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October 2, 2023

Message from the Associate Dean for Research

October 11 will mark the 2nd anniversary of this publication, and in honor of this milestone I want to thank all of you who have supported our efforts in amplifying your achievements by not only sharing your successes with us but those of your colleagues and students as well. Please continue to share new publications, faculty and staff highlights, new ideas, and your Punny Stories to so that we can keep shining a light on the important work you are doing in support of our mission.

Another anniversary that we will soon be celebrating is the first anniversary of the relaunch of the College’s research website on November 1. This site is an important vehicle for amplifying our research efforts externally and we need your help in ensuring that it remains so. If you have undergraduate and graduate students whose research you feel should be highlighted on this site, please send your recommendations to  The same goes for your alumni who have turned their research experiences here at UNM into thriving careers. These stories are not only important to share with current and potential students who may be considering research opportunities available to them at UNM, but also an important way to show the impacts that you are making on your students and alumni.

Finally, I want to take a moment to share a little bit about the Co-op Collaboration Series event that occurred last month as part of Grand Challenges Day and the Team Research Symposium. I had the honor of moderating a panel of five current and former students who blew me away with their powerful stories of how their research experiences have impacted their learning outcomes as well as their future career goals.

The panelists were:

Sa’angna Mi’ila Gollette 

Undergraduate student 

Earth & Planetary Sciences

2022-2023 Co-op Team Research Fellow 

Meg Honnold,

Undergraduate student 

Sociology & Criminology

2022-2023 ASSURE Fellow

Abrianna Morales

BA in Psychology and Sociology & Criminology (2023) 

2022-2023 ASSURE Fellow

Andreanna Roros

Graduate student  

Earth & Planetary Sciences

Museum Research Traineeship

Ashley Willis

Undergraduate student 


2022-2023 Co-op Water Fellow

All of them exemplify the diversity of these experiences and I want to thank them for taking the time to share their personal stories behind why they do what they do. I hope that we can get them – and more like them – in front of students, faculty, and alumni to show just how much of a difference our students are making on our communities.

Until next month,

Christopher D. Lippitt, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Research

Professor of Geography & Environmental Sciences

UNM College of Arts & Sciences





Obsidian hydration dating helps understand pre-hispanic land use on the volcanic island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Lead Author: Yuichi Nakazawa, PhD

Co-Author: John Rissetto, PhD

Department: Anthropology

Publisher: Quaternary International

Contemporary differences in residential housing values along historic redlining boundaries

Co-Authors: Brady P. Horn, PhD and Robert P. Berrens, PhD

Department: CASAA, Economics

Publisher: Real Estate Economics

Mid-infrared luminescence properties of erbium and dysprosium doped lanthanum titanate glasses

Lead Author: Brian Topper, PhD

Co-Authors: Alexander Neumann, PhD and Arash Mafi, PhD

Department: Center for High Technology Materials

Publisher: Optical Materials Express Vol. 13, Issue 10

The Influence of Convective Aggregation on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Water Vapor

Lead Author: Joseph Galewsky, PhD

Department: Earth & Planetary Sciences

Publisher: AGU Advances Vol. 4, Issue 5

Water and Economics: Why we need and ought to teach water economics in the modern economics curriculum

Co-Authors: Alok. K. Bohara, PhD and Jingjing Wang, PhD

Department: Economics

Publisher: Applied Economics Teaching Resources

Reimagining teaching water issues through integrative experiential learning

Co-Authors: Alok. K. Bohara, PhD and Jingjing Wang, PhD

Department: Economics

Publisher: Applied Economics Teaching Resources

A pruned feed-forward neural network (pruned-FNN) approach to measure air pollution exposure

Lead Author: Xi Gong, PhD

Co-Author: Lin Liu; Yanhong Huang, PhD Candidate; Yan Lin, PhD

Department: Geography & Environmental Studies, ASPIRE

Publisher: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Approximation of the Spectral Action Functional in the Case of 𝜏-Compact Resolvents

Co-Author: Anna Skripka, PhD

Department: Mathematics & Statistics

Publisher: Integral Equations and Operator Theory

Examining the validity of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire for identifying reward and relief drinking subgroups in college students

Lead Author: Hanna M. Hebden, PhD Candidate

Co-Authors: Victoria R. Votaw, PhD Candidate and Katie Witkiewitz, PhD

Department: Psychology, CASAA

Publisher: Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research

Psychometric properties of the Trauma Checklist 2.0 and its predictive utility of felony re-offending among high-risk juvenile offenders

Co-Authors: Bethany G. Edwards, PhD Candidate and Kent A. Kiehl, PhD

Department: Psychology

Publisher: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health


Naomi Nattress

Ph.D. Student

Speech & Hearing Sciences

Congratulations to Naomi Nattress who has been awarded a New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation. This program is designed to support strong doctoral candidates who will pursue teacher-investigator careers in an academic environments at the university. Naomi’s research focuses on investigating interventions designed to improve the communication skills of young children with multiple disabilities. Naomi is also the the department's first Ph.D. student.




The New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation (NM AMP) - various deadlines

American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grant - Due October 2

American Psychological Foundation Division 54 Lizette Peterson-Homer Injury Prevention Grant - Due October 15


Research Allocations Committee (RAC) - Submissions due October 1 - 15

WeR1: Program for Enhancing Research Capacity (PERC) - Proposals due October 27



The Faculty Research Development Office (FRDO) is always recruiting volunteers to join their pool of prospective reviewers for limited competitions. If you are interested, the sign-up form can be accessed here.


Undergraduate Research, Arts & Design Network Opportunities

Internships and fellowships with DoD through ORISE

Spring/Spring Intersession 2024

UNM Study-Abroad Program at Schloss Dyck, Germany - Proposals due October 30

Museum Research Traineeship Graduate program - Apply for fall 2024, departmental deadlines




ASPIREational Talk and Social Hour

Oct. 4, Oct. 24, Nov. 14, Dec. 5

4 - 5 PM

Draft & Table


CETI 20th Anniversary Symposium

Friday, October 6

9:00 - 5:00 PM

UNM SUB Ballroom B & C

Opening remarks by President Garnett S. Stokes and Provost James P. Holloway

C&J's Intro Asian American Studies Speaker Series

October 10, 2023

3:30 - 4:30 PM

CJ 119

UNM Enchanted Eclipse 2023

Saturday, October 14

8:30 - 12:30 PM

Johnson Field

Visit website for more info

The 2023 Annual Arthur A. Blumenfeld VIP Networking Reception and Endowed Lecture Dinner

With keynote Speaker and Recipient of the Blumenfeld Award

Representative Javier Martinez

NM Speaker of the House

October 16

6 - 9 PM

Click here for more information and to register

New Mexico Research Symposium

November 4

8 - 4 PM


Abstract submission deadline: October 6

Register Here

View Upcoming Rainforest Innovations Events Here

Research & Discovery Week

November 4 - 11

Click here for information

Shared Knowledge Conference

Thursday, November 9

A UNM graduate student showcase

To submit your events for listing on the College's website,



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if you'd like us to include it in a future Research Report.

UNM College of Arts & Sciences

2022 Impact Report

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