The Heart of Every Lover:
Weekly Offerings

September 16, 2022
Meher Nazar Publications collection
"My center is the heart of every lover. 
Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."
Meher Baba 
At Meher Center, 1956
Dear Meher Center Family,

Greetings in Meher Baba’s love to you and your family. 

It is with a sense of sadness that we are writing to inform the Meher Baba community that Phyllis Ott, long time resident of Meher Center, passed away on September 5, 2022, at the age of 96. With Meher Baba’s permission, Phyllis and her husband Lyn, together with their children, moved onto Meher Center property in 1966.  

Phyllis had the great fortune of meeting Meher Baba in 1964 and again in 1965 in India. She was a gifted and accomplished artist who lovingly painted Baba’s form throughout her life. Most notably, she and her husband Lyn created the glorious murals that adorn the original Pilgrim Center at lower Meherabad, India. 

Over the decades, Phyllis hosted at her home countless pilgrims who have visited Meher Center on retreat. She was a well known and beloved figure in the Meher Baba community, and will be missed by so many. Now, she rests in the arms of her Beloved.

Meher Center will be holding the 2022 Young Adult Sahavas at the retreat from November 10-13. This Sahavas is open to young people between the ages of 18 and 43. Please call the Gateway if you are planning on attending, whether or not you plan on staying on the Center during the sahavas. Click here for more information about this event.

Also, Ward Parks will be presenting a seminar on "Creation and its Causes” at Meher Center on Oct. 21, 22, and 23. 

In Baba’s love and service, 
Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff
Lovers' Offerings
Family Letters #40
Read by Lynne Berry

These are readings of a collection of letters written by Mani, Meher Baba’s sister, to the Western family of Baba lovers between 1956 and 1969.
"Being here in Baba's orbit"
In this video from the early 1970s, Phyllis and Lyn Ott welcome us into their home and studio on Meher Spiritual Center. They show some of their transcendental artwork and talk about the process of creating it. They also speak about the timeless moments they spent in the physical presence of the Master, and His constant and continued role in their lives. 

Video, 46:59
Myrtle Beach, S.C., 1970s
Courtesy of the Irwin Luck Interview Series
"Sometimes He would make Himself so familiar that we forgot in His own presence who He is"
In this nimble talk, Eruch Jessawala recalls tales from his childhood with Meher Baba, who first communicated with slate and chalk then with an alphabet board. Eruch learned to read Baba's rapidly moving fingers. Years later, on October 7, 1954, Meher Baba called the Mandali to Him to tell them He was discarding the board. Eruch relates, "We would speak to Him and He would just remain gazing at us." Now came the arduous task of learning the system of hand gestures that Baba would use for the rest of His days on earth.

Audio, 9:16
Meherazad, India, September 22, 1972
Courtesy of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California