Week of October 28, 2024

This Sunday in Worship

9 am in the Chapel

11 am in the Sanctuary and Online

Scripture: Revelation 21:1-6a

Looking ahead to 2025, our annual pledge campaign has begun with Commitment Cards available to pick up during our worship times. Please take a card with you, pray over your commitment, and return the card to the offering plate over the next two weeks. This helps us as the church to plan and budget for the coming year but can also be helpful in remaining committed and accountable to this area of our faith as well as God’s work in the world. If you can’t attend worship for any reason, there are other options available. Feel free to stop by the church and fill out a card during office hours or simply call the office and Michael can complete one for you.

Trick or Treat Wednesday Night Supper

October 30

Menu: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and all the trimmings

Everyone is invited to dress in their costumes,

and there will be an opportunity for children

to "trick-or-treat" at each of the decorated tables.

Get ready for a fun-filled evening of costumes, candy, and community! Our annual Trunk or Treat event is just around the corner, and we want YOU to be part of the celebration! Bring your family and friends to the church parking lot on October 31 from 5:30PM to 7:00PM for a safe and exciting trick-or-treating experience. Decorate your trunk, dress up in your favorite costumes, and enjoy the festivities with us!

Interested in hosting a trunk or serving in some way for the event? Sign up here!

Sunday, November 10, immediately following the 11 am worship service

In the Zachry Center Banquet Room

Lunch will be provided.

Sundays at 12:30 pm

Mondays at 12:45 pm

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Kingdom Kids (PreK-4th Grade)

Wednesdays at 5:15pm

JC Crew (5-8th Grade)

Wednesdays at 5:15 pm

Sunday Youth Group 6-12th Graders

Sundays at 5 pm

Youth Room

(Upstairs in the Zachry Center)

We need Spam (or Treet or other canned meats), Vienna Sausage, shampoo, rice, jelly, canned or fresh vegetables, and small bottles of laundry and dish detergent for the Little Free Pantry. Monetary donations are also appreciated!

Thank you for your generous support of this ministry!

We need companions who can reorient us when we stray. Pulling up our bootstraps fixes some needs, but relationships knit us together better.

Love each other the way Jesus loved counts.

“The one who plants flowers thinks of themselves, but the one who

plants trees thinks of their grandchildren.” ~~Ben Franklin

You are cordially invited...

Please RSVP by Friday, November 1st, 2024

To RSVP, text your name and number of guests to

(706) 518-1477 or (229) 938-6180

Complimentary copies of the November-December Upper Room Devotional Guides are available in the elevator lobby - both regular and large print.

November 2: Faye Williams

November 3: Hamp Ferguson

November 3: Haley Hawkins

November 6: Colten Owen

November 11: George Slade

November 11: Madisen Reeves

November 11: Paysleigh Doughtie

November 12: Donnie Erwin Brown

November 12: Sandra Glover

November 12: Emma Schell

November 14: Richard Ledyard

November 15: Tonya Frank

November 16: Millie Knowles

November 19: Eddie Lanier

November 21: Amelia Byrd

November 25: Becky Lucas

November 25: James Zachry

November 27: Mary Lane

November 28: Maison Doughtie

November 28: Ethan Mabrey

If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list,

please contact the church office. 


Sarah Auler, Margaret Bartlett, Bentley Bryant, Sharon Cowart, 

Mary Davison, Will Doughtie, Robert Eason, Elmo Emily, Hamp Ferguson,

Al and Jackie Hammer, Jacob Grubbs, Andy Mabrey, Sam Payne, Patty Partain,

Lakin Rayfield, Barbara Ruddick, Lisa Ann Soehnel, Tracy Vaughn,

World Conflict, Communities Impacted by Storms, Our Country, Unspoken Requests

Our Christian love and sympathy are extended to Sonya Finlay on the loss of her mother, Mary Ann Gann, who passed away on October 22.

Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 5 pm

Friday: 8 am - 12 Noon

The office is closed from 12 - 1 pm for lunch.

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