Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,
As many of you know, today is the anniversary of the severe automobile accident involving Meher Baba and some of His close companions which took place in Prague, Oklahoma on May 24th,1952. They were traveling from Myrtle Beach, SC across America to California.
This accident took place during a phase of Meher Baba’s work He called the Fiery Free Life.
"In the first part of the Free Life, culminating on July 10th, 1952, bindings dominated freedom. It was in this first part that the personal disaster, for some years foretold by me, took place in the form of an automobile accident while crossing the American continent, causing me, through facial injuries, a broken leg and a broken arm, much mental and physical suffering. It was necessary that it should happen in America. God willed it so."*
In expaining the suffering of the Avatar He said:
“The Avatar has to incur upon himself the infinite burden of "worries" of the entire suffering world, while working in the world for the spiritual upliftment of humanity. This suffering of people, steeped in the darkness of ignorance, becomes the Avatar's suffering. This is his crucifixion. The Avatar is crucified every moment of his life on earth.”**
In Baba’s love and service,
Buz Connor,
For Meher Center board and staff
*Lord Meher, by Bhau Kalchuri, Online version, p. 3191.
**Lord Meher, by Bhau Kalchuri, Online version, p. 2020.