
November 17, 2023

Thank God!

Thank God!

Church Phone


Prayer Team


Church emails

Marylou Durett

Rev. Dan Haugh

Taryn Noelle


Youth Ministry

Church Website and Livestream


Thought for the Week

Reflect upon your present blessings.

Charles Dickens


Stowe Community Church - Sunday November 23, 2014

This week in the Quest

  • Sunday Service 9:30am
  • Important Dates
  • Upcoming Events!
  • No Place Like Home Saturday Night!
  • Thanksgiving Feathers Food Due Sunday
  • Poinsettia Orders Due Monday
  • Stewardship Update!
  • Pick Up Thanksgiving Pies!
  • Order Your Wreaths
  • Christmas Fair Needs Help!
  • Quilt Raffle Tickets
  • Charlie Brown Christmas Dec. 1-3!
  • Christmas Pageant December 17th!
  • Lamoille Community House Needs Food Donations!
  • Mission of the Month: DCF
  • Stowe Village Picture Fundraiser!
  • Pictures
  • October/November Sermons
  • This Week's Music Selections

Sunday November 19, 2023 9:30AM



Celebration Service!

Masks are recommended, but not required for those attending services in person.


PSALM 100 Lay Reader: Brad Osborne

CHOIR ANTHEM "Sing to the Lord of Harvest"

MESSAGE "From Generosity to Thanksgiving" Rev. Dan Haugh


USHERS - Dave and Nan Myers

Daniel In The Lions Den

Children's Worship!

The Holy Moly Lesson for this week is all about: Daniel.

And the Key Phrase associated with this Lesson is:

King Darius tried calling himself a god, but Daniel taught him who the real God was. 

The Key Bible Verse associated with this Lesson is:

“My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no wrong.”  Daniel 6:22 

We would love to take a moment to reach out, and thank everyone at our beloved and beautiful Stowe Community Church, for all that you all do to reach out, so generously give of your incredible time, talents and heart, and for raising all of us up, this Holiday season, and all year long!

Happiest Thanksgiving Wishes and Blessings to one and all!

Important Dates

Upcoming Calendar

Sunday, 11/19 Celebration Service 9:30am In-person and Live-streamed

Monday, 11/20  Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, 11/21

8:00 pm AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, 11/22

Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

Thursday, 11/23 Thanksgiving! Office Closed

Friday, 11/24 Office Closed


Nicholas Espey, Mark Fucile and Ruth Roy on 11/17

Paige Hamilton on 11/18

Liam Patrick Durham on 11/21

Annelise and Madelin Schmidt on 11/22

Judith Grosvenor on 11/23

Kennedy Jennings and Penny McGaughy on 11/24

Maggie King on 11/25



Lamoille Housing Partnership

Lamoille Housing Partnership Benefit Concert Saturday!

Saturday November 18, 2023

8:00PM to 12:00PM (doors at 8:00PM)

Stowe Cider, Town Farm Lane, Stowe VT


Tickets include concert admission; commemorative event swag; door prize entry. Donation based,

suggested minimum $50.



Thanksgiving Feathers Are Due Sunday!

OK, so it's not the feathers, but the food that they represent that's due!

Food donations need to be brought back to church by Sunday November 19th at noon. If you are providing a turkey or refrigerated item please place it in the church kitchen refrigerator. If you would prefer to make a cash donation to offset the basket cost or if you know of a family in need please contact the church office. Thank you all!


Order Poinsettias by Monday!

Help us decorate the Church for Christmas! Order your poinsettias by Monday November 20th!

The poinsettias are $15 each and can be ordered in red, white, glitter, pink, or marbled colors!

Place your order at the Church Office.

Print an Order Form

Stewardship 2024!

Dan Jennings Stewardship speech.

We are currently at 54% of our Stewardship 2024 goal to raise $250,000 by mid-December.

Won’t you consider stepping up NOW to pledge your support? Your pledge helps ensure we meet our financial obligations.


It is simple to pledge! Three easy choices, and five minutes of your time:


  1. Complete the pledge card and place it in the Sunday offering
  2. Mail it to PO Box 991, Stowe
  3. Complete the online form:


PEACE, LOVE & JOY to all!


The Stewardship Committee

Nancy Jeffries-Dwyer, Chair

Chris DeRienzo, Teresa Osborne, Dian Williams


Women’s Fellowship Thanksgiving Pies

If you ordered some pies for Thanksgiving, don't forget to pickup the pies Tuesday 11/21 from 1-6 OR Wednesday 11/22 from 9-12. $20 per pie. 

