
January 17, 2025

Church Phone


Prayer Team


Church emails

Marylou Durett

Rev. Dan Haugh

Taryn Noelle


Youth Ministry

Church Website and Livestream


Thought for the Week

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members

Coretta Scott King


Martin Luther King Jr

This week in the Quest

  • Sunday Service: 9:30am
  • Important Dates
  • Sledding Party Saturday January 18th
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Jan. 18-25!
  • MLK Jr. Day at JCOGS Monday
  • California Fire Support
  • Pastor, Priest, and Rabbi January 23rd!
  • Annual Congregational Meeting January 26th!
  • "Living with Grief" Discussion January 27th!
  • Bible Study on Luke Starts January 30th!
  • Stories from the Jordan River - Bob Anderson!
  • SCC Ski and Ride Day February 3rd!
  • Warming Space Needs Volunteers!
  • Green Tip for January!
  • Pictures
  • December/January Sermons
  • This Week's Music Selections

Sunday January 19, 2025 9:30AM


Stowe COmmunity Church - Sunday January 25, 2015

Celebration Service!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Masks are optional at our services at this time. As a congregation, we respect those who choose to wear a mask out of personal concern/safety.





MESSAGE Rev. Dan Haugh

USHERS Dave and Nan Myers

The Sower

Children's Worship!

The Lesson for this Sunday is titled: The Sower, and the Key Phrase associated with the Lesson is:  

God’s good things grow best when we take good care of them 

And the Key Bible Verse is: 

“But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields.”

                                      (Matthew 13:33)

We will have a sledding party this Saturday January 18th, from 10:00-11:30 am, at Stowe Elementary School!  This event is being graciously created by Oana Louviere, and Miss Taryn will be there to chaperone with Oana! More details to follow shortly!

Important Dates

Upcoming Calendar

Sunday, 1/19

9:30am Celebration Service In-person and Livestreamed!

11:00am Prayer for Christian Unity via Zoom

Monday, 1/20 MLK Jr. Day

Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, 1/21

7:30 pm AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, 1/22

Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

5:30 Choir Rehearsal in Organ Loft

Thursday, 1/23

6:00-8:00pm Pastor, Priest, and a Rabbi walk into a bar... The Round Hearth


Johannes von Trapp on 1/17

Carrie Alario, Olivia DeRienzo, and Calvin Jennings on 1/18


Charles and Diane Lee on 1/17


Sledding Party
World Wide Prayers

Christian Communities worldwide observe a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18-25!

Join Pastor Dan on Sunday, January 19th at 11AM via Zoom as he offers prayers for our church, our community, our nation and the world. This is part of a global initiative by the World Council of Churches. Across the world there are many different churches, traditions and denominations. We believe that Stowe Community Church is called to be a united and uniting church. As Jesus prayed, “That they may all be one.” (John 17:20). The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity coincides with Martin Luther King Day and the U.S. Presidential Inauguration both being observed on January 20.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Martin Luther King.

Stowe Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

Join Zoom Meeting



Our friends at JCOGS invite you to Honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through Service

Monday, January 20, 2025

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Join us for an afternoon of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) from 12:30-4:30pm, followed by a community soup meal from 4:30-6pm. Projects for all ages!


Activities include:

• Cooking and baking for local shelters

• Donating, sorting and delivering winter gear to local agencies

• Creating Tikkun Olam T-shirts

• Visiting or calling JCOGS members through our Chesed Circle of Care

• Helping with the community soup meal ( or just attending!)

• Volunteering at the UCC Morrisville Church warming shelter

• Supporting other JCOGS initiatives

If you'd like to help with planning , or have questions, please email us at

UCC Logo

UCC California Fire Support!

On January 7, 2025, wildfire activity began in Los Angeles County, California. Immediate reports indicate that this fire has caused substantial damage throughout LA County, making this event the largest fire disaster in the county's history. At the time of this writing, nearly 30,000 acres have been consumed by the blazes. One hundred eighty thousand people are currently displaced from their homes due to devastation or evacuation orders, and these fires continue to spread, causing additional destruction.

