Week of November 11, 2024

God, we give thanks to you for our veterans, whose courage and vigilance ensures the freedoms and peace we enjoy today. We thank them for their service to this country and for what they have done to defend and preserve those freedoms. We are grateful to those who have served, whether in peacetime or in conflict—those of past generations and those who continue to earn this title today. May we not forget what our country has asked of them and what they have given in return. We ask that you be gracious to all of those serving now, wherever they are in this world, and to all of the families who have supported and continue to support our many veterans over the years. Help us to give all of these the respect and honor they are due.

We also pray for the peace of our nation and of the world, praying for a time yet to come when ‘veterans’ will no longer be required. Strengthen our resolve to build such a world modeled on your kingdom values, as followers and servants of Jesus Christ. Grant to each of us a reminder of the way life itself can be a struggle and prepare each of us to defend the good, not succumbing to the evil we encounter.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

This Sunday in Worship

9 am in the Chapel

11 am in the Sanctuary and Online

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:2-10

UNEXPECTED: In the Waiting

Thank you to all who have completed a pledge commitment card for 2025 during our recent stewardship series.  These commitments can help us remain committed and accountable to this area of our faith journey and God’s work in the world as well as helping the church plan and budget for the coming year. If you weren’t able to attend over the last few weeks, feel free to stop by the church and fill out a card during office hours or simply call the office and Michael can complete one for you at any time.


Thursday, November 14

6 pm

The Daytrippers will visit the National Infantry Museum in Columbus on Tuesday, November 19. We will leave the Zachry Center at 9 am, tour the museum, and then enjoy lunch at Country's BBQ. Cost is $10 for bus fuel plus the price of your lunch. Call the church office to sign up!

Bring an unwrapped gift for a child of any age by

Sunday, December 1. 

Toys will be collected in the elevator lobby and delivered to

the Christian Service Center in time for Christmas.

Live Nativity Returns!

December 9 and 10, 6-8 pm

On the front lawn

"Celebrate the Coming of the Lord"

with the Chancel Choir

Sunday, December 15, 11:00 am

Sundays at 12:30 pm

Mondays at 12:45 pm

Kingdom Kids (PreK-4th Grade)

Wednesdays at 5:15pm

JC Crew (5-8th Grade)

Wednesdays at 5:15 pm

Sunday Youth Group 6-12th Graders

Sundays at 5 pm

Youth Room

(Upstairs in the Zachry Center)

We need cereal, shampoo, rice, peanut butter, jelly, canned or fresh vegetables, potted meat, Spam or Treet, Vienna Sausage, and small bottles of laundry and dish detergent for the Little Free Pantry. Monetary donations are also appreciated!

Thank you for your generous support of this ministry!

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

~~Eleanor Roosevelt

"Pickles" by Brian Crane

Wednesday, November 13, 6:00 pm

Pork Tenderloin, Roasted Potatoes, Manager's Choice Veggie,

Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert

Complimentary copies of the November-December Upper Room Devotional Guides are available in the elevator lobby - both regular and large print.

If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list,

please contact the church office. 


Sarah Auler, Margaret Bartlett, Bentley Bryant, Sharon Cowart, 

Mary Davison, Will Doughtie, Robert Eason, Elmo Emily, Hamp Ferguson,

Al and Jackie Hammer, Jacob Grubbs, Andy Mabrey, Patty Partain,

Sam and Barbara Payne, Lakin Rayfield, Barbara Ruddick, 

Lisa Ann Soehnel, Tracy Vaughn,

Those Impacted by Storms, World Conflict, Our Country, Unspoken Requests

Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 5 pm

Friday: 8 am - 12 Noon

The office is closed from 12 - 1 pm for lunch.

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