Top originators in the commercial equipment finance and leasing industry are capitalizing on a unique opportunity. A void is developing in the industry to fund transactions that require extra expertise and financial analysis; transactions that may have qualified for an application-only process just a few years ago. There are strong applicants seeking between $250.0K and $750.0K of equipment funding which, rightfully, require full financial packages in order to render a proper credit decision. Top originators are embracing these transactions and building credit files for not only their immediate needs, but for future transactions. Top originators are building long-term relationships rather than pursuing a single transaction.
Recently, an originator solicited a larger end-user that was seeking $150.0K for manufacturing equipment. The originator was confident that he could secure an application-only approval. However, he was convinced that this end-user had ongoing needs. The originator asked the right questions, requested three years of financial statements, and submitted a complete credit package to his credit department. His package outlined the financial strengths of the company, the upcoming equipment acquisitions being considered, and how those acquisitions would strengthen the company's ability to win additional business and improve profitability. The credit department approved an initial request for $750.0K; and subsequently increased the approval to $1.2MM.
Many average originators would have been satisfied with the original request for $150.0K and subsequently moved on to the next end-user. This top originator correctly assessed the situation, moved beyond an application-only mentality, and secured a relationship which produced $1.2MM of new business.
The market is filled with similar opportunities for savvy originators who have credit attributes, are willing to have meaningful financial conversations with decision makers, and are seeking larger relationships with financially strong end-users.