
September 6, 2024

Church Phone


Prayer Team


Church emails

Marylou Durett

Rev. Dan Haugh

Taryn Noelle


Youth Ministry

Church Website and Livestream


Thought for the Week

A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.

Helen Keller


Our deepest sympathies to family and friends of Beverly Newton Wells who was born to eternal life on August 31, 2024. 


This week in the Quest

  • Sunday Service: 9:30am
  • Important Dates
  • Red Cross Blood Drive Today! Friday September 6th!
  • Women's Fellowship Hike Saturday!
  • Steeple Work Has Begun!
  • Capital Campaign Update
  • Blessing of the Animals September 22nd!
  • Youth Director Wanted!
  • Fall Bible Study Starts September 26th
  • New Member Orientation in October
  • Green Tip for September!
  • Pictures
  • July/August Sermons
  • This Week's Music Selections

Sunday September 8, 2024 9:30AM


Women of the Book

Celebration Service!

Masks are optional at our services at this time. As a congregation, we respect those who chose to wear a mask out of personal concern/safety.


READING Proverbs 3:1-8 Lay Reader Jerrine Gangas

ANTHEM "He Hath Done All Things Well"

READING Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7

MESSAGE "Women of the Book: Sarah" Rev. Dan Haugh

USHERS Jake Emerick and Moon Seun

Abraham and Sarah

Children's Worship

For Children's Worship this week, our Lesson is titled:

Sarah & Abraham, and the Key Phrase associated with the Lesson is:

Sometimes God’s promises seem ridiculous. 

And the Key Bible Verse that is associated with the Lesson is:

The Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, and say, ‘Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?” 

                                        (Genesis 18:13-14)

We hope that everyone's return to School has been smooth and fun! We look forward to being with you on Sunday, and we will have Nursery Care provided for our infants and toddlers! 

Important Dates

Upcoming Calendar

Friday, 9/6

12:00-4:30 pm Red Cross Blood Drive

Saturday, 9/7

10:00am Womens Fellowship Hike

Sunday, 9/8

9:30 Celebration Service Live-streamed

Monday, 9/9

Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

5:00-7:30pm Frozen Rehearsal

Tuesday, 9/10

7:30 pm AA meeting in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, 9/11

8:45, 9:03, 9:43 and 10:10 Bell Ringing

Noon AA Meeting in Fellowship Hall

5:30 Choir Rehearsal in Choir Loft

Thursday, 9/12

5:00-7:30pm Frozen Rehearsal


James Peterman on 9/6

Leslie Peterman and Nancy Small on 9/8

Luke Leisman on 9/9

Owen Labor on 9/11

Terry King and Dana Martin on 9/12

Kenneth Jennings on 9/13

Jay Van Blarcom on 9/14


Terry and Kelley King on 9/8

Daylon and Monica Small on 9/11

Spencer and Lisa Macalaster on 9/14


Today Friday September 6, 2024

Blood Drive
Womens Fellowship

Women's Fellowship Events!

1) There will be a hike thisSaturday, 9/7 at 10:00am at the Stowe Mountain resort cross country ski center trails. It is located about 5.4 miles up the mountain rd on left. The hike itself is moderate two hour walk along the xc ski trails. It is not that steep. I will give more details to those that are interested. Please contact

2) There will be a craft class to make angels from old paperback books (please see pictures). You can either keep yours or donate it to the Christmas Fair to sell. It is a two day class on October 3 and 4 from 2:00 - 4:00. Theresa and Meg will be sharing our knowledge which we learned from the Island Arts class. We will be sending out more details as we get closer to the class. Please contact


Steeple Work has Begun!

The very important front deck of the church has been completely replaced. It has been 100% rebuilt with long lasting modern materials.

The work to renovate the steeple, belfry, and clock tower has begun; they are now ready for the work to begin in earnest on Monday. Scaffolding has been installed at the very top of the steeple, plus on the roof all the way up to the clock tower level.

This major renovation program may take as long as 60 days. We will work hard to avoid any disruption to Church activities! It should look and be better than new when completed!

SSS Donation

Capital Campaign Update!

