Parish Notices for July 29, 2022
Young Adults Picnic TONIGHT
The Church Cracked Open - 8/3
Welcome Back Extravaganza - 8/7
Backpack Blessing - 8/7
CAT Survey Results - 8/7
Labyrinth - 8/14
Kick-Off Picnic - 8/28
Pilgrimage to Montgomery - 9/11
The Gift of Years
SAVE THE DATE - Kanuga 10/21-23
Epiphany Photo Gallery
Pilgrimage to Nashville
by Piper Boatright
Our visit to Nashville was very fun and educational. We learned a lot there about the experience of being homeless and about Nashville culture. Learning about how the city’s geography impacted unhoused people was really insightful into the city’s attitude towards them.
We went to touristy areas such as the Country Music Hall of Fame and the National Museum of African American Music. However, we also went to volunteer to help people experiencing homelessness in Nashville. The contrast we saw between these two sides of Nashville culture was very interesting and I am glad I got to learn about it.
We not only learned about what causes homelessness, but how we can help here in Atlanta. Overall, it was an amazing experience that I couldn't have had any other way.
During the trip we were impressed by Piper’s reflections about how we might be able to partner with the God who is present among those society has a tendency to overlook. Join us this Sunday, July 31 after the service at extended coffee hour to see pictures and hear more from our youth about their pilgrimage.
Sunday Morning Worship
Masks required during worship
Holy Eucharist - 10:00 a.m. in the nave
- The Healing Station is open in the side chapel.
- Childcare for newborns and children ages 3 and under is available in the nursery. Our vaccinated childcare workers wear KN95 masks.
The Summer Choir is open to adults and youth; we rehearse one anthem on Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. and then sing it during the 10:00 a.m. liturgy (no vestments, no weekday commitment, lots of fun and fellowship). Join us upstairs in the Music Suite. Contact Julie Ryder.
Altar Arrangements and the Sanctuary Light
The Arrangements at the Altar are given to the Glory of God.
The Sanctuary Light is given to the Glory of God and in in thanksgiving for Nancy Thompson, by Lisa Carlson & Johanna Hinman.
The color and selection of flowers is based on the appropriateness of the liturgical season. However, you may request a particular flower or color be used when you signup. Suggested donation is $75.
The light is a visible sign of the presence of the Blessed Sacrament held in reserve in the Tabernacle and burns for seven days. Suggested donation is $6.
We hope you will join us after the service for expanded coffee hour this summer.
Thanks to everyone who has filled the schedule for the rest of the Summer.
This Sunday, Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will provide the yummy treats, and Epiphany youth will present a slide show of their pilgrimage to Nashville and share about their journey!
Children's & Youth Formation Update
Children’s and Youth Formation has been on hiatus for the month of July. We look forward to starting Children's Chapel and Youth Group again beginning on August 14, and we're excited to start formation for all ages on September 11.
Please note: We are still be offering nursery for children three (3) years and under during summer choir practice (9:15 a.m.) and our 10:00 a.m. Worship service.
Morning Prayer takes place every weekday at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. Login at 8:45 a.m. for coffee hour. Contact the parish office for the link.
Tuesday Morning Prayer/Holy Eucharist: The Men’s Breakfast Group meets each Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. for Morning Prayer (Holy Eucharist 1st Tuesdays) followed by a time of fellowship before heading on their way for the day. Contact: John Yntema.
Wednesday Services: Wednesday Noonday Prayer takes place at 12:00 p.m. in the nave. A Healing Service with Eucharist follows at 12:15 p.m.
Young Adults Picnic
Friday, July 29 at 6:30 p.m.
Join Epiphany young adults on Friday for a picnic in the meadow at 6:30 p.m. Bring a snack to share with others! Contact Emily Elder
ERJ Book Group discusses The Church Cracked Open
Wednesday, August 3, 6:45 - 8:30 p.m.
We are grateful and excited that our own Rev. Amy Dills-Moore will lead the discussion of The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline, and the New Hope for Beloved Community, by the Rev. Stephanie Spellers. (6:45-8:00 p.m., Room 201). Contact Kay Lee
Backpack Blessing
Sunday, August 7 during services
Do you have a child returning to school this fall? We invite you to attend the 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday, August 7 for a special Backpack Blessing! We'll pray for your students and their school year, and they'll receive a special Epiphany backpack tag to remind them that they're loved by God and their church community!
