Naples SDA Church
In light of the Second Coming, God's mission mandate for the Naples Seventh-day Adventist Church is to
connect people to Christ, enabling them to be
transformed into His likeness, and
equipped to serve Him.
Naples SDA Church
Weekly Sabbath Newsletter
I hope you have a had a wonderful week.  God is Good and provides great blessings!  Below is the link to download the May Newsletter.  Please remember if there are any announcements you would like included in the newsletter, to get them sent to me by the 20th of the month. Have a great weekend!

Worship Message "Finding Your Purpose"

In Faith Building Part 2, Ester teaches us that God has a place, a purpose and plan for us.
Scripture:  Esther 4:15 & 16
Stewardship Thoughts "Talents"

Imagine being called by God to build a large boat.  Noah, responded to God's instruction and because he did, he and his family along with the animals were saved from the flood waters.  What a day of rejoicing that must have been when Noah was able to open the doors of the ark and once again walk on solid ground.
The Bible tells us that one of the first things he did was to present a sacrifice offering to the Lord.  God kept His promise and Noah responded by bringing the Lord an offering.  Think about all the times the Lord has brought you through a difficult time in your life.  He is and always has been faithful.  This is the time of our service where we worship through giving.  We return to Him His tithes and our offerings of thanksgiving.  Today's offering is designated to support the local ministries of our church.  Thank you for your continued faithfulness in giving to God and His work.
For Online Giving Click Here
Fellowship Potluck Dinner

Everyone is invited to stay for the Fellowship Potluck Dinner that is held in Room 1 right after the worship service on the first Sabbath of each month.  Please bring a vegetarian entr�e, salad, side dish, and/or dessert.  This is a great opportunity to meet new people and make friends.  We like to invite our guests to stay for dinner, so be sure to bring plenty of food to share.  If you'd like to help with set up or clean up, please see Geoffrey or Lynda Courtright. 


Stroke Awareness Program
Stroke Signs

Join us May 4th, directly following our monthly fellowship potluck for a stroke awareness program presented by our Health Ministries. The program will focus primarily on identifying the signs and symptoms of stroke. We will define what a stroke is the risk factors that can lead to stroke. We will discuss what to do if one suspects a stroke event. And lastly, we will discuss the impact such an event can have on the individual and their families. Don't miss this life changing program. Contact Heather Cheriel at for more information.


Click Here to Download the Stroke Awareness Flyer 

Vacation Bible School is Coming Soon


Mark your calendars, VBS is coming June 24-29. Volunteers are needed for one night, two nights and all week. If you can't volunteer we will be announcing other ways you can help. If you are interested in reaching out to our kids and the community please contact Jaslin Aubin at 239-272-6864 or via email at


Download the VBS Information Flyer Here 


Enter the epic adventure that empowers kids to stand strong.  Here, God's victorious power isn't a fairy tale-it changes kids forever.  Join this royally-rockin' realm-register to be a part of this Kingdom Rock VBS!

Register to Help today by Clicking Here
NACS Awards Night
MAY 16TH @ 7:00PM
Come join us May 16th at 7:00pm, at the Naples SDA Church to show support for all the students at Naples Adventist Christian School as they receive their yearly awards for all their great accomplishments. Lets show our children that we are proud of them and all they have completed this last school year.
MAY 23RD @ 7:00PM

Another school year is nearly complete and it's almost time to celebrate in the graduation of our 8th Graders! Join us for a special Worship Service on May 18th @ 11:00am as the graduates will take part in our Worship Service. Then come and support the graduates at their graduation on May 23rd at 7:00pm. Let's show our children that we stand behind them as they venture into the next chapter of their lives and remember to keep them in our prayers for continued success.

Life Line Screening

Life Line Screening will be providing affordable preventive screening at Naples Seventh-day Adventist Church on May 13th. These screenings can help detect early signs of stroke and abdominal aortic aneurysms, along with many other health issues. Make sure to let your family and friends know of this great opportunity to help save lives!

SDA Cape Coral 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

Join the Cape Coral Church for their 2nd Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser for an Adventist Community Service Center on May 19th at the Palmetto-Pine Country Club in Cape Coral. Registration is $100/golfer and they are looking for groups of four to represent the surrounding local churches to compete in the Tournament. For more information, or registration, contact Mercedes Ruiz at 691-5477 or

Hearts on Fire Youth Rally
MAY 18TH @ 7:00PM

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (Prov 4:23). Join the all day event located at Port Charlotte SDA Church, 2036 Loveland Blvd, Port Charlotte. Worship program begins at 11:00 with special worship guest band "Revolution", speaker Pastor Nathan Madrid, and an afternoon outreach coordinated by SALT Ministries. End the evening with a 7:00pm Youth Vespers Concert by Revolution and Laser Tag at 8:30pm. Meals will be provided for those participating in outreach and guests. Any questions, contact Patricia Peterson @ 699-6694.


