Developing Strong Leaders for the
Commercial Equipment Leasing/Financing Industry
Weekly Sales Tip
for Financing/Leasing Originators


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Execute Your Plan

Happy New Year!

The slate has been wiped clean for originators throughout the industry. It is time to execute your plan, to act boldly, and to win more than your fair share of business. Every meeting, call, and activity counts toward posting exceptional 2025 results. I have recently been asking the following questions during my one-on-one coaching sessions (with originators having just a few years of experience to veteran originators with decades of experience):

  • What is your plan for 2025?
  • What activities are you going to keep?
  • What activities are you going to add?
  • Are you thinking and acting boldly enough?
  • What would it take to double or even triple your production in 2025?
  • What do you want to accomplish in 2025?
  • Give me details about the 3 to 5 initiatives which you plan to execute in 2025. What are the first steps which need to be completed in the first 60 or 90 days of 2025?
  • What specific relationships would significantly enhance the trajectory of your production in 2025? What are you doing to win those relationships?

Today is the beginning of the first full week of 2025. It is time to get started by executing your plan.

Wheeler Business Consulting is working with individual originators and sales teams throughout the industry to ensure that they are well positioned in the market, capturing their fair share of business, and outperforming the competition. To schedule a one-on-one meeting contact Scott Wheeler at:

Survive - Thrive - Lead

This "Sales Tip" is provided by Wheeler Business Consulting. 

 Comments, questions, and suggestions regarding 

weekly tips are welcome. 

Phone: 410-877-0428 


Wheeler Business Consulting LLC

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