We'll also be gathering school supplies for Emmaus House youth attending MLK Middle School and Maynard Jackson High School. The supplies needed are: 3-ring binders; notebook paper; single-, three-, and five-subject notebooks; composition notebooks; regular pencils, colored pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, and Sharpies; dividers and sheet protectors; folders; glue sticks; hand sanitizer and face masks; and index cards. Contact Emily Elder
O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities that they may be lively centers for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom; and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Parish Discussion of CAT Survey Results
Sunday, August 7 after the 10:00 a.m. service
Please join us for an hour after services on August 7 to learn about the survey results from our Congregation Assessment Tool. Diocesan Missioner for Congregational Vitality Sally Ulrey will share the results, help us understand what the data says about our energy, direction, and priorities, and answer any questions.
Children & Families Welcome Back Extravaganza
Sunday, August 7 at 3:30 p.m.
School may be starting, but the fun hasn't stopped! Join us on August 7 at Oakhurst Park Pavilion at 3:30 p.m. for Epiphany's Welcome Back Extravaganza for children and their families! There will be games (including some water games!), King of Pops popsicles, and other treats. No need to RSVP, but we hope to see you there!
The Gift of Years
Thursdays at 10 a.m. beginning August 11 on Zoom
The Living Contemplatively Spirituality Group will begin a new book study in August on The Gift of Years by Joan Chittister. Chittister is a Benedictine Sister and author of over 50 books that reflect her passion for justice, equality and peace, especially for women in both society and the church. She served as co-chair of the UN-sponsored Global Peace Initiative of Women. In this book she explores the gifts and challenges of the last third of life. She writes, "The gift of these years is not merely being alive, it is the gift of becoming more fully alive than ever."
This group will meet Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. beginning August 11 on Zoom. If you would like more information or would like to join the group, contact the Rev. Amy Dills-Moore.
Only One Earth Initiative Eco-Event
Sunday, August 14 from 2:00-5:00 p.m.
Only One Earth Initiative is at the Science Gallery Atlanta at Pratt Pullman Yards – 2:00-5:00 p.m. Join Epiphany and our interfaith and ecumenical collaborators for a family-friendly self-paced interactive eco-event that looks at food, water and waste habits to help us consider what smart eco-choices can improve our environment.
Labyrinth Walk & Contemplative Afternoon
Sunday, August 14 at 4:00 p.m. in the Courtyard
Walking the labyrinth, we seek a sacred path, open to God's guidance, leading us forward. Come gather with us Sunday, August 14 at 4:00 p.m. in the courtyard for a time of reflection, instruction on walking meditation, and gathering with others seeking a more grounded way of being in the world. Led by Bobbi Patterson, Elizabeth Ura and the Rev. Amy Dills-Moore.
Youth & Families Welcome Back Dinner
Sunday, August 14 at 5:00 p.m.
Join us for a potluck dinner at Epiphany at 5:00 p.m., to kick off youth group for the fall semester! We'll provide the main course (falafel), and we invite you to bring a fitting side dish or a dessert. Email Emily Elder and let her know what dish you'll be bringing!
Kick-Off Picnic
Sunday, August 28 after the service
We’re kicking off the fall programming with a picnic after services on August 28. Joel Fowler will be grilling for us and parishioners are invited to bring salads, sides, desserts. Parish Life will provide beverages.
Look for a signup soon.
Pilgrimage to Montgomery
Saturday, September 10 at 7:00 a.m.
Please join us! We have rented a 15-passenger van so we can travel together. We will leave Epiphany at 7:00 a.m. and plan to return by approximately 7:00 p.m.
The cost is $45 which covers the tickets, van rental and gas. Lunch is not included but there are 2 restaurant options nearby. Please register if you want to join us.
8/2—The Grief Pastoral Care Group meets on Zoom 1st Thursdays at noon for a healing and faith-based conversation around grief and loss. Led by parishioners Megan Fraijo-Paul and Nancy Thompson, both trained psychotherapists. Please contact Megan or Nancy before attending for the first time.
8/2—The Book of Forgiving book group meets Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in Room 201 and is led by Ellen Mintzmyer and Susan Ashmore. The book by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter the Rev. Mpho Tutu, is a manual on the art of forgiveness—helping us to realize that we are all capable of healing and transformation.
8/12—The Feeding Ministry cooks at Epiphany and then serves the meal at Gateway Shelter on 2nd Fridays. You can help with one or more of the following activities:
- Wednesday - Food Shopping
- Thursday - Chopping Veggies
- Friday - cooking from 2:00–5:00 p.m., serving from 5:00–7:00 p.m. or helping clean up after the volunteer dinner at 7:00 p.m.
8/22—The Community of Hope's Circle of Care members gather monthly on 4th Mondays from 6:00-8:30 p.m. to pray, learn, and provide each other with mutual support as they reflect on their emotional and spiritual responses to pastoral encounters. If you or a loved one would like to receive a pastoral visit by one of the trained caregivers, please contact Ann Fowler.
