Parish Notices for October 29, 2021
I am excited to update you on what has been happening over the last several months with our Outreach Ministries. As you might remember, the Outreach Committee partnered with the Adult Formation Committee during the Spring of 2021 to host a series of conversations about our stories, callings, and the values we hold as a community. Using a framework from Marshall Ganz, we explored our “Stories of self,” our “Stories of Us” and the “Stories of Now” that work to shape our sense of identity and guide our action in the world.
After these conversations and in the discernment that followed, Outreach Ministries took some initial steps; trying on some new language and thinking with a new model for our work. Joining with the Diocese of Atlanta, we are planning to begin calling our Outreach programming at Epiphany, Community Outreach, and incrementally shifting our orientation in ministry to follow a Community Engagement ministry model. This model not only integrates a place-based analysis, it invites us to lean more deeply into questions that ask what can be done with (this person, community, institution) to influence greater flourishing within our interwoven places of belonging. Sharing many tenets with the practices of Community Organizing, Community Engagement seeks to create strong webs of connectivity and partnership, believing that the people most directly affected by any given need or issue, are ideally involved in discerning appropriate response.
We believe that adopting a Community Engagement model of ministry at Epiphany will allow us to more fully embrace the kinds of collaborative partnership and service we feel we are being called to cultivate in these times. We see this evolution as a natural outgrowth of the work we have done as a parish and as a committee and we look forward to engaging even more Epiphanites around this change in the months to come. Not only will we plan a series of ways to engage with the new terminology and model, we will also plan to visit other small groups and committees at Epiphany to share ideas and talk more about Community Engagement. We hope that making space in these ways for your engagement and input, will also help us build capacity and skills in the very processes we want to exercise in our wider spheres of influence.
In closing, I want to thank all those who were a part of our discernment over the last year (Outreach Ministries, the Vestry, and the ad-hoc Community Engagement Advisory Council). I continue to be honored to walk with all of you as we strive to listen and respond to God’s call. Please reach out with any initial questions you may have about this update or if you or your group would like to put a date on the calendar to talk about Community Engagement together. I'd love to hear from you!
May God continue to awaken us to the Spirit's stirrings,
The Rev. Nicole Lambelet
For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.
– Saint Augustine of Hippo
Grace | Gratitude | Giving
The stewardship campaign for 2021-2022 celebrates all that we love about Epiphany. Our Stewardship theme is Grace | Gratitude | Giving. We hope that it inspires us all to take a moment to consider all that we love about Epiphany.
Our Stewardship campaign is an annual initiative to support our annual operating budget—without which we would not be able to worship, find respite, serve one another and all those in our community we touch through our ministries. This year, our goal is to gain financial commitments for $575K, given through 160 pledges! We can do this! The amount is consistent with our collective pledging history and increases the number of individual pledges goal.
As we journey through this season of Stewardship, we invite you to do three things:
Reflect on all that you love and are grateful for about Epiphany
Share what you love about Epiphany **
Express your gratitude for all that Epiphany means to you through your commitment via a pledge. Pledged amounts enable the development of a budget and which ministries we are in a position to support in the coming year.
Share your stories via video! Please consider creating a short 1-2 minute video sharing what you love about Epiphany! Click here to upload. If you have technical issues, please text Paige Howell (404.579.1308).
Fill out a leaf or two - or more than two saying what you love about Epiphany. Leaves will be added to our Stewardship Tree by the front doors. For those who attend services via Zoom, share what you love about Epiphany in the chat section, and we will write these on leaves for the tree too!
Thank you for all you do for Epiphany, with your grace, presence, and your giving of time, talents, and your treasure. We ask you to join us in re-affirming our commitment to Epiphany by completing a pledge card. We look forward to celebrating God’s Grace, with Gratitude on In-gathering Sunday, November 14, when we will gather as a community to celebrate God’s blessings on our community of faith. You can pledge online today or contact the office for a pledge card if you have not yet received one.
With sincere thanks,
The Stewardship Committee
Ismaili visit to Epiphany
Saturday, October 30
Members of the Ismaili Community will come to visit and tour Epiphany on Saturday morning, 10/30 from 11- 12:30 p.m. If you would like to volunteer to serve as a greeter, tour guide, beverage or food preparer, or just generally serve as a friendly face and dialogue partner please email the Rev. Nicole Lambelet or sign up at the link below.
