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November 6, 2023

Message From the

Associate Dean for Research

The 2nd annual Research & Discovery Week is in full swing and if you haven’t already, I encourage you to check out the incredible line-up of events that are planned for this year, where research and scholarship from across our entire campus will be highlighted through symposiums, workshops, and presentations that are sure to inspire. Six of these events are being hosted by College of Arts & Sciences departments and programs and I hope that you can find the time in your busy schedules to check out some of the incredible sessions they have brought to campus: Africana Studies, the Museum Research TraineeshipASPIRE, Chemistry & Chemical Biology, and the Museum of Southwestern Biology have all prepared some outstanding events. More information, including registration, is available here.

Last week, we announced that applications for the Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE) program is accepting applications for the spring 2024 cohort. As of this semester, 108 students over the past two years have had the opportunity to work directly with a faculty mentor to nurture and enhance their research experiences. Please encourage your undergraduate students to apply; that first semester engaging with real research is transformative for those student’s education and career. Applications are due December 1 through InfoReady.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I’d like to extend my gratitude to you all for you many contributions you make to our scholarly community. Events like those being hosted during Research & Discovery Week and getting students out doing research through programs like ASSURE make us all better scholars, teachers, and students. These are but two examples of the myriad contributions you all make to our scholarly community are exactly why WeR1 at the College of Arts & Sciences.

Until next month,

Christopher D. Lippitt, Ph.D

Associate Dean for Research

Professor of Geography & Environmental Studies

College of Arts & Sciences


Annual Community-Engaged Research Lectureship Award

The Faculty Senate Research Policy Committee (RPC) seeks nominations of faculty from all colleges at UNM for the Annual Community-Engaged Research Lectureship Award (CERL). The CERL is one of the highest honors that UNM can bestow upon a faculty member in recognition of exemplary community-engaged research and community-engaged creative works.

Nominations are due November 17.

For more information on nominations, click here

2024 Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists

The 2024 Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists is seeking up to 3 nominations from UNM in recognition of the most innovative young faculty-rank scientists and engineers. The award seeks to highlight the work of these young faculty members working in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Chemical Sciences. One Blavatnik National Awards Laureate in each disciplinary category will receive $250,000 in unrestricted funds, and additional nominees will be recognized as Finalists.

Nominations are due November 29.

For more information on nominations, click here





Genomic signatures of convergent shifts to plunge-diving behavior in birds

Co-Authors: Jenna M. McCullough, PhD Student and Michael J. Andersen, PhD

Department: Biology, Museum of Southwestern Biology

Publisher: Communications Biology

Pleoardoris graminearum, gen. et sp. nov., a new member of Pleosporales from North American Plains, its biogeography and effects on a foundation grass species

Co-Author: Jennifer A. Rudgers, PhD

Department: Biology

Publisher: Mycologia

Resilience Through Harm Reduction? Protective Behavioral Strategies as a Factor of Resilience Among Polish Young Adults Using Various Psychoactive Substances

Co-Author: Matthew R. Pearson, PhD

Department: Center on Alcohol, Substance use, And Addictions (CASAA)

Publisher: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs

Of Corn and Tares: Making Madras English, 1639–1696

Author: Carmen Nocentelli, PhD

Department: English Language & Literature, Languages, Cultures, and Literatures

Publisher: Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies

Comment on “Forbidden knowledge and specialized training: A versatile solution for the two main sources of overfitting in linear regression,” by Rohlfs (2023)

Author: Ronald Christensen, PhD

Department: Mathematics & Statistics

Publisher: The American Statistician

A posteriori error analysis for a space-time parallel discretization of parabolic partial differential equations

Lead Author: Jehanzeb H. Chaudhry, PhD

Department: Mathematics & Statistics

Publisher: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Neural correlates of cognitive control deficits in pediatric mild traumatic brain injury

Co-Author: Erik B. Erhardt, PhD

Department: Mathematics & Statistics

Publisher: Human Brain Mapping Volume 44, Issue 17

The Clinical Benefits of Non-abstinent Outcomes in Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment: Evidence from Clinical Trials and Treatment Implications

Lead Author: Victoria R. Votaw, PhD Student

Co-Author: Katie Witkiewitz, PhD

Department: Psychology, Center on Alcohol, Substance use, And Addictions (CASAA)

Publisher: Alcohol and Alcohol-related Diseases

The Development and Implementation of a Data Repository for Swallow Studies

Author: Phyllis Palmer, PhD

Department: Speech & Hearing Sciences

Publisher: Dysphagia


Congratulations to the following faculty and staff for being recognized with the OVPR's 2023 Outstanding Research Staff Awards

Jill Okun

Sr. Contract and Grant Administrator

Cradle to Career Policy Institute

Recognized for exceptional support to researchers.

Renee Brown, PhD

Research Assistant Professor


Recognized for exceptional support to researchers.

Harpo Faust

Sr. Collections Manager - Herbarium

Museum of Southwestern Biology

Recognized for exceptional support of research training.




Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE) – Spring 2024 - due December 1

Museum Research Traineeship Graduate program - Apply for fall 2024, departmental deadlines

Undergraduate Research, Arts & Design Network Opportunities

Internships and fellowships with DoD through ORISE


NEH Preservation Assistance Grants - Statement of interest due November 6

2024 WeR1 Fall Faculty Scholarship Time (FaST) - due December 8


DOE, Atmospheric Systems Research - Statement of interest due November 7

DOE, Atmospheric Systems Research - Statement of interest due November 10

National Science Foundation, Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - Statement of interest due November 13


The Faculty Research Development Office (FRDO) is always recruiting volunteers to join their pool of prospective reviewers for limited competitions. If you are interested, the sign-up form can be accessed here.


The New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation (NM AMP) - Various deadlines




Research & Discovery Week

November 4 - 11

Click here for information

How to Get NSF Funding

November 7

4 PM

Larrañaga Engineering Auditorium in the Centennial Engineering Center

Pursuing Convergent Research Funding at NSF

November 8

2 PM

Larrañaga Engineering Auditorium in the Centennial Engineering Center (as part of the CS Speaker Colloquium)

UNM Faculty Lightning Lounge

November 8

4 - 5 PM

McKinnon Center for Management Room 2120

OMI Data & Social Science Research Brainstorming Workshop

November 9

9 - 11 AM

Physics & Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science building (PAÍS)

Rooms 1005 and 1010

Shared Knowledge Conference

Thursday, November 9

A UNM graduate student showcase

Scholarship & Research Speaker Series: Veteran and Military Healthcare Outcomes Update

November 15

5 - 7 PM

RSVP here

ASPIREational Talk and Social Hour

Nov. 14, Dec. 5

4 - 5 PM

Draft & Table


Fall 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference

December 4 - 7

View Upcoming Rainforest Innovations Events Here

View upcoming ADVANCE at UNM events here

To submit your events for listing on the College's website,



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