8/28—The Epiphany chapter of the Daughters of the King (DOK) will meet this Sunday at 11:15 a.m. in the nave. The DOK are a lay order whose goals are prayer, service and evangelism. Contact Judy Jarady.
The Episcopal Women (ECW) monthly meeting is on hiatus for the summer and will resume meetings in September. Contact Laura Keys.
The Flex & Stretch class—which is the basic SilverSneakers class—meets online on Thursdays and the Chair Yoga program meets on Tuesdays and Fridays. For the link, contact Ellen Mintzmeyer.
Click on the pictures below to see photo albums of recent events.
Feeding Ministry w/Vestry
If you shop on Amazon, consider accessing Amazon through and designating Church of the Epiphany Atlanta as your charitable beneficiary.
70 Amazon customers have made Church of the Epiphany Atlanta as their beneficiary. This quarter our donation was $37.14.
The Education for Ministry (EFM) Zoom group got off to a good start last fall, and will continue again for the 2022-2023 school year. There are 4 states represented in the group—including GA, with Epiphany’s own Sara Cushing—and one group member from Turks & Caicos. Despite the format, the group has bonded well, but would be able to easily welcome new members. All 4 years are invited to join.
EFM is a four-year extension program of the School of Theology of the University of the South. It is partly academic readings, but the heart of EFM is theological reflection, or “TR.“ In a TR, participants discuss issues of faith, what they believe, what they question, how it relates to their everyday lives, and how they keep faith alive. Students sign up one year at a time for this four-year program. The cost of the program is $350 per year. The meetings will be held from early September through May. For further information, contact Esther Harbert.
Required Trainings for Staff & Lay Leadership
Dismantling Racism training is offered by the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing. Currently, the training is only being offered online via Zoom from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In-person trainings have not yet resumed.
Safeguarding Training: Click the link to register for Safeguarding God's Children (SGC) or Safeguarding God's People (SGP) trainings. The link below is for the Zoom trainings. In-person trainings are restarting. Check with the parish office for any available dates if that is your preference.
For members who are bidding our prayers: Zoey Laird • Lisa Daily • Floyd Parker • Lane Burnett • Lisa Gray • Judy Jarady • Stephanie Thompson • Bob Burnett • Ron Hutcheson • Evan Vega • Jane Stutz • Jewel Allen • Sally McClintock • Rod MacLeod • Larry Wilcox • Jennie Richardson • Colleen • Ann Rowles • Sally Brockington
For friends and family: Kathy Black and Michael & Bethany Gaige, relatives of Barbara Beclore • Anne Cavett, daughter-in-law of Wayne & Judy Urban • Jerre McGrath, sister of Jeff McGrath • Sophia Baginski, friend of David Draper • Russell Saxon, nephew of Kathie Ryan • Peggy Bryant, mother of Patrick Bryant • Diana Lawrence, niece of Terri Lawrence • Keren Clay, neighbor of Susan & Richard Messner • Nicky Cullen, friend of Linda Ryder-Wolf • Rosalind sister of Katharine Yntema • Dave Tipton, brother of Pam Tipton • Betty Porter, relative of Christen Erskine • Isabel, granddaughter of Mike & Beth Towers
For members who desire our continuing prayers: Alma Fuller • Tom Mundy • Idamay Shaw • Pat Spivey • June Sparks • Wayne & Judy Urban • Kathy Walmsley
For those who have died: David Schneberger • Karen Hammond, friend of Julie Ryder • Kelli Key, college friend of Shea McNutt• Richard Richmond, nephew of Bill Graves
For those in the armed forces: Henry Laird • Stewart Mundy
For those celebrating anniversaries for the week of 7/31-8/6: Jeanette Hanson & Galo Velasco-Jackson
For those celebrating birthdays for the week of 7/31-8/6: Ivy May • Loren Williams • Garren Lambelet • Susan Montgomery • Theresa Milazzo • Ruth Healy • Lewis Sinclair • Thomas Sinclair • Mary Eleanor Fraijo-Paul • Maia Higgins • Gabby Hill • Sunny Robertson • Seth Walker • Matt Eby
For those awaiting the adoption of a child: Jessica & Duane Burns
For those awaiting the birth of a child: Claire & Cody Chaffins • Megan & Laraine Fraijo-Paul • Kaylie & Evan Gibbs
Did we miss your anniversary or birthday? Send your full date of your anniversary and/or your date of birth to the parish office so that we can update our records.
The weekly parish notices are published Friday mornings at 7 a.m.
The submission deadline is Wednesdays at NOON.