Anniversary Celebration:

80 Years of Our Parish House

Friday, December 1, 2023

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Join us for a lively party as we celebrate St. John's acquisition of the Green-Meldrim House as our Parish House in December 1943! We are also excited to unveil at this event the two Meldrim chairs that were donated by Andrew Jones!

Tickets are 50$. Please RSVP to the church office by Nov. 27; checks payable to St. John's Church, or easily online at the button linked here.

Buy Tickets/RSVP here

Thanksgiving Day Sung Eucharist at 11 a.m.


Join us on Thursday at 11 a.m. for a Sung Eucharist with the  St. John's Choir.

This service will also be livestreamed online.

The Church Office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 23 and 24th.

A Choir for Boys at St. John’s Church


We are excited to announce the refounding of the St John’s Boys Choir under the direction of parishioner Kristi Bryson (Professional soprano and graduate of the Royal College of Music). St John's Church has a long tradition of musical excellence in Savannah and we aim to bring the boys of our city the joy of choral singing at a high level: singing the best repertoire of the Anglican tradition with the benefit of professional vocal training. The choir welcomes boys from the parish and from the broader community. Interested boys and their families need no other qualifications than an interest in music and a willingness to commit to regular rehearsals. Prospective choristers should be at least 7 years of age. 

The choir will meet once a week to rehearse and will perform once per term at evensong, typically on Sunday evenings. Placement tests will be held the week of November 27. Interested families should write to Kristi Bryson  to schedule an appointment .( ) For more information, click here.

Image: Choir Boy, Belle Silveira, 1930. Pencil Sketch. Smithsonian Institution.

 Coats Needed for Urban Hope

The Outreach Committee reports that Urban Hope needs coats in youth and adult sizes. These may be new or gently used. Donations may be dropped off at Urban Hope, 1601 Barnard St. 31401, or contact Holly McClellan at .

Upcoming Sunday Night Sessions

December 3rd and 17th, 2023

5-7 p.m.

Green-Meldrim House

RSVP/register for Dec. 3 here
RSVP/ register for Dec. 17 here

Christmas Gifts for P.A.C.K. Kids

(by December 11)

St. Johns' Outreach Partner, P.A.C.K, has an urgent need for specific donations to help provide Christmas gifts for hundreds of local children. Most needed items include personal care kits (with shampoo, body wash, etc), board games and gifts for teens (nail polish kits, art kits, basketballs, and footballs). They are still in need of 500-600 personal care kits and every donation is helpful. If you would like to donate, please see the following flyer and registry website. Items can be shipped directly to Melanie Finnegan for collection and transport, or purchased and brought to Cranmer Hall. All gifts will be delivered to P.A.C.K. on Monday, December 11. Thank you!

Ralston College Seasonal Choral Concert

Coelorun Gaudia

Friday, December 8th, 6 p.m.

St. John's Church in Savannah

Please join us for Ralston College’s Seasonal Choral Concert. This year the professional vocal consort will be joined by the Ralston Chorus in a concert of sacred and secular carols and readings. Free admission. To learn more and register, click here.

Image: Detail, Marcellus Coffernans, The Adoration of the Shepherds, c. 1550, Netherlands

Upcoming Worship

Week of Trinity XXIV

Mon.-Wed., Nov. 20th –22nd

8:15 a.m. Morning Prayer, Online


5 p.m. Evening Prayer, Chapel



8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer

with Holy Communion, Chapel

5 p.m. Evening Prayer, Chapel


 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Chapel

12 p.m. Holy Communion, Church

5 p.m. Evening Prayer, Chapel


Thursday: (office closed)

11 am. Sung Eucharist, Church


Friday: (office closed)

5 p.m. Evening Prayer, Chapel 


Sunday,  November 26th

(Sunday Next Before Advent)

8 a.m. Holy Communion, Church

9 a.m. Family Holy Communion, Church

10 a.m. Sunday School

11 a.m. Choral Mattins & Sermon,




The Parish Paper (11/19/2023)

11 a.m. Service Booklet (Trinity 24)

Weekly Psalms & Lessons

(The week of Trinity 24, 2023)

For a list of upcoming services and events, please visit our online calendar.

We are building a community in Christ that is grounded in historic faith and reverent worship, and is committed to sharing the life-transforming truth of the Gospel.

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