Meher Baba Books Los Angeles


 "The book that I shall make people read
is the book of the heart, which holds
the key to the mystery of life"  


Meher Baba 


(America, 1932) from 

Messages of Meher Baba, East and West

(1945), p. 84

Weekly Reflections No. 17
from Meher Baba Books
(Los Angeles, California)
Greetings from Los Angeles! The Land of Lunatics. Hopefully in Baba's Love.

Hello Dear Friends and Companions: 

Welcome to the world of this mini-circular, which is now 17 weeks old!  Yayyy! The Praise goes to Him, as always. As He is the only doer who is compassionate enough to share His joy with us. Truly Baba is Love Personified. This week's circular in on 'The Ways of the Avatar'.

We are so fortunate to know the Avatar's divinely human side. Meher Baba's main message is nothing but Love . He says, "Pure love is not a thing that can be forced upon someone, nor can it be snatched away from another by force.
It has to manifest from within with unfettered spontaneity. What can be achieved through bold decision is the removal of those factors which prevent the manifestation of pure love."  [Discourses, Vol. III, p. 172]

It seems that Baba has laid out all the ways to get rid of deep rooted ignorance so we could lose ourselves in Him and find Him as True self. So we need to get to work. Even for that He says "Do you best, Don't worry, Be Happy I will help you."
Time to be H-a-p-p-y in Baba's Love.

We hope you enjoy these small occasions for reflecting on the power and sweetness of Beloved Baba's words. Enjoy His presence. Let us be in the world yet not be of it.

In His Love and Service,
Meher Baba Books
Who is Meher Baba?  (Part 8)
....  Toward the end of the 1960s, large numbers of American and Australian young people were becoming interested in Meher Baba, in a time in which drug use was becoming an important part of "youth culture." When Baba stated that all drugs were damaging physically, mentally and spiritually, and all of his lovers should discontinue drug use, there was quite an uproar. Many casual followers abandoned Baba. But this statement also built up Baba's popularity, which coincided with the awareness of his message "Don't worry -- be happy."


From 1967 on, despite growing yearning among all his lovers - espeically the new ones - to see him, Baba remained in seclusion so deep that only a few people managed to obtain an audience with him. His days and nights were spent in complete isolation from all but his mandali, which he explained was for his "universal work." His health was deteriorating but he promised that he would give a mass public darshan in 1969.


None can have the least idea of the work that I am doing in seclusion. The only hint I can give is that compared with work I do in seclusion all the important work of the world put together is completely insignificant... the result of my work will be intensely felt by all people in the world.


To Be Continued ...
[Copyright � 2000-2015]    


The Ways of the Avatar


Understand My Ways


If I am beyond the level of an ordinary human being,
and much beyond the level of saints and yogis,
then I must be the highest of the High. In which case to judge Me with your human intellect and limited mind and to approach Me with mundane desires would not only be the height of folly but sheer ignorance as well, because no amount of intellectual gymnastics could ever understand My ways or judge My infinite State.


If I am the Highest of the High, My Will is Law, My Wish governs the Law and My Love sustains the Universe.
Whatever your apparent calamities and transient sufferings,
they are but the outcome of My Love for the ultimate good.
Therefore, to approach Me for deliverance from your predicaments, to expect Me to satisfy your worldly desires,
would be asking Me to do the impossible -- to undo what I have already ordained.


~ Avatar Meher Baba


Lord Meher, revised online edition p. 3394 



The Truth which I want you to share with me is not a matter of opinion or belief but of direct experience which knows no contradiction, and which will make you realize that nothing in this world is worth being greedy about, and that there need not be any hatred, jealousy or fear. Then, and only then, will man launch himself upon the safe voyage of unending creativity and unfading happiness which knows no decay or fear; he will have transcended the duality of "I" and "you," "mine" and "thine."


Meher Baba


Life At Its Best (1957), pp. 60-61 

Come All Unto Me

The call of Baba is God's voice

Age after age, when the wick of Righteousness burns low,

the Avatar comes yet again to rekindle the torch of Love and Truth.
Age after age, admist the clamour of disruptions, wars,
fears and chaos, rings the Avatar's call.

' Come All Unto Me'

The time is come and I repeat the call and bid all come unto Me.
I have emphasized in the past, I tell you now, and shall age after age
for evermore repeat, that you shed your cloak of life

and realize Existence which is eternally yours.

I have only one Message to give and I repeat it age after age,

to one and all : LOVE GOD.


~ Avatar Meher Baba

Meher Baba Calling (1964), p. 1






I tell you all, with my Divine Authority, that you and I are not "WE," but "ONE". You unconsciously feel my Avatarhood within you; I consciously feel in you what each of you feel. Thus every one of us is Avatar, in the sense that everyone and everything is everyone and everything, at the same time, and for all time.  


There is nothing but God. He is the only Reality, and we all are one in the indivisible Oneness of this absolute Reality. When the One who has realized God says, "I am God. You are God, and we are all one," and also awakens this feeling of Oneness in his illusion-bound selves, then the question of the lowly and the great, the poor and the rich, the humble and the modest, the good and the bad, simply vanishes. It is his false awareness of duality that misleads man into making illusory distinctions and filing them into separate categories.

Meher Baba

(1953) from Lord Meher, revised online edietion, p. 3353


    On March 4th, 1980: Adi K. Irani to the left of Baba. We remember him.

