Developing Strong Leaders for the
Commercial Equipment Leasing/Financing Industry
Weekly Sales Tip
for Financing/Leasing Originators


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The primary barrier that diminishes your personal success in 2025 is self-doubt. The greatest tool to eliminate such a barrier is self-confidence. Self-confidence:

  • Allows you to fund more business
  • Allows you to call upon the "right" vendors and end-users
  • Allows you to focus on your current capabilities
  • Allows you to be open to change
  • Allows you to learn from every transaction and to share your knowledge with future prospects with enthusiasm.

Top originators understand that they control their own destiny and that their self-confidence and enthusiasm are powerful tools in winning new relationships.

The commercial equipment finance and leasing industry is expanding and will continue to support small, medium, and large companies over the coming decades. Confident originators will capture their fair share of business and help commercial clients flourish in an ever-changing market.

Wheeler Business Consulting is working with individual originators and sales teams throughout the industry to ensure that they are well positioned in the market, capturing their fair share of business, and outperforming the competition. To schedule a one-on-one meeting contact Scott Wheeler at:

Survive - Thrive - Lead

This "Sales Tip" is provided by Wheeler Business Consulting. 

 Comments, questions, and suggestions regarding 

weekly tips are welcome. 

Phone: 410-877-0428 


Wheeler Business Consulting LLC

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