Since the onset of this disaster, the Global HOPE team has communicated with the Southern California and Nevada Conference Minister. The team will coordinate with ecumenical partners and a national network of voluntary organizations active in disasters (VOAD) as it shapes our long-term response.

We received confirmation that the fires destroyed the Altadena Community Church, United Church of Christ. They posted an update on their Facebook page.

The Global HOPE team is helping to connect Southern California and Nevada Conference staff, churches, and others affected by the wildfires with immediate resources while also preparing to support long-term recovery efforts. 

As we continue to pray for and support those who experienced unimaginable loss, we invite you to support the UCC's recovery efforts in the following ways: 

Donate to the UCC's California Wildfires 2025 Appeal .

Your gifts will support the community's immediate needs and long-term recovery efforts as we work with local communities to ensure an equitable approach to their long-term recovery. You can also mail a check payable to the United Church of Christ, PO Box 71957, Cleveland, OH 44194. Please be sure to note "California Wildfires 2025" in the memo section of your check. Our EIN: 34-1927041 

Pray for those who have been impacted.

You may also act by assembling Hygiene Kits and Cleanup Buckets. After a disaster, one of the biggest requests is for cleanup buckets and hygiene kits. UCC congregations interested in assembling hygiene kits and cleanup buckets are eligible for a matching grant through the Global HOPE office.

Thank you for your assistance in helping families and communities who are in great need in the aftermath of these hurricanes. Your heartfelt support will make a difference.


Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke Begins January 30th!

Note: The Bible Study has been rescheduled to start January 30th to not conflict with a Pastor, Priest, and Rabbi walk into a bar...

Luke is an expert storyteller and someone who cares a lot about people and the circumstances they face. Luke wants us to have a sense of what’s going on the world stage, and how that affects the actions of leaders and regular people. Luke, among the Gospels, stresses issues of social and political significance, and sounds the call to liberation louder than any of the other Gospels. This six-week Bible Study will meet at 7pm on Thursdays beginning January 30-February 27.

Please contact Kathe Rhinesmith ( to register.

Pastor Priest Rabbi
Annual Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday January 26th!

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 10:45 in person and on line.

At that time we will elect officers and approve the annual budget.

SCC Care Team

"Living with Grief" Conversation January 27th!

The SCC Care Team invites you to a special online presentation entitled “The Cost of Love: Living with Grief”

Grief is part of life. Learning how to deepen our spirituality is an important resource in living creatively with life’s love and loss. Understanding anticipatory grief, grief in the moment of loss, and how grief changes over time will be our focus at our next Care Team meeting. 


Join us online on Monday, January 27 at 6 pm for a conversation with Rev Susie Webster-Toleno. Susie has been the long-term pastor at the Westminster West Congregational church and a hospice chaplain with Bayada. She is also the Dean of Ministry 21, a ministry course with the Vermont Conference UCC, and the church administrator at St, Michael’s Episcopal Church in Brattleboro Vermont.

Zoom Link for “The Cost of Love: Living with Grief”

Bob Anderson

Stories from the Jordan River - Bob Anderson!

While awaiting the opportunity, of a lifetime, to wade into the murky mustard-brown waters of The River Jordan, I held my breath as I bore witness to my darling Heather, my wife, accepting the Christian rite of baptism. 

As I watched her silent conversation with Pastor Dan I could not hold back tears of humility and happiness and a series of good old fashion “goose bumps.” Upon Heather standing upright after her submission into the Holy Waters I knew, at that moment, for her and for me, that our relationship with our faith had changed, for the better, forever.

After hugging a smiling and thoroughly happy Heather I made my way to our beloved Pastor Dan. A long embrace and a perfect series of poignant words from him, Pastor Dan held me, as he did for so many that day, as I lay backward immersing my head and body into the spiritual waters of The River Jordan. Changed for the better, I hugged Dan and waved to my wife and to my Christian Brothers and Sisters. The next view after being Baptized brought me to my knees. 

