The Heart of Every Lover:

Weekly Offerings

September 13, 2024

Meher Center Archive Collection

"My center is the heart of every lover. 

Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 

At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

Greetings from Baba's home in the West! The Gateway is getting ready for the Holiday Drawing on Saturday, September 21st. If you would like to come to the Center over the holidays, and have not sent in your reservation form, please click here. Please remember that we should receive this form by Friday, September 20th in order to be included in the drawing. We look forward to seeing all who come to celebrate the holiday season here at the Center.

On April 26th, 1960, Baba was discoursing about the Path when he remarked: "The fun of it is that the One who is sought is Himself the seeker. It is the same One God who prompts the seeker to ask, 'Where can I find God?' ... 'How can I find God?'

"The seeker asking 'Where can I find God?' is really God saying, 'Where indeed is the seeker?'

"A young devotee asked Baba this earnest question one day: 'Will I realize the Truth in this incarnation?'

"Baba replied, 'Why be so eager, so impatient? How will you profit by my reply? If I were to say that you will realize the Truth in this very life, will you gain anything more than merely hearing these encouraging words? And if I were to say, 'No [not this lifetime]' and that you need many more births to realize the Truth, you will feel nervous and dejected.'

"The young man answered, 'Nothing will affect me in either case.'

"'Then forget your question altogether! This much is certain, that the Truth is infinitely more anxious to reveal Itself through you — and through everyone — than your seeking It with utmost efforts.'

"'Even wanting Truth is an unwanted want, and Truth is far beyond wanting. You cannot demand Truth; it dawns unawares. The way lies through successive unconditional surrenders to the Perfect Master.'

"Baba continued, 'Again, remember the Path is slippery. Guard yourself against posing. It is the worst thing. Let the lamp of honesty ever burn within you. Be sincere in your seeking. My nazar is on you. Don't worry."' *

In His love and service,

Buz Connor

For Meher Center board and staff

*Lord Meher, Online Edition, by Bhau Kalchuri, p.4666

Meher Baba of Ahmednagar: His Life in Historical Perspective

Part 6

In part six of this series about Meher Baba's life in historical perspective, Jamie Newell explores the next phase of Baba's work from the years 1939 to 1949. This phase focuses on the World War and Baba's unique work with Masts. Here, Baba differentiates between madness and God-intoxication and starts His work at the Rahuri ashram before setting out all over India to work with the God-intoxicated souls whom He loved so much. Baba said that He worked for the entire humanity through them.

Video, 1:09:34

On Zoom, August 18th, 2024

Meher Spiritual Center Archives

"The Avatar is the Joker"

In this audio, Bal Natu talks about playing cards with Meher Baba. On several occasions, he played the game La Risque that Baba loved so much. While it is entertaining to hear about Baba playing cards, everything that the Avatar does has a deeper meaning. Bal shares Baba's explanations of the spiritual path through the deck of cards and how each card represents the characters on the path.

Audio; 05:14

Meherazad, India, August 24th, 1980

Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

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