St. Luke Lutheran Church // November 17 - 23

Weekly Press

Thankoffering Service

Sunday, November 19, both services will be hosted by the St. Luke Women. Our guest speaker is Luann Aakhus. See more about LuAnn here.  “Thankoffering” envelopes will be available for special offerings for the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (WELCA).

Join Us for a Modern Worship Sing Along

Sunday, November 19 at noon, get ready for an uplifting and contemporary worship experience! Join us for a "Modern Worship Sing-Through" where we'll dive into an array of inspiring songs that will be a part of our upcoming worship services. Connect with God through the power of music, and feel the spirit move as we share the songs that will lead us in worship through Advent. Come and let your spirit soar with us! All are welcome to join in this joyful celebration. For more information, please contact Gerry Brenes at [email protected].

Fall Financial Appeal - Grateful Generosity

Our God is a generous God! Please consider and pray how you will respond to our Fall Financial Appeal. On Sunday 11/19, you will be invited to bring your Statement of Intent cards (contact the office if you have not received one) to church, bringing them forward during the service for a blessing. You may also return a digital Statement of Intent card by clicking here.

Council Meeting

Sunday, November 19 at 11:45am in Conference Room.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Wednesday, November 22, 6:30pm. Please join us for a quiet service of prayer, song, and message on this

Thanksgiving Eve.


Holden Evening Prayer

Wednesdays, November 29, December 6, 13, 20 from 6:30-7pm in Fellowship Hall.

Advent Festival

Saturday, December 2, 2-4pm in Fellowshhip Hall.

4th - Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 24, one service only at 10:30am.

Christmas Services

Sunday, December 24

  • 3:00pm
  • 5:00pm
  • 10:30pm

No service on December 25.

One Service on December 31 at 10:30am.