Call Stowe Community Church at 802-253-7257 M-F 10:00am-2:00pm. Or, email


Order Your Wreath!

Pre-order your Christmas Wreath’s no!. We are now taking orders for our wreaths this year.


Please contact Nan Myers to place your order at or 802-244-1471

12” Wreath

Plain $26

Bow $28

Fully Dec $30

16” Wreath

Plain $32

Bow $34

Fully Dec $36

Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair Needs Your Help!

The Christmas Fair is fast approaching Saturday, December 2nd from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Back by popular demand, we will have a table with homemade baked goods for sale. We are in need of baked goods: Nicely wrapped breads, cookies, jellies, brownies and any mason jar items! We also need a few women to be in charge of the baked items. Making sure we are sufficient in donations by contacting people, pricing the goods and selling them. 

Please bake and bring, if you are able, your best homemade holiday treats, wrapped and ready for purchase. Baked goods can be dropped off on Thursday 11/30 and Friday 12/1 between 8:30am-2:30pm and left in the kitchen. Please label your item, "Christmas Fair" as well as what type of baked good it is. 

Also back by popular demand, we will sell gently used jewelry again this year and very gently used toys (no stuffed animals, please!) Starting next Sunday 11/26 donated items can be dropped off in a bin that will be located in the vestibule.


Silent Auction:

We need volunteers to reach out to local businesses and ask for donations.

OR if someone is connected to a local business and would like to donate an item.

OR, if someone would like to donate a themed basket for auction.

Childrens Activity:

We would love to have a table designated for a kids activity such as ornament making or cookie decoration and need several people to coordinate this.

How to Reach Out:

If you are able to volunteer in any capacity, please contact Lauretta Haugh at

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Quilt Raffle Tickets Available!

Here’s this year’s quilt made by Nancy Tooley - it’s 96” x 96” so fits a king bed! It’s called “Friendship”.

Raffle tickets are 3 for $10 or 1 for $5.

They are available at the Church Office or after the 9:30 Service. The drawing will be held at the annual Christmas Fair.

Charlie Brown
Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant December 17th!

Calling all children and youth!  

The Christmas Pageant will be on Sunday, December 17th during the worship service. We will rehearse for the pageant during the 9:30 worship service. The first rehearsal will be the Sunday after Thanksgiving, for those in town. There are speaking and non-speaking roles available. We hope all can be a part of the pageant! 

Please contact Leslie Peterman to sign your child up or for any questions.

Lamoille Community House

Lamoille Community House Needs Help with Meals!

Lamoille Community House has met it's goal for the 365 Campaign to have the local homeless shelter open year round! Thank you for all of your donations and support for this great community cause. They are now in great need of people to provide dinners for the shelter. More info about that and our wishlist is on our website hereSeeking Dinner Providers and Winter Wish List | Lamoille Community House


Mission of the Month - Department for Children and Families (DCF)

DCF's mission is to foster the healthy development, safety, well-being, and self-sufficiency of Vermonters. We provide benefits, services, and supports to some 200,000 Vermonters every year, including children, youth, families, older Vermonters, and people with disabilities.

Jen Suroviak from DCF will speak on November 19th at our 9:30 service to share how we can help.

DCF Website



Seeking photos of SCC

We're always looking for photos to include in the Quest! If you take some SCC-related photos, please send them to either Marylou ( or Greg Morrill (

Last Week!


Veterans Day
Childrens Message
Childrens Message

St Ignatius Loyola in New York City

St Ignatius
St Ignatius
St Ignatius

October/November Sermons

October 15, 2023

Sermon from Oct 15, 2023 "The Prophet Hosea"

October 22, 2023

Sermon from Oct 22, 2023 The Prophet Nahum

October 29, 2023

Sermon from Oct 29, 2023 The Prophet Malachi

November 5, 2023

Sermon from Nov 5, 2023 The Prophet Micah

You can find past sermons on the Stowe Community Church YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and search on Stowe Community Church.

Musical Selections

Will the Circle be Unbroken - Minnesota State University Concert Choir

Here's a creative arrangement of "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" well executed by the Concert Choir from Minnesota State University!

Bless This House - The Vocal Majority

I always think of this song at Thanksgiving time. Here's my favorite arrangement done by the Dallas Vocal Majority!

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