Adult Formation on Sunday Mornings
Our adult formation offering, Ambivalent Ancestors: Wrestling with our Stories of the Past, led by Linden Abston and the Rev. Nicole Lambelet begins this Sunday (10/31). We will continue exploring how faith, legacy, and the complexity of the human experience are narrated in the stories of our biblical ancestors and in the lives of the saints. We will gather on Zoom for this series, using the Sunday morning login. Please email Rev. Nicole with any questions.
During the months of October and November, Epiphany parishioners are also participating in various small groups:
- Community of Hope on Monday evenings
- “Bookless” small group on Wednesday evenings
- Sacred Ground Dialogue Circles
Altar Arrangements and the Sanctuary Light
The Altar Arrangements and the Sanctuary Light can be given in honor of an anniversary, birthday or in memory of a loved one.
The Arrangements at the Altar for this Sunday are given to the Glory of God and in celebration of All Hallows’ Eve, by Michele & Rod MacLeod, and in memory of Bob & Lucy Yntema, by John Yntema.
The Sanctuary Light for this Sunday is given to the Glory of God.
The color and selection of flowers is based on the appropriateness of the liturgical season. However, you may request a particular flower or color be used on the signup. Suggested donation is $75.
The light is a visible sign of the presence of the Blessed Sacrament held in reserve in the Tabernacle and burns for seven days. Suggested donation is $6.
Sign up by noon on Wednesdays to be listed in the weekly Friday email.
Epiphany Book Group - 1st Mondays
Monday, November 1 at 7:30 p.m.
The Epiphany Book Group meets 1st Mondays at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. All are welcome. Email Linda Ryder-Wolf if you have questions.
November 1: Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe
December 7: The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
The Grief Pastoral Care Group - 1st Thursdays
Thursday, November 4 at noon
The Grief Pastoral Care Group meets on Zoom 1st Thursdays at noon for a healing and faith based conversation around grief and loss. Led by parishioners Megan Fraijo-Paul and Nancy Thompson, both trained psychotherapists. Contacts: Megan or Nancy
Now Showing through November
Epiphany's Art Ministry presents oil paintings by Marjorie Jordan
“I am working to influence our human outlook away from a sense of entitlement, toward a sense of humility, awe and wonder with regard to the natural world.”
View the Exhibit online 24/7. Click any image to open the Gallery View.
View the Exhibit in-person on Sunday mornings in between services and on weekdays at limited hours. Please call ahead to make sure the building is open. Masks and social distancing are required at all times.
- 25% of all sales benefit Epiphany.
- Make checks out directly to the artist. No cash please.
All Saints & All Souls
Sunday, November 7 morning services
Epiphany will observe the Feast of All Saints at the morning services. Names of those who have taken part in a sacrament since last year’s observance will be listed in the bulletin and prayed aloud during the service.
All Souls' Requiem
Sunday, November 7 at 5 p.m.
During these past 20 months, the community of saints has swelled along with the grief that nearly everyone has endured from the deaths of loved ones. Because of the pandemic, many who suffered these losses were unable to celebrate those lives or to mourn at funerals or memorial services with family and friends. Since it has been 2 years since we commemorated all the faithful departed, and since we have been physically separated for much of that time, this year’s liturgy is even more significant as we remember, honor, and pray for all those whom we love but see no longer.
The service is framed by Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem, sung by the Epiphany Choir and accompanied by organ, violin, and harp. The 7 movements of the Requiem are woven into this liturgy that contains the Eucharist and elements from the Pastoral Office of the Burial of the Dead. The texts and music are hopeful and ethereal and many people who have sung or heard this setting of the Requiem have remarked that it’s the music they will hear in heaven.
Names of the faithful departed will be listed in the bulletin. If you would like the name of a loved one included, please fill out the online form by Noon on Wednesday, November 3. Parishioners are invited to bring mementos and pictures of loved ones to place on the Table of Remembrance during the Offertory.
Episcopal Church Women - 2nd Tuesdays
Tuesday, November 9 at 11 a.m.
The Episcopal Women (ECW) meet on 2nd Tuesdays at 11 a.m. in Jones Hall. This month, after the meeting we will adjourn to Melton's App and Tap for lunch on their patio. Contact Laura Keys.
