The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

June 14, 2024

Meher Nazar Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings from Meher Center!

In 1937 Meher Baba gave an interesting discourse to the westerners about thinking about Him in whatever they did. Turning to Margaret Crake, He said, "If you dance for me, you do as much good as one who meditates on me. Some like work, some like play. But when you do it for me, then it is the same. This is Vedanta and Christian philosophy in a nutshell; so very easy and yet so very difficult!

"Think of me in everything you do. Eat, dance, but forget yourself in the action and think of me instead. This is union through action. The less you think of yourself and the more you think of Baba, the sooner the ego goes and Baba remains. When you — ego — go entirely, I am one with you. So bit by bit, you have to go. Today your nose, tomorrow your ears, then your eyes, your hands, everything.

"Think of me when you eat, sleep, see and hear. Enjoy everything, but think it is all Baba. Baba enjoys it. Baba is eating it. Sleep soundly in Baba, and when you wake up remember it is Baba getting up. Keep this one thought constantly with you. If you do wrong, then think it is Baba doing wrong. If you get a pain, think it is Baba getting a pain. Then it will be all the time Baba ... Try to forget yourself and do all for Baba. Let it be Baba all the time!"*

In Baba’s love and service,

Buz Connor,

For Meher Center board and staff

*Lord Meher, Online Edition, by Bhau Kalchuri, pp. 1813-1814

Meher Baba Begins His Work at Meherabad 1924

A talk by Peter Nordeen

In this incredibly educational talk, Peter Nordeen walks us through the formation and earliest days of Meherabad, with a specific focus on the year 1924. Interwoven with beautiful photographs, he spares no details in painting us a picture of what life was like for the early mandali who had promised their lives over to Meher Baba.

Video, 1:21:35

The Meeting Place at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, March 29th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

Discipline and Love

In this powerful audio, Adi K. Irani speaks about discipleship and love with Meher Baba. Through a small incident, Adi was taught by Baba to follow orders

and obey Him despite the fact that Baba was so free and natural with His disciples. He then talks about a period when Baba trained them meticulously to be disciplined and truthful in following Him wholeheartedly.

Audio; 11:05

USA, May, 1980

Courtesy of

For full transcript, click here

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