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December 5, 2022

Message From the Associate Dean for Research

As the Fall semester comes to a close, I want to congratulate those who will be graduating in just a couple of weeks as well as those who helped get them there. A lot of hard work and dedication has gone into getting to this point, and we cannot wait to see all of the good you do as alumni of the UNM College of Arts & Sciences.

To the faculty and staff who have worked hard to help get students over the finish line, please know how appreciated you are for everything that you do. As we have seen in this newsletter throughout the course of this year, your accomplishments are many. Your commitment to research excellence and research education is a driving force of this College and The University.

From the launch of the Community-Based Research Initiative and the Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE), to the introduction of the Writing Subvention Program and Travel+ supplemental travel program, this past year has been focused on better supporting your scholarship. This week, we’ll be celebrating another milestone as the first cohort of the Fostering Research Excellence in the Social Sciences and Humanities (FRESSH) program completes their training. I look forward to working with you all to continue elevating the quality and impact of research in the college and making clear why WeR1 at the College of Arts & Sciences.

Thank you for everything you do. I hope that the upcoming winter break provides you all with some well-deserved rest and relaxation with your families.

Until next year,

Chris Lippitt, PhD

Associate Dean for Research

UNM College of Arts & Sciences

The College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Experts Directory is now live


to connect with potential research collaborators

UNM Alumni Association Seeking Award Nominations

The UNM Alumni Association is looking for nominations for their Research Award. Submit your nominations before Monday, Dec. 12, by clicking here. 

GROW Program

With the goal of enriching the student experience, UNM is implementing the GROW® program with key campus student employers. The program aligns with student learning outcomes (UNM 5) as well as the UNM 2040 strategic plan goal two: student experience and educational innovation. Learn more here





Omnicompetent Modernists

Poetry, Politics, and the Public Sphere

Modern and Contemporary Poetics

Matthew Hofer


English Language & Literature

New Publications.jpg

Weak, but not strong, ties support coalition formation among wild female chimpanzees

Lead Author: Stephanie A. Fox, PhD Candidate

Co-Authors: Martin N. Muller, PhD; Drew C. Enigk, PhD; Melissa Emery Thompson, PhD

Department: Anthropology

Publication: The Royal Society

Does gender structure social networks across domains of cooperation? An exploration of gendered networks among matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo

Lead Author: Siohán M. Mattison, PhD

Co-Author: Tami Blumenfield, PhD

Department: Anthropology

Publication: Biological Sciences

Market Integration, income inequality, and kinship system among the Mosuo of China

Lead Author: Siobhán M. Mattison, PhD

Co-Authors: Peter M. Mattison; Ruizhe Liu, PhD candidate; Tami Blumenfield, PhD

Department: Anthropology

Publication: Evolutionary Human Sciences

Genome-wide data from medieval German Jews show that the Ashkenazi founder event pre-dated the 14th century

Co-Authors: Nadia C. Neff, PhD and Keith M. Prufer, PhD

Department: Anthropology

Publication: Cell

High diversity and low specificity of fungi associated with seedless epiphytic plants

Co-Author: Donald Lee Taylor, PhD

Department: Biology

Publication: BioTropica

Herbivory damage but not plant disease under experimental warming is dependent on weather for three subalpine grass species

Co-Author: Jennifer Rudgers, PhD

Department: Biology

Publication: Journal of Ecology

Time to move on

Author: Scott L. Collins, PhD

Department: Biology

Publication: Bioscience

Inter- and intraspecific trait variability differentially affect community-weighted trait responses to and recovery from long-term drought

Co-Author: Scott L. Collins, PhD

Department: Biology

Publication: Functional Ecology

Examination of Amino Acid Hydrogen Isotope Measurements of Scalp Hair for Region-of-origin Studies

Lead Author: Christy J. Mancuso, PhD

Co-Author: Seth D. Newsome, PhD

Department: Biology

Publication: Rapid Communications of Mass Spectrometry

Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Historical Aerial Photos Built Online Georeferencing Tool

Lead Author: Su Zhang, PhD

Co- Authors: Hays A. Barrett; Shirley V. Baros; Paul R. H. Neville; Sandeep Talasila; Lisa L. Sinclair

Department: Geography and Environmental Studies, Earth Data Analysis Center

Publication: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

Structured variation, language experience, and crosslinguistic influence shape child heritage speakers' Spanish direct objects

Lead Author: Naomi Shin, PhD

Department: Linguistics and Spanish & Portuguese

Publication: Bilingualism: Language and Cognition

Community norms and lexical frequency shape U.S. bilingual children's subject pronoun expression

Lead Author: Sarah Lease, PhD Candidate

Co-Authors: Naomi Shin, PhD and Emily Bird-Brown

Department: Linguistics

Publication: Heritage Language Journal

Depression increases smoking

Lead Author: Erik Erhardt, PhD

Department: Mathematics and Statistics

Publication: Advanced Data Analysis 1

Peptide Selection of MMP-1 for Electrochemical Sensing with Epitope-Imprinted Poly(TPARA-co-EDOT)s

Co-Author: James L. Thomas, PhD

Department: Physics and Astronomy

Publication: Biosensors

High-precision estimation of emitter positions using Bayesian grouping of localizations

Lead Author: Keith A. Lidke, PhD

Co-Authors: Mohamadreza Fazel; Michael J. Wester, PhD; and David J. Schodt

Department: Physics and Astronomy

Publication: Nature Communications



NIH Outstanding New Environmental Scientist (ONES) Award - statement of interest due December 9, 2022

NSF Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of

Science and Engineering Research (NSF 23-518) - due December 13, 2022

Retirement Research Foundation - LOIs due February 1, 2023; and May 1, 2023

View more opportunities here


WeR1: Investing in Faculty Success Scholarship Time (FaST) - December 16

SNL University Partnership Network Collaboration-Building Seed Funding Opportunity AY 2022-23 - Submission deadline: February 10, 2023


The Teagle Foundation's Cornerstone: Learning for Living Initiative - reach out to Ellen Hull for next steps

Misophonia Research Fund - letters of intent due December 9, 2022

McKnight Scholar Awards - due January 1, 2023

The Leakey Foundation Research Grants - due January 10, 2023


Museum Research Traineeship - applications now being accepted

Summer 2023 Research Internships with Department of Homeland Security - applications due December 9, 2022

Native American Environmental Arts and Humanities Scholarship Application - due December 16, 2022

Paid Graduate Student Fellowship Opportunity for Summer 2023 at Sandia National Laboratories - applications due January 31, 2023

The Savannah River Environmental Sciences Field Station - applications being accepted through March 15, 2023


Software Submission Form

Research Project Submission



Contact Your FRSO Here

To nominate A&S research faculty, staff, or students for a future Highlight, please send an e-mail to ResearchWins@unm.edu

Jon Williams

PhD Candidate


Jon Williams recently defended his dissertation “The role of the Mexico – U.S. Border in the promotion of “American” nationalism, 1821-1920.”


Human Subject Research: Policies, Clinical Trials, & Inclusion

December 6 & 7, 2022

12 PM - 4 PM (EST)

Register Here

2-Day NIH Grants Conference

February 1-2, 2023

Register Here




Have a Punny Story to share? Please send it to ResearchWins@unm.edu if you'd like us to include it in a future Research Report.

Submit Your Announcements

To celebrate the impact our research community at the College of Arts & Sciences is making and to inspire new collaborations, we want to hear about the work that you or a colleague are doing.

Submit your "Research Wins" to ResearchWins@unm.edu to be featured in a future issue of the Research Report.