As my eyes searched for our dear friends from the Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, who were lined up along the muddy banks of The River I paused as I saw tears running down some of their beautiful faces. Later, I would learn that witnessing our individual and collective Baptisms had moved them. Receiving hugs of congratulations and listening to their loving comments re-inspired my commitment to doing what I can to protect their precious Jewish Faith and their religious way of life as I act out my role as a Christian man. 

SCC Ski and Ride

SCC Ski and Ride Day February 3rd!

Our first SCC Ski and Ride day for the season will be held Monday February 3rd at Stowe Mountain Resort!

We will gather by the Sunrise Six-Pack lift at 9:00am. We'll join Pastor Dan for skiing and riding on mostly Intermediate terrain. Invite friends to join us!

At 11:00am Pastor Dan will lead a short service at the Mountain Chapel, conditions permitting! Again, all are invited to attend.

We'll wrap up the day at the Round Hearth at 1:00pm for lunch or apres-ski. Even if you don't ski or ride, you can meet us there to socialize!


Sign Up To Be An Usher!

Interested in being an usher? We are always looking for people willing to help at our 9:30 Celebration services! It's a good way to get know folks and be a vital part of Stowe Community Church! Thanks for helping!

Sign Up Here!

United Community CHurch

Morrisville Warming Space Looking for Volunteers!

A Warming Space is available at the United Community Church of Morrisville Dining Room, 9 am- 5 pm Mondays in January 2025.

Organizations are being asked to take shifts to “host” and supervise the space, covering all of the hours between 9 am-5 pm. Shifts can be 2-8 hours, covered by one group or many.

You can view the signup and description of what is needed from hosts available here:

Green Team Logo

Green Tip of the Month!

How to Reduce Single-Use Plastic in Your Kitchen

If you’re like me, you use plastic in the kitchen more than you want: sandwich bags for kids’ snacks, plastic wrap over leftovers, Ziplock’s for the freezer. But plastic wrap is made from fossil fuels, rarely able to be recycled, and takes nearly 50 years to break down in solid waste. Consider swapping single use plastic for beeswax wraps, reusable sandwich bags, mason jars for leftovers, cotton mesh bags for grocery store produce, or bento boxes made from steel or wood for leftovers or lunches. You can even cover a plate of leftovers with a bowl. So next time you reach for the Saran Wrap, try one of the alternatives and feel good about your care of the earth.

Greatest Showman


Seeking photos of SCC

We're always looking for photos to include in the Quest! If you take some SCC-related photos, please send them to either Marylou ( or Greg Morrill (

Last Week

(Thanks to Nancy Jeffries Dwyer, Chuck Perkins, and Jerrine Gangas for the pictures!)

SCC in WInter
Mort and Frank
Jordan Baptism
Jordan Baptism
Jordan Baptism

December/January Sermons

November 24, 2024

Sermon from Nov 24, 2024 Rev Dr Barbara Purinton

December 1, 2024

Sermon from Dec 1, 2024 Stories of Advent Anna

December 8, 2024

Sermon from Dec 8, 2024 Stories of Advent Elizabeth

Christmas Pageant - December 15, 2024

Christmas Pageant Dec 15, 2024

December 22, 2024

Sermon from Dec 22, 2024 "Advent Story Mary's Song

December 24, 2024 (8:00pm Service)

Message from 8 PM Christmas Eve 2024

December 29, 2024

Sermon from Dec 29, 2024 Go Tell

January 5, 2025

Sermon from Jan 05, 2025 Love and Light

You can find past sermons on the Stowe Community Church YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and search on Stowe Community Church.

Musical Selections

Lift Every Voice and Overcome | 20th Annual Dr. MLK, Jr. Tribute Concert | Boston Children's Chorus

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, here's the climax of the annual Boston Children's Chorus MLK Jr Day concert. This is from 2023, their 20th such concert.

I Sing Because I'm Happy | 21st Annual Dr. MLK, Jr. Tribute Concert | Boston Children's Chorus

And here's a selection from last year's MLK Jr. Day Concert. A great adaptation of an old hymn that I remember singing.

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