The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

August 16, 2024

Meher Nazar Publications

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings from Meher Center! We wanted to share that Meher Center will be hosting the Annual Young Adult Sahavas this year from Friday, November 8th to Monday, November 11th. This event is open to all young adults between the ages of 19 and 40. More details will follow in the coming weeks!

This week we are remembering Baba's sister and great disciple, Mani Irani. She passed away on August 19th, 1996 after being with Baba for sixty four years as one of His close mandali. Ever since Mani could remember, her only desire was to be with Baba. When she was seven years old, her mother Shireenmai wrote to Baba in a letter, "Mani remembers you night and day." And Mani wished for those lines to be her epitaph.

On the other hand, her brother, Merwan had chosen her to play a great role in His advent, long before her birth. "On 15 December 1918, when Merwan was 24 years old, a sister named Manija was born in Sassoon Hospital. Merwan was the first to see the baby as soon as she was born; he picked her up and kissed her — even before the nurses could give her a bath. While Memo was in the hospital, Merwan would often cycle there, bringing food for his mother. When Memo returned home with Mani, he would come to the house to see his baby sister. He would often sit rocking her cradle, singing to her. 'Mani is extremely fortunate,' he remarked. 'She is mine.'" *

In His love and service,

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff

*Lord Meher, Online Edition, by Bhau Kalchuri, p. 203

Mani sings for Baba

Nothing like Mani's spontaneous musical outpour for her Beloved God Brother to feel her joyous love. Enjoy this short but powerful song to the tune of the folk song, "You are my sunshine."

Video; 03:39

India, 1970s

Courtesy of Michael Le Page

Karma and Sanskaras

A Presentation by Daniel Stone

In this well researched presentation, Daniel Stone explores Baba's powerful words on one of His fundamental concepts of Karma and Sanskaras. Daniel explains Karma which functions through sanskaras - their formation and function. He dives deeply into the process of the unwinding of sansakars and the Master's role in the soul's ultimate realization of God.

Video; 01:10:45

The Meeting Place at Meher Center, June 14th, 2024

Meher Center Archives

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