritical.” *

In Baba’s love and service,

Buz Connor,

For Meher Center board and staff

*Glimpses of the God-Man, By Bal Natu, Vol V, Part 2, p. 168

"His eyes were like the ocean"

In this delightful talk, Shireen Irani Bonner, Meher Baba's niece, shares her wonderful stories of meeting Baba as a child. We see how free and happy she was allowed to be around Baba. She asked Him questions, played with Him, wrote Him letters and took liberties only a child would. Through the lens of her innocence, Baba comes through as an extraordinary uncle and the Divine Beloved.

Video; 1:38:41

Meeting Place at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, April 26th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"He was the answer for everything I didn't know I'd been searching for"

Rano Gayley first met Baba in 1933, and spent the rest of her life in His service as a member of His mandali. In this special recording from Meher Center in 1970, Rano speaks to a group for the first time about her life with Baba. She begins her talk by sharing about her initial meeting with Meher Baba, a moment that changed the course of her life forever. To listen to the full talk, click the link below.

Audio, 13:23

Meher Spiritual Center, Myrtle Beach, July 11th, 1970

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

Full talk: Click here, and find NC-072

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