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December 4, 2023

Message From the Associate Dean for Research

As we prepare to wind down the year, I am left with an overwhelming feeling of pride in the collective impact of the research conducted within the College of Arts & Sciences. This is the time of year when we are working to put the final touches on the College's Impact Report, which will be released at the end of January. Doing so forces reflection on the many accomplishments of our faculty, students, and staff and the profound impact they have on our communities, economy, and collective wellbeing. I hope that as you reflect on the past year, you will do so knowing that your individual contributions are vital to that impact and to our success as a college.

As you begin planning your research activities for 2024, I want to remind you that the College maintains a number of programs designed to support your research, and I encourage you to take advantage of them: 

The Fostering Research Expansion in the Social Sciences and Humanities (FRESSH) program, operated in partnership with the UNM Office of the Vice President for Research, offers support for faculty looking to build extramural support for their research in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The second FRESSH cohort will be presenting on their projects this Friday, and I look forward to learning about their efforts. Two projects from the first cohort have already been funded through FRESSH and there’s several more in process.

The Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research (ASSURE) program, which pays undergraduates to work on research teams, has now supported over 100 students. ASSURE will be announcing another new cohort of undergraduates for this spring. Thank you to everyone who has participated in providing our students with the transformative experience of research as education.

The College’s partnership with the Center for Regional Studies has also resulted in two additional projects being funded through the Community-Based Research Initiative (CBRI) which supports projects that engage with a New Mexico or Southwest communityThis brings the total to four programs that are actively working to develop or help with practical and real-life solutions to the challenges facing our diverse communities throughout New Mexico. You can learn more about them and the work they are doing here 

Finally, I want to remind everyone that OSP is encouraging everyone to schedule their comprehensive reviews as soon as possible ahead of the break. Appointments may be limited, so please request an appointment through OSP Scheduler as soon as possible.

The last Research Report for the year will go out on December 18 and will return with the start of the spring semester on January 16. I hope that all of you will take some time over the winter break to relax and recharge with your loved ones, and I look forward to embarking on another year of successes with you in 2024.


Christopher D. Lippitt, Ph.D., CMS-RS

Associate Dean for Research

Professor of Geography & Environmental Studies

UNM College of Arts & Sciences


UNM Alumni Association Research Award

Nominations are now being accepted for the UNM Alumni Association's Research Award. The award recognizes outstanding research being conducted at the University of New Mexico. The recipient is currently conducting research full-time in any school or college of the University.

Nominations are due December 8

Click here for more info




Chapter 19 - CRISPR classroom activities and case studies

Lead Author: TyAnna L. Lovato, PhD

Department: Biology

Publisher: Rigor and Reproducibility in Genetics and Genomics

Source-to-sink tandem geochronology reveals tectonic influences on the Cambrian Transcontinental Arch of Laurentia

Co-Author: Karl Karlstrom, PhD

Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences

Publisher: Terra Nova

Even spheres as joint spectra of matrix models

Co-Author: Terry A. Loring, PhD

Department: Mathematics & Statistics

Publisher: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Volume 531, Issue 1, Part 2

Classifying Topology in Photonic Heterostructures with Gapless Environments

Co-Author: Terry A. Loring, PhD

Department: Mathematics & Statistics

Publisher: Physical Review Letters

Probing topology in nonlinear topological materials using numerical K-theory

Co-Author: Terry A. Loring, PhD

Department: Mathematics & Statistics

Publisher: Physical Review B

Specimen collection is essential for modern science

Co-Authors: Michael J. Andersen, PhD; Lisa N. Barrow, PhD; Joseph A. Cook, PhD; Jonathan L. Dunnum, PhD; Stephen Poe, PhD; Christopher Witt, PhD

Department: Museum of Southwestern Biology

Publisher: PLOS Biology

Anisotropic strong lensing as a probe of dark matter self-interactions

Lead Author: Birendra Dhanasingham, PhD Candidate

Co-Author: Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, PhD

Department: Physics & Astronomy

Publisher: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 526, Issue 4

Confronting self-interacting neutrinos with the full shape of the galaxy power spectrum

Lead Author: David Camarena, PhD

Co-Authors: Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, PhD and John Houghteling, PhD Student

Department: Physics & Astronomy

Publisher: Physical Review D

Thomson scattering: one rate to rule them all

Lead Author: Kylar L. Greene, PhD Student

Co-Author: Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, PhD

Department: Physics & Astronomy

Publisher: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Prosocial motives underlie scientific censorship by scientists: A perspective and research agenda

Co-Author: Geoffrey Miller, PhD

Department: Psychology

Publisher: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 120, No. 48

Association Between Religious Salience and Past-Year Substance Use by Sexual Identity and Sex Among Adults in the United States

Lead Author: Victoria R. Votaw, PhD Student

Co-Authors: Ethan S. Van; Alena Kuhlemeier, PhD; Felicia R. Tuchman, PhD; Katie Witkiewitz, PhD

Department: Psychology, Center on Alcohol, Substance use, And Addictions (CASAA)

Publisher: LGBT Health


Benjamin Jones, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Associate Professor of Economics, Benjamin Jones, is to be commended for his extensive research that intersects with climate change science and epidemiology to provide comprehensive estimates of economic damages. Most recently, Jones led his team to provide the first estimates that Bitcoin mining is environmentally unsustainable. Through their analysis, it was found that Bitcoin mining is more comparable to the impacts of extracting and refining crude oil than mining gold. This work has received extensive attention among academics, policymakers, and dozens of news articles (e.g., The New York Times, Forbes). The research is also cited by the World Health Organization as a critical example of where modern technologies can have substantial negative effects on human health.




Museum Research Traineeship Graduate program - Apply for fall 2024, departmental deadlines

The University of New Mexico Hibben Graduate Fellowships in Anthropology

Undergraduate Research, Arts & Design Network Opportunities

Internships and fellowships with DoD through ORISE


The New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation (NM AMP) - Various deadlines

Summer Research Team Program for Minority Serving Institutions - Now accepting applications


Albuquerque Community Foundation Grant Program - Statement of interest due December 6

Hearst Foundations - Statement of interest due December 6

National Endowment for the Arts: Grants for Arts Projects - Statement of interest due December 8


The Faculty Research Development Office (FRDO) is always recruiting volunteers to join their pool of prospective reviewers for limited competitions. If you are interested, the sign-up form can be accessed here.


WeR1: Investing in Faculty Success

Faculty Scholarship Time (FaST) – Fall 2024 - due December 8




Sustainable Space Research Grand Challenge Team

December 5

2 PM

Virtual Open House

Fall 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference

December 4 - 7

ASPIREational Talk and Social Hour

December 5

4 - 5 PM

Draft & Table


View Upcoming Rainforest Innovations Events Here

View upcoming ADVANCE at UNM events here

To submit your events for listing on the College's website,



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UNM College of Arts & Sciences

2022 Impact Report

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