The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

August 23, 2024

ECPPA Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

A hearty Jai Baba from the Center!

In his book, Glimpse of the God-Man, Bal Natu shares a beautiful message that is very inspiring but also shows Baba's ways of combining profound discourses and revelations in the midst of mundane life.

Bal writes, "The second day of the darshan at Madras was, and still is, precious to me. It was breakfast time on Friday, April 4, and the mandali were going down the stairs. I saw Baba standing in the doorway, looking at us lovingly as we passed by. When I was about to start down, Adi Sr. called me. I entered Baba's room and found Him sitting in a chair. Without any introduction He gestured: 'You will have liberation (Mukti).'

"This spontaneous assurance lifted me to a new dimension. A feeling of timelessness crept over me, perhaps for a few seconds. I was brought to my senses when Adi Sr. continued to convey Baba's 'say':

"'But let your love flow on ceaselessly, like a stream down the mountain on its way to the Ocean. Obstructions there will be, of pleasures, of pains. Pass by these as passing phases. There will be flowers and thorns by the bank and in the flow. Do not get attached; do not get affected. Go on and on and let the stream become a river. Doubts may assail you, self- complacency may lure you, but with love in the heart, roll on, flow on to me — the Ocean. Worry not, fear not. I am the Ocean of Love. Now go and have tea.'

"The instruction about tea made me aware of the room I was in. It is difficult to say what I felt at that moment. It is something beyond me and I cannot put it in black and white. The words, if expressed, might turn into barriers. It is too sacred to talk about. Perhaps everyone who came into Meher Baba's contact had such sublime moments. I wonder whether I had tea or nectar that day!" *

In His love and service,

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff

*Glimpses of the God-Man, by Bal Natu, Vol 1, Part 1, pp.212- 213

Meher Baba of Ahmednagar: His Life in Historical Perspective

Part 5

In part five of this series about Meher Baba's life in historical perspective, Jamie Newell explores the next phase of Baba's work from the years 1931 to 1939. Merwan, the boy who was awakened by the Perfect Masters, is now Meher Baba. In this period, one sees His journey from being a fakir to the toast of Hollywood. Jamie goes through all of Baba's trips to the West in the 1930s and their salient features, including the start of His association with western devotees who would become very close to Him for rest of their lives.

Video, 1:10:08

On Zoom, July 20th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"His Fragrance is at His tomb"

In this short audio, Eruch Jessawala is asked about the importance of Baba's tomb. In his ever eloquent style, Eruch weaves beautiful words on a string of love to display the power of the places where Baba spent most of His time. He shares the meaning of His fragrance, and why we need to come back to renew our association with His presence and physical form. He also mentions Meher Center as such a place.

Audio; 13:42

Meherazad, India, August, 1980

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

You can find all previous newsletters and searchable video and audio offerings on our website.




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