July 4, 2023

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Consultation on The Provincial Highway Sign Control Regulations

The Ministry of Highways is conducting a review of The Provincial Highway Sign Control Regulations. The Ministry of Highways is looking to obtain feedback on the regulations, proposed amendments, any other suggested changes for the regulations.

Click here to view the letter providing more information on the review and a link to the consultation survey being conducted as part of the Ministry of Highways’ review. The Survey will be available until August 31, 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact the Traffic Engineering Standards via email at

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Tackling Red Tape in Saskatchewan – The Electronic Equipment Stewardship Regulations

The Ministry of Environment is currently reviewing The Electronic Equipment Stewardship Regulations and its associated policies and procedures. The ministry is interested in any ideas you may have for improving the program and reducing red tape and regulatory barriers in your business.

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Free Counselling Expands to Children and Youth in Weyburn, Estevan, Carlyle and Oxbow

The Government of Saskatchewan is providing $1.7 million in new annual funding to Family Services Saskatchewan to expand its free, rapid access counselling services to children, youth and their caregivers across the province. Weyburn, Estevan, Carlyle and Oxbow are the newest communities to launch these services. 


Young people can access support for mental health challenges ranging from stress and depression to family conflict, addictions and domestic violence.

Please check to find services near you or book a virtual session through the website.


Regina and Saskatoon launched rapid access counselling services for children and youth earlier in June. Expanded services for children and youth in additional communities will be announced in the coming weeks.

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Saskatchewan's Agriculture Biotechnology Sector Benefits from $9.5 Million Funding Over the Next Five Years

[On June 29, 2023], Parliamentary Secretary Francis Drouin, on behalf of federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau, and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit announced a funding agreement with Ag-West Bio provided under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. Ag-West Bio will receive $9.5 million over the next five years to advance their work in the province's agriculture biotechnology sector.

Ag-West Bio will use the funding to support its new 2023-28 strategic plan. The four main objectives of this plan include direct support to innovative companies on the path to commercialization, creating connections and growing the ecosystem, promoting agriculture biosciences and developing a high-performing team.

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Call for Proposals for Communities to Host Integrated Services for Youth

Saskatchewan is moving forward with its plan to better serve the needs of youth and their families with coordinated access to a wide variety of supports and services for everything from mental health to education.

The John Howard Society of Saskatchewan (JHSS), in partnership with the Government of Saskatchewan, is looking for lead organizations in a minimum of three communities to operate integrated youth services sites.

Integrated Youth Services (IYS) is a national and international movement, aimed at reimagining how youth and their families find and access the resources, services and supports they need.

Saskatchewan communities and organizations interested in operating an IYS site can access a call for proposals package.

Submission deadline is August 11, 2023 at 6 p.m. 

Informational webinars are being hosted by the IYS backbone team to help communities learn more about IYS, Saskatchewan's model and to support proposal development.

Additional Information
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SaskEnergy to Request Rate Adjustments; Customer Bills to Decrease

SaskEnergy is applying to the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (SRRP) for adjustments to its commodity and delivery service rates.


On June 29, 2023, SaskEnergy will submit a proposal to the SRRP for a 22.1 per cent decrease to the commodity rate, dropping it from $4.20 to $3.30 per gigajoule. At the same time, SaskEnergy will also bring forward a proposal for the SRRP to consider a five per cent delivery service rate increase. The combined commodity and delivery service rate adjustments will result in an overall bill decrease of approximately $5.66/month ($68 per year) for the average residential customer.

If approved, the overall bill decrease will take effect on October 1, 2023.

Additional information on the rate review process, including a full copy of SaskEnergy's commodity rate application, will be available on the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel website.

Sask Rate Review Panel
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The following RM’s have requested the information below to be distributed and will be billed for using this service.

Looking to Hire:

RM of Ituna Bon Accord No. 246, Administrator, AUG 4 - Close

RM of Pleasantdale No. 398, Administrator, AUG 1 – Close

RM of Vanscoy No. 345, Office Clerk, JUL 31 - Close

RM of Francis No. 1278, Office Assistant, JUL 23 – Close

RM of Tisdale No. 427, Grader Operator, JUL 20 - Close

RM of Mayfield No. 406, Grader Operator, JUL 19 - Close

RM of Fertile Belt No. 183, Supervisory Position, JUL 16 - Close

RM of North Qu’Appelle No. 187, Municipal Administrator, JUL 14 – Close

RM of Corman Park No. 344, Director, Corporate Services, JUL 7 – Close

RM of Round Hill No. 467, Grader Operator, JUL 7 - Close


Looking to Buy/Sell:

RM of Tisdale No. 427, For Sale: Capital I Gravel Reclaimer with Hydraulic Package, JUL 17 - Close

RM of Coulee No. 136, For Sale by Tender: 1996 John Deere 6400 Tractor, JUL 6 - Close

RM of Key West No. 70, Equipment For Sale by Tender: Shop Lights and Ripper, JUL 5 - Close

SARM Classifieds

Water Security Agency Expanding Support for Channel Clearing and Drainage Project Maintenance

The Water Security Agency (WSA) is expanding its support to help rural landowners, communities and local governments complete channel clearing and drainage project maintenance in Saskatchewan. 

Up to $1 million is available as part of a cost share rebate for individual landowners, rural and small urban municipalities, conservation and development area authorities (C&Ds) and watershed associations.

The deadline to apply for the rebate is January 31, 2024


For more information on the program and how to apply please visit

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