Newcomers' Gathering
Sunday, November 14 at 4 p.m.
Epiphany’s membership committee invites all newcomers and visitors, both individuals and families, to a welcome reception on November 14 from 4 - 5 p.m. in the courtyard. Old-timers welcome too! RSVP is required.
This social gathering will be a time to get to know one another and learn more about our parish, programs, and ministries from clergy and parishioners.
We will follow Epiphany protocols including social distancing and masking. However, the committee will be serving an array of individually packaged desserts and beverages for all to enjoy. And we also hope to provide a taste of our parish life and help familiarize folks with our physical space. We look forward to welcoming you in person on the 14th!
Barnyard Bible Hour
Sunday, November 14 at 6 p.m. in Jones Hall
Come support our youth on November 14, 6 - 7 p.m. for the first production of the 'Barnyard Bible Hour,' an original play written by members of the Epiphany Youth Ministries.
The play focuses on the character of Balaam's Donkey, the second of two talking animals in the Bible. Donkey uses his God-given ability to talk to host a late night show, where he interviews different biblical animals, giving them a chance to share their side of the story.
Youth are using this event to raise money for their 2022 pilgrimage. Please click the RSVP link below to registration for the event. If you are unable to attend the performance, you can still contribute using the second link below.
We use Realm, an online ministry platform for online giving, directory, and event registration.
If you haven’t already, please sign up for an account to manage your personal information, control your giving, register for events, and keep in touch with the people and groups that matter to you.
Calendar Notes
- There will be no Youth Formation this Sunday, October 31
- No In Person Youth Group on October 31
Drama Practice & Writing Sessions
We will have one performance on November 14, and a second performance in January--with proceeds going toward the youth travel fund. Practice and writing sessions will be held each Sunday from 4-5 p.m., with three additional practice times (Nov 6, 10, 13). If your youth is interested in participating as a writer, actor, set designer, costumer, or in another logistical role, please register them below.
Practice Schedule
- October 31, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
- November 6, 1 – 3 p.m.
- November 7, 3 – 4:30 p.m.
- November 10, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
- November 13, 1 - 3 p.m.
- November 14, Performance at 6 p.m.
Halloween Scavenger Hunt
Saturday, October 30 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
On October 30, we will gather with Holy Trinity on the Beltline between Rainbow Bridge and Old Fourth Ward Skate Park for a Halloween themed scavenger hunt.
Youth will gather at the parking lot at 154 Krog St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30307.
Children's Weekly Bulletin
Click the link below for this Sunday's Children's bulletin. Hard copies and crayons are available from the ushers for those attending in person.
The bulletins include word searches, white space for imaginative drawing based on prompts, word scrambles, connect-the-dots, and lots of creative coloring opportunities.
The ECW sponsors a pantry drive for Emmaus House twice a year in March and October for items not covered by the SNAP program..
For the month of October, we are collecting feminine hygiene products. Bins are by the front door. If you prefer we shop for you, you can donate $10 to the church. Please mark Emmaus House in the memo field.
The Feeding Ministry has resumed cooking and serving each month for the Gateway Shelter. Please volunteer to help with one or more of the following activities at
- Wednesday 11/10 - Food Shopping
- Thursday 11/11 - Chopping Veggies
- Friday 11/12 - cooking from 2–5 p.m., serving from 5–7 p.m. or helping clean up after the volunteer dinner at 7 p.m.
Refugee Family Resettlement
Epiphany works with New American Pathways to co-sponsor refugee families, and we will collaborate with St. Catherine’s to support an incoming family this fall. There is a longer than usual delay to be matched with families right now, due to COVID restrictions and quarantine requirements, but it looks like we could be matched by sometime in November. There will be many opportunities to help support these and other new arrivals, from gathering supplies to donating furniture to helping once we are matched with a family. Please let Erin Braden or the Rev. Nicole Lambelet know if you would like to help with the planning team or other efforts.
The Welcome Co-Op was created by NAP and the three other refugee resettlement organizations around Atlanta in order to accept furniture donations and set up apartments for refugee families. Since we are not sure when we will get a family and they will likely already have been settled into an apartment due to COVID health restrictions, we ask that you donate furniture directly to the Welcome Co-Op. Please visit their website to see what items can be accepted. They have an easy online process to arrange for drop off or pick up… at this time they seem unable to pick up because of demand, but hopefully that will change. In the meantime, please also save any household items or small furniture items that may be useful. We will have a spot to bring items to church, so please stay tuned!
