The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

August 2, 2024

ECPPA Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings from the Center! The Center reopened to overnight guests yesterday after a break for the Youth Sahavas. As we look ahead to returning pilgrims, we want to share that the Gateway is working on the holiday drawing process for this year. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks if you are planning to be here over Christmas and New Year holidays.

At the 1955 Sahavas, Baba made the group sit in two rows, with Himself in the middle. Baba then explained:

There are three types of seekers. The first type says that God is within him and he has to see God within. 'I must see Him at any cost and so I'll continue my efforts.' In his efforts, he must face innumerable hardships and difficulties. But this type of seeker has not that amount of courage and daring which the second type displays. It takes him ages and ages to reach his goal, and the way is full of suffering and obstacles.

The second type says God is within him. He has no need of a Master. At any cost, he must seek and search for Him. He has the daring to take a headlong plunge and get himself drowned.

The third type believes that God is within him and he also has the daring. What is daring? The daring is that he is prepared to blindfoldedly obey the Master. He has so much daring that he has no thought for himself.

Walking between the two groups seated in the hall on opposite sides, Baba continued:

Take this as a very narrow canal in which there is surging, boiling water flowing. The seeker has to cross from one side to another. The first type has no courage. He walks the whole long, long distance of his bank and keeps on moving. After ages, when he reaches the opposite bank he finds that from his side to the side he has reached, there is practically no distance to cover, except the surging, boiling water of the narrow canal.

This is literally true.

The second type is not the type to take pains to go all the long distance done by the first. He takes a headlong plunge into the troubled waters and completely dissolves himself.

The third type has great courage. He also knows how to swim. The Master from the opposite bank stretches out his hand, asking him to take it so that he can drag him to his side. Because of the courage and confidence he has in the Master, he blindfoldedly accepts the Master's help and crosses over. *

In His love and service,

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff

*Lord Meher, Online Edition, by Bhau Kalchuri, p. 3884

"A small order is as important as a big order"

Dilmeher Bhola is the daughter of Dr. Hoshang Bharucha who was a very close disciple of Meher Baba. During her recent trip to the Center, Dilmeher shared the stories of her father's coming to Baba, incidents and lessons from his intimate time with Baba, and her own recollections and reflections of growing up in Baba's fold.

Video, 1;05:59

Meeting Place at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, June 1st, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

The Story of Khidr

Sam Kerawala was a Master storyteller, loved and remembered by many for telling wise stories in Meherazad and Meherabad. Sam was Eruch's cousin and here Eruch asks him to tell a short story. In this very short story, he packs the punch about God's gifts and our gratitude to the Master.

Audio; 03:27

Meherazad, July 16th, 1992

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

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