The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

August 9, 2024

ECPPA Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings from Meher Center. The Center was closed to the nearby community for two days last week during the peak of Tropical Storm Debby. Overnight guests stayed on despite the heavy rain and strong winds. By Baba's grace, the Center is fine and no major damage has occurred. We are reopening for the nearby community today and all programs will be resuming as usual.

Baba said, "Why should you not be happy? What need bind you to unhappiness? Binding is self-created. It can be overcome if you really want to become free. You are your own obstacle to freedom, and merely wishing for freedom is not enough. It is not what you think or say that matters, but what you sincerely feel within. If you want God, you must want God alone. It is possible to get God if you want to experience Truth. And what is the cost? Your own separate existence. When you surrender all falseness, you inherit the Truth that you really are. I want you all to be happy. I say to you remain happy under every illusory circumstance. I am not happy when you don't love Me.

If you have the Peace of a frozen lake, you will realize Me."*

In His love and service,

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff

*Meher Baba Calling, p.3

Robert Een Concert, Chorus and Play

Here is the much awaited recording of the final night of Bob Een's residency on Center. An artistic extravaganza, this evening compromises of solo performances, a chorus performance and scenes from The Escape Artist, a play by Karin Levitas.

Video, 1:08:59

Meeting Place at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, April 20th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"He was an old, old friend"

In this short and sweet excerpt, Leatrice Johnson and Rene Shaw, daughters of Darwin Shaw, share memories from their first meeting with Baba in 1952 at the Lagoon Cabin as children. The simple and heartfelt recollections bring Baba alive in His love and grace that in turn made them love Him more and more.

Video; 09:36

Los Angeles USA, 1989

Courtesy of MeherBabaLibrary

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