This is the best resource for staying in the know.
Dear GLOBE Community, 

This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week and we couldn't be more proud of the teachers and staff of The GLOBE Academy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for all that you do for our students and community. If you have a shout out for a teacher, post it on GLOBE's Facebook page .

Have you been reading our 8th Grade Graduate profiles ? Be sure to stop by GLOBE every day as new students are featured daily.
End of Year Guide for GLOBE Students and Families for 2019-2020
  • Last week for new material to be taught and new assignments to be assigned.  
  • Last week of regularly scheduled live sessions.  
  • Accelerated Math/Accelerated Language Assessments 

  • Last week for students engaged with staff and work. 
  • Office hours and turn in previously assigned work sessions
  • Wrap-up of synchronous learning. Check teachers' Classrooms for scheduling as not all classes will be held.

  • 8th Grade Graduation
  • Scheduled equipment return
  • Yearbook pick-up
* As we approach the end of the year, please start looking around your house for GLOBE library books and other instructional materials to be returned (date TBD) at the end of May. Thank you!

The GLOBE Academy will be open for student device return and materials pick up on Monday, May 18 and Tuesday, May 19 as per the schedule listed below. Upper Campus families, please stop by during your assigned time to drop off and/or pick up items as needed. Lower Campus families may come at their convenience between the hours of 8 AM and 2 PM on either day.  

No students will be permitted inside either building, and parent access will be limited to designated areas. At Lower Campus, staff members will meet you at the main entrance to assist in drop off and pick up. At Upper Campus, all parents will enter through the double red doors facing Briarcliff Road and exit through the back of the cafeteria. Staff members will be available both outside and inside to answer questions and help expedite your visit. For your safety, as well as the safety of all of our staff members, face masks are required when dropping off/picking up materials.

  • Chromebook & charger
  • Library books
  • Teacher library/teacher classroom books
  • Reading bags
  • Instructional Materials (protractor, compass, ruler, etc.)
  • Anything that belongs to GLOBE and/or the classroom teacher
  • School-owned Instruments
  • Used uniforms (UC parking lot)

  • Lost-N-Found
  • Personal items from classrooms
  • Headphones
  • Medications
  • Student work
  • Pre-ordered GLOBE Rocks t-shirts (UC auditorium)
  • Auction items (UC Parking Lot)
*Please note, we are still awaiting information regarding the timing of yearbook delivery. If yearbooks have arrived prior to May 18, they will be available for pick up during these days.

*The schedule is by Upper Campus family's last name. Lower Campus families may come at their convenience between the hours of 8 AM and 2 PM on either day. 

Monday, May 18
8-9 AM:  A - Beer
9-10 AM:  Benjamin - Brown
10-11 AM: Browne - Cubas
1 1 AM -12 PM: Dargent - Fleming
12-1 PM: Flores - Hancock
1-2 PM: Hannula - Jivani

Tuesday, May 19 
8-9 AM:  Johnson - Lutz
9-10 AM:  Mackall - Moore
10-11 AM: Morales - Rioseco
11 AM -12 PM: Robb - Starks
12-1 PM: Steedman - Walker
1-2 PM: Walters - Zuccarino

Middle School grades for Spring 2020 will be calculated as follows:

Teachers will calculate each student’s final grade after evaluating which option is higher.
  • Option A Use the grade as of March 13, 2020 as the semester final grade.
  • Option B Use the grade as of March 13, 2020 AND the Distance Learning assignments to calculate the semester final grade.

Please note: The grades that went home in the 3rd Quarter Progress Report on Thursday, March 12 , were processed on Monday, March 9 , and therefore did not include grades earned March 9 - March 12 . All grades earned PRIOR to school closure will be included in the calculation of the March 13 grade when considering Option A or B. This grade may not be the same as what is listed as the 9-week average for Term 2-1.

*Distance Learning assignments can only be used to improve a student’s final average in a course.
It's So Hard to Say Goodbye ...
GLOBE will to say farewell to some of its amazing staff members at the end of the 2019/2020 school year. As well, we have some staff transitioning into new posts with GLOBE. We wish them all the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Lower Campus:
Chris Corso
Amy Bingham
Kelly Rogers
Ying Liu
Upper Campus:  
Michael Sanders (4th TA) 
Christian Zsilavetz
Brian G
Ashley Morris

Moving Grade Levels/Campus:
Gelen Tarazona - to 2nd grade Spanish track
Javan Bukhaya - to 1st grade Spanish track
Jennifer Hogan - to 2nd grade English/Spanish track
Michael Sanders - to 4th grade English/Mandarin track
Drew Whitelegg - to 5th grade English/French track
Stephanie Lalonde - to 5th Grade French track
Our French TAs from France, with GLOBE for a year: 
Clara Amati
Catherine Milon
Marina Negroni
Jasone Mahier
Are you following GLOBE on Instagram?
Need to meet with a teacher or administrator?
Please send an email to schedule an appointment. We will be using Google Hangouts to facilitate face-to-face meetings during the school closure.


Due to the Coronavirus, The GLOBE Academy is closed and all events are canceled until further notice.

These are the important dates to remember for the next two weeks. You can also sync the GLOBE calendar to your own digital calendar. Subscribe to the GLOBE calendar .
Lunch Bag Icon

What's on the Menu?
Click the links below for locations to pick up lunch for your children Monday, Wednesday and Friday courtesy of DeKalb County School District.
Meal Pickups

DCSD has transition to a meals will be distributed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Meals will no longer be delivered daily. Students will receive a two-day meal package on each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as shown below.

The  21 meal distribution sites  will remain operational and the bus meal delivery will continue following the amended plan of meal service on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

DCSD has also created a dedicated web link to provide better transparency of information for the public: https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/student-meal-service/