Download the Hearts on Fire Youth Rally Flyer 

Happy Birthday

1   Sean Rodriguez
2   Cindy Rucker
4   Paul Theodore
5   Larry Letchworth
6   Vernita Lewis
6   Yasmin Sandres
6   Ellie Baltodano
9   Nikkita Cheriel
9   Phil Vasseur
9   Sylvia Mercado 
9   Ralph Benedict
10 Illane Fleurinord
10 Fontane Fleurinord
12 Jason Villard
15 Ester Lacoste
15 Celine Delpesh
15 Margaret Stonerock
15 Elani Baltodano
16 Doris Sacacian
16 Herb Boothby
17 Jesmly Loriston
19 Charles Hill
20 Diana Sylveus
21 John Rodriguez
22 Gail Pierre
25 Jena Flores
25 Danielle Krivda
25 Gloria Delpesh
26 John Kim
26 Nancy Lyons
26 Jesye Reyes
27 Merie Chaffee
27 Rick Haylock
28 Fred Blatchley
28 Tony Camps
29 Bryan Courtright
30 Lionardo Jean Philippe
30 DaeFranda Hutchinson
31 Ashley Chaffee
In This Issue
Worship Team

Worship Host

Lynda Courtright 

Children's Corner

Steve Krivda 

Praise Time

Ivonne Barkman 

Prayer Garden

 Angella Thompson 

Gifts of Worship

Nikkita Cheriel 


Shamid Cheriel 

Worship in Song


Worship Message

Pastor Phil Vasseur  


Christine Haddix  

Upcoming Events
May 4th:
Fellowship Dinner
May 4th @ 2:30pm:
Stroke Awareness Program
May 4th 6:00-8:30pm:
Pathfinders Meeting
May 6-10th:
NACS Teacher Appreciation
May 8th @ 7:00pm:
Prayer Meeting
May 11th 6:00-8:30pm:
Pathfinders Meeting
May 13th @ 9:00-2:00pm:
Life Line Screening
May 14th @ 7:00pm:
Church Board Meeting
May 16th @ 7:00pm:
 NACS Award Night

Special Music Guests "Supremacy"
Don't miss Supremacy on May 4th.  They are a musical group formed in 2001.  They are 3 young men praising the Lord's name.  They value God's work and tirelessly strive to propel his message of love and compassion.  All raised in Haiti and now reside in South Florida.  Their mission is to enlighten, broaden and shape the minds of human kind by expressing themselves musically.  Thus making them supreme ambassadors of Christ, loyal only to his Glory.


Young Adult Breakfast


Join us Sunday, May 5th, at Herb & Sue's house. Stop by anytime between 9:00 am - Noon for pancakes & eggs. Anyone age 18-39 is welcome and you're welcome to bring a friend. Questions, call Herb at 239-398-6190.

Interested in Outreach?


Here's an opportunity! Under the leadership of Phil Johnson and Mark Magnusson, we will be going out with a brief survey to introduce ourselves to our neighbors and ask how our church might serve them. For more information on how you can be involved contact Phil Johnson or Mark Magnusson for more details.
Free Community
Car Wash


Get excited! Our Naples church is sponsoring a FREE Car Wash to reach out to our community!  What a great way to spend a Sunday with your family!  Let's reach out and spread God's Word through giving! Join us Sunday June 9th 10:00am-2:00pm.  Tell your neighbors and friends to come out for this Free Car Wash!  See Steve Krivda or Tracy Fitts for details.


Sweet Frogs Monthly Fundraiser


Join us May 13th, from 3:00-9:00pm at Sweet Frogs, the yummy new premium yogurt shop in the Target center at Airport Road and Pine Ridge Road and help support Naples Adventist Christian School. Twenty percent of all proceeds will be donated to the church school. This will be a recurring fund raiser held the second Monday of each month. Come out and have a little something sweet while supporting the school.

Full Time Spanish Teacher


Naples Christian Academy is seeking a well-qualified candidate to teach Spanish.  Qualified candidates should possess both experience in teaching Spanish and hold at least a bachelor's degree from a recognized college or university.  A solid Christian testimony and evidence of a strong spiritual walk are essential requirements.  This position will start for the 2013-2014 school year.  Please submit resumes and/or applications to 

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