The Avatar

Adi K. Irani


For man there is a limitation of time and space. For God there is no limitation of time and space because He is everywhere at all times. For the God-Man or Avatar, there is no limitation of time and space as God; but as man He assumes the limitation of time and space to make man free of his limitations.

The Avatar is unique inasmuch as He is one with and conscious of everything and every being at all times. He is unique because He is commonly not understood yet most commonly lives in everything and every being. He is the Lord of all. He is the Master of Servitude of all.


He has a physical body, alternating His descent in different human forms on earth with the exigency of time and the needs of man. He has a subtle body to balance Universal Energy to the requirements of man. He has a mental body to focus the Universal Mind for the guidance of individual minds. He has a Universal Body to always maintain His link with the earth for a periodical descent on it in an individual body. He has the Universal ego and the Universal Consciousness to sustain His individuality and consciousness of God.


What an all-comprehensive existence and life! Nothing is excluded from Him. Everything is included in Him. Even God, in His beyond the Beyond state, fails to fulfill the condition of being God-and-illusion-conscious at one and the same time. God, having divested His consciousness to the state and authority of the Avatar, exists and lives consciously at all times as the Avatar.


For Avatar Meher Baba, His body was not for Himself but for others. The difference for us is between the joy of our looking at His face, at His inimitable smile, and the pain of our missing Him. We have to reconcile the Truth of His physical existence with His eternal life to which we owe a conviction - the conviction that has been given to us by Him in His oft-repeated message, "Hold on the My daaman till the very end."


What is the end? The end is not that of our body but of our desires and eventually of our minds. The death of the physical body is the life of the mind, and the death of the mind is God-consciousness.


The evolution of the latent consciousness in God was a necessary urge. The urge created an impression and the impression created a mind. The mind gave rise to a gross body as a medium of expression. Of course the mind outlasts the body. When millions of bodies are taken up and discarded from stone, metal and vegetation to fish, insect, bird, beast and man, the mind remains the same. It changes only in its texture, not in substance. It is born once and dies once. When the mind dies, pure consciousness remains, and that is God-consciousness.


The Avatar is at all times the sole balancing power between Absolute God and illusion. He ever resides in both and is in perfect identity with them.

Our prayers to God should be to bless us to exceed the limitations of our minds so that we can experience His true glory. Our prayers to God eventually are responded to by the Avatar in whom is vested the supreme command of creation. Then why not pray to the Avatar in a more direct way?


Just to Love Him (1984), pp. 64-65
� Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Trust



   Artwork by Shaheen Khorsandi            


Awaken from your ignorance and try at least to understand that, in the uncompromisingly Indivisible Oneness, not oAwaken from your ignorance and try at leastnly is the Avatar God, but also the ant and the sparrow, just as one and all of you are nothing but God. The only apparent difference is in the states of consciousness. The Avatar knows that which is a sparrow is not a sparrow, whereas the sparrow does not realize this and, being ignorant of its ignorance, identifies itself as a sparrow.  


Live not in ignorance. Do not waste your precious life-span in differentiating and judging your fellowmen, but learn to long for the love of God. Even in the midst of your worldly activities, live only to find and realize your true identity with your Beloved God.


Meher Baba 

"Come All Unto Me" in The Path of Love (1976), pp, 16-17


~ Poetry Corner ~

"Song of the Wind," verses that Darwin Shaw wrote, inspired by Baba's beauty, during the Three Incredible Weeks with Meher Baba in India (1954);

"Let the song of the wind ever remind you of My Love.
Let its soul-healing balm sigh through your being wherever you are;
And know that I have loved you as only God can love;
And be sure that I will love you thus throughout Eternity.
Know, beloved, that you are Mine forever.
That I have called you from the realm of illusion
To caress you with Love, with LOVE DIVINE. "

                                                                                      ~~ As Only God Can Love

                                                                                                  Darwin Shaw


~Prayer/Arti Corner~  



Aadi Sachetana -Arti
Aadi Sachetana -Arti

Aadi Sachetana (Primordial Consciousness).    


 Translation of Bhau's Hindi Arti, Aadi Sachetana



O the One from whose whim sprang the universe,

how can intellect fathom his divinity?

O Primordial life-giving consciousness,

my salutations to you. O Brahma, come!

Lord Meher, accept my arti.

May I light the lamp of love in my heart

and find the deep darkness annihilated.

I offer you everything that belongs to me.

Accept me, Lord Meher. Accept my arti.

May every breath of my life, O Lord,

become your pleasure.

O Compassionate One, master of the divine game,

shower your mercy upon me.

Lord Meher, accept my arti.

May my arti become my very life!

May the cycle of births and deaths be ended.

May my eyes open and behold the dawn,

and may your presence permeate through me.

Lord Meher, accept my arti.




"O Moon! "O Moon!

You are and will be;
Meher, You shine in me!"


Bhau Kalchuri


It is a Full Moon tonight. How Bhau and all Baba's matchless mandali have reflected the light of Meher's Sun in the darkness of Maya's night! We honor all of them.


Always in His Love!

                         Video Corner  
Avatar Meher Baba Highlights of His Life, Work and Message part one
Avatar Meher Baba Highlights of His Life, Work and Message, part one, Produced by Peter Booth.

See you all next week. Happy Meher Baba Birthday to All.

Keep Happy in His Love.
Jai Baba!  

Meher Baba Books (Los Angeles)

Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 
1214 S. Van Ness Avenue 
Los Angeles, CA  90019 

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