HVAC to the Future Campaign
The pledge campaign to replace our broken HVAC system is drawing to a close, however gifts are still being accepted. Click the button below if you would like to contribute to the campaign.
Ways to Give
The easiest way for you to give to Epiphany is through Realm, our secure online community. You can make one-time donations or manage your giving as a recurring transaction in a secure, easy-to-use environment. Contribution statements are always available via your profile.
Realm Login
If you have not yet created a login to our online church ministry tool, Email the parish office and you will be sent an invitation email
Visit to learn about the different was to give to Epiphany. You'll also find links to more information about Realm. Finally, if you have not already made a financial pledge to support Church of the Epiphany this year, there's also a link about how to make a pledge on the Ways to Give page.
Worship online at 9 a.m.
Login to Zoom a few minutes early to greet one another.
Dial: 646.558.8656
Meeting ID: 532 385 901
If you are worshipping on Zoom and would like to schedule a time to receive communion outside at the church, please contact one of the clergy and we would be happy to arrange that.
Worship in the Nave at 11:30 a.m.
Registration and Masks required.
Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Weekdays via Zoom
Login around 8:45 a.m. for Virtual Coffee Hour. The Zoom Link is not public. Email the parish office to receive the login information.
Tuesday Men's Group at 7 a.m.
The Tuesday Men's Group meets each Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. for Morning Prayer (Holy Eucharist 1st Tuesdays) followed by a time of fellowship before heading on their way for the day. Contact: John Yntema.
Wednesday Noonday Prayer & Eucharist
In the nave
Noonday Prayer takes place at 12 p.m. in the side chapel. Healing with Eucharist follows at 12:15 p.m.
Send prayer requests to the parish office.
- Names of our friends and family remain on the list for four weeks.
The Anniversary & Birthday List for the month can be found here.
For members who are bidding our prayers: Jewel Allen • Vicki Bolton • Joy Boydon • Sally Brockington • Alma Fuller • Barbara Holmes • Rod MacLeod • Ellen Mintzmyer • Sally McClintock • Diane Mundy • Neela Ram • Jennie Richardson • Ann Rowles • Amy Shipp • Larry Wilcox
For friends and family: Isabel, granddaughter of Mike & Beth
Towers • Betty Porter, relative of Christen Erskine • Dave Tipton, brother of Pam Tipton • Rosalind, sister of Katharine Hilliard-Yntema • Nicky Cullen, friend of Linda Ryder-Wolf • Paul Hendricks, Epiphany’s sexton • Amy & Deiter, sister and brother-in-law of Anne Warner • Eola Hogg, aunt of Liefy Smith • Brandon Aull, nephew of Cristin Davis • Sandy, friend of Richard & Susan Messner • John West, fried of Honey & Tom Mustard • Louis Ayala, friend of Audrey Banfield & Michele MacLeod • Bunky Echo Hawk, friend of Ellen Mintzmyer
For members who desire our continuing prayers: Ron Hutcheson • Chris Miller • Tom Mundy • June Sparks • Pat Spivey • Kathy Walmsley
For those in the armed forces: Henry Laird
For those of who have died: Roger Park, friend of Paul Hinson • Jack Wagner, father of the Rev. David Wagner
For those celebrating anniversaries for the week of 10/31-11/6: Chris & Erin Braden • Marjorie & Rick Timmer • Anne & Juergen Meyer
For those celebrating birthdays for the week of 10/31-11/6: Paula Edwards • Sarah Woodlief • Anna Hare • Randy Shearin • Elizabeth Roberts • Christine Sterne • Chip Hill • Caroline Burris • Kaylie Gibbs • Lela Haraway • Elowen Williams • Fawn Williams • Kathy Corcoran • Bob Peatman • Zachary Wojcik • Phil Bolton • Colleen Morich • Sara Cushing
Did we miss your anniversary or birthday? Send your full date of your anniversary and/or your date of birth to the parish office so that we can update our records.
The weekly parish notices are published Friday mornings at 7 a.m.
The submission deadline is Wednesdays at NOON.