St. Alban's Episcopal Church
The Weekly Red Door
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Our vision for St. Alban's is to be a spiritual home
to share God's grace through worship, service, faith, and love.

We welcome all and strive to promote justice, peace, and love in our communities
by following Jesus.

Come! Worship, Learn, Care, Connect with us
In This Issue
Worship this Sunday
Equipping the Saints
Parish Picnic
Studying the Scriptures & Link to Readings
Sunday's Bulletins & Children's Resources
Healing Service
Save the Date: Wise Women
Office Hours
Link to Ministry Scheduler (updated)
Ministry Scheduler
Caring/Sharing-Hunger Network Ohio
Episcopal Youth Community-Into the Future
Back to School--Through 09/12/21
Weekly Services
Prayer List
Pastoral Care
Visit our Website
Pay on your pledge to St. Alban's
Donate to St. Alban's
Sunday Worship
16th Sunday after Pentecost
September 12, 2021

8:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist-Rite I
In Person

10:15 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
In Person & On Line Worship

We are wearing masks again &
offering Communion of One Kind

3:33 p.m.
The 3:33 Service
This service will be held in person in
the Memorial Garden or Education Building
Equipping the Saints
Sunday, September 12th
Where: Parish Hall ED Building
When: Between morning services beginning at 9:20 am
What: Learn about exciting things available for faith formation, fun activities for all and a scavenger hunt to explore the ED Building

Hope to see you there!
Parish Picnic
September 12th
Picnic in the Garden
     Immediately following the 10:15 service

    Please join us!

  Celebrating the centennial of the founding
     St. Alban’s Episcopal

Picnic fare will be provided by the congregation
A-K  side dish       L-Z  Dessert  

Donations to cover cost of meat, bread, and paper gratefully accepted
Studying the Scriptures
Our Lessons this week are:
(Note: this is Track 1)
Service Bulletins
for Sunday, September 12, 2021
Resources for Children
Put on your walkng/running shoes

TREK is back!

September 11th
October 16th
November 13th

10:30 am
Meet at the Capital University gate on Main
(across from Drexel)
Healing Service
All are invited to the IN-PERSON HEALING SERVICE

The Healing Service will be held in-person on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. We will use A Public Service of Healing and will include Communion.

Wednesday, September 22 at 10:30 a.m.

We will have the service and then will have a time for fellowship and conversation, sharing experiences, thanksgivings, questions, concerns, and ideas. Or just come to offer an/do receive support. You do not have to have a problem or need. You may find this a meaningful mid-week service.
Please join us when you can.
Save the Date
September 30th
5:30-7:30 pm
Wise Women of St. Alban's
Details to Follow

Office Hours

Parish administrator regular office hours are:
Monday-Friday 10am-Noon & 1-3 pm

Note also:
The Parish Administrator will be out of the office Monday, September 13

Ministry Scheduler

Ministry Scheduler was updated with latest information for Morning Prayer & Sunday Services. The schedule for Compline is also included here.
To view all the information it is necessary to scroll side to side.
Caring and Sharing
September's partner is

Hunger Network of Ohio

Nick Bates offers more insight into their work
EYC into the Future:
Beginning September 12th
Weekly gatherings on Sundays 6-8pm
Dinner included
Do you have a youth in that age group? 
We hope they will join us!

We are launching space intended just for middle/high school youth in the Ed Building.

Would you like to help support the EYC ministry? We are looking for folks to help provide dinners each week. If you want to learn more or would be interested, please visit the sign up here:

For all Youth Ministry questions, contact Kayla,
The Social Concerns Committee is helping collect school supplies for The Dowd Education Center of the Homeless Families Foundation (HFF). HFF has been assisting the children throughout the pandemic, serving over 700 families and over 1,000 children, and supplies are needed. 

      This collection will be
through September 12. 
A link to the list of requested items is noted below
will also be available on the Living Room table.

A collection box will be in the Living Room.

  If you wish to mail or drop off a check, make it payable to St. Alban’s and write HFF School Supplies in the memo line.

            Thank you for your participation with this ministry.
The children need the help provided by the HFF Education Center.
These supplies are needed to help them and are greatly appreciated.

Weekly Services
Worship Schedule  

8:00 am Rite I
(in the church)
Please wear your mask

10:15 am Holy Eucharist
Rite II & Enriching our Worship
In the church (masks requested)
Live Streamed on


3:33 pm
(in the Memorial Garden or ED Bldg)
e-Compline 8:00 pm 
live-stream Facebook page HERE
Morning Prayer
8:00 a.m. 
Healing Service 
Wednesday, September 22 at 10:30 AM.

If you would like the Anointing of the Sick,
please let Father Devin, Eileen or Ernestine know.

Other Opportunities for Worship

Pastoral Care 
Contact Information
Fr. Devin can be reached by Phone/Text at 330-831-4815 or by email at

You may also contact Eileen Becknell

You may also contact Janet Lewis at the church office.
Telephone at office: 614-253-8549

Email the Pastoral Care team: CLICK HERE

Anyone in the parish may use this email if they or someone they know has a pastoral care concern. All calls and emails are confidential. 

[614-253-8549]  [] 
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