Dear Stowe Community Church Family,

We are filled with excitement and gratitude as we share this update on our capital campaign. It’s truly inspiring to witness the transformation of our beloved church building as the renovation projects are now underway. The progress being made is remarkable, and it fills our hearts with hope and joy for the future of our church community.

However, as we celebrate these advancements, we want to remind everyone that our journey is not yet complete. We have accomplished so much together, but we still have a bit more to go. To fully complete all 14 essential projects, we need to raise approximately $300,000. This is a crucial time for us to dig a little deeper and maintain the momentum that has carried us this far.

Let's not lose our enthusiasm or sense of purpose as we approach the finish line. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a lasting impact on the future health and sustainability of our church. We encourage you to prayerfully consider making a generous donation before September closes. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to our goal.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Stowe Community Church. Together, we can ensure our church remains a vibrant and welcoming place for generations to come.

With gratitude and faith,

Nancy Jeffries-Dwyer, Co Chair

Walter Frame, Co Chair

Blessing of Animals
Youth Coordinator
Women of the Old Testament

Fall Bible Study: Women of the Old Testament

Complementing Pastor Dan’s Fall sermon series Women of the Book, you are invited to join an 8-week study of eight interesting women we encounter in the Old Testament.

Starting on September 26 and running through November 21, join us on Zoom from 7 to 8pm. We will not meet on October 31st. The study guide for this course is Women of the Bible by Gladys Hunt and is available on To register for the study, please contact Kathe Rhinesmith at or 617-650-5225.

New Members

New Member Information and Orientation Sessions in October!

New Member Orientation on Sunday October 20th following the morning worship service in Fellowship Hall in person or via a Zoom meeting on Monday September 21st at 6pm. These are for anyone interested in learning more about our church or signing up to become members. 

We will welcome new members on Sunday November 10th at our 9:30 worship service.

Green team

Green Tip for September!

Do you find that you waste more food than you want? Food waste placed in trashbags and landfilled is a significant contributor to methane, a green house gas. In fact, food waste makes up 24% of solid waste in landfills1.

Composting your food is one way to repurpose your food waste. But of course you know that!  Recently on a New York Time Wirecutter podcast, they presented the following tips to reduce food waste:

1. Buy more frozen vegetables and berries. They are more nutritious than fresh veg, picked at the height of ripeness and frozen immediately, and of course they won’t rot as you find you still can’t get yourself to steam that head of broccoli.

2. Place new items in the back of fridge and move older ones to the front.

3. Place leftovers in clear containers allowing you to see what’s in there. Out of sight, out of mind. . . and in the compost bin.

4. Label and date leftovers. 

5. Kids didn’t eat the quinoa as you had hoped? Make quinoa muffins within the week!



Seeking photos of SCC

We're always looking for photos to include in the Quest! If you take some SCC-related photos, please send them to either Marylou ( or Greg Morrill (

Last Week

(Thanks to Taryn Noelle, Scott Noble, Greg Morrill, and Nancy Jeffries-Dwyer for the pictures!)

SCUBA Bible Camp Highlights!

SCUBA Bible Camp 2024 Reel! SD 480p
Childrens Message
Evening Service

August/September Sermons

August 4, 2024

Sermon from Aug 4, 2024 Time of Trial

August 11, 2024

Sermon from Aug 11 2024 Help Us

August 18, 2024

Sermon from Aug 18, 2024 The Kingdom is Like

September 1, 2024

Sermon from Sep 1, 2024 Women of the Book Eve

Psalm 23 Sermon Series

Psalm 23 Sermon Series

You can find past sermons on the Stowe Community Church YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and search on Stowe Community Church.

Musical Selections

Rest - Vaughan Williams - Tenebrae conducted by Nigel Short

A setting of a Christina Rosetti by Ralph Vaughan Williams beautifully sung by Tenebrae

How Great Thou Art (Arr. Nelson) | Atlanta Master Chorale

David McGaughy gave us a great and moving rendition of this hymn last Sunday. We'll all be singing it as one of the hymns this Sunday. Indeed when we did the congregational survey a couple years ago, this got the most votes as your favorite hymn. Here's my favorite choral rendition.

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