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The Weekly Shofar of Congregation Kol Shalom
~ A Welcoming Conservative Synagogue in Annapolis, MD ~

Thursday, September 14, 2023 - Wednesday, September 20, 2023

28 Elul, 5783 - 5 Tishri, 5784

High Holidays 2023/5784

Candle lighting time for Friday, September 15, is 6:57 PM.  Candle lighting time for Saturday, September 16, is 7:53 PM.

We look forward to continuing our High Holiday traditions with you this year. Click here to see a schedule of this year's services

Those who registered to attend in-person services for Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur should have received a confirmation of their reservation via e-mail. If you registered and did not receive a confirmation, please contact the synagogue office at [email protected] or 410-266-6006, BEFORE 12 PM ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15.

Information regarding parking for High Holiday services will soon be e-mailed to all who registered to attend.

The Zoom link for virtual services has been sent to all members and to visitors who have requested them.  If you are a member or a guest who has requested the Zoom link and not received it, please contact the synagogue office at [email protected] or 410-266-6006, BEFORE 12 PM ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15.  


Lulav/Etrog: If you would like to purchase a lulav/etrog set ($55 per set), please contact the synagogue office at 410-266-6006 or [email protected] by Friday, September 22. Payment can be sent to Congregation Kol Shalom; ATTN: LULAV/ETROG; 1909 Hidden Meadow Lane; Annapolis, MD 21401. Please make checks payable to Congregation Kol Shalom and note "Lulav/Etrog" in the memo line. 

Additional Weekly Services

Monday evening service will be held via Zoom only on September 18 at 7 PM. Click here for the Zoom link.


Thursday morning service will be held via Zoom only on September 21 at 9 AM. Click here for the Zoom link.


Congregation Kol Shalom would like to extend a word of welcome to our newest members:

Judith Billage

Jonathan Weiner and Jennifer Beatty

We are delighted that you have joined our synagogue, and we look forward to becoming better acquainted with you!


Daniel Rothman Religious School's Tashlich service and experience will be held this year on Saturday, September 16 at Crofton Park on Davidsonville Road. We will have a small service at 5:30 PM with singing and bubbles to throw away all of our sins. Afterwards, we invite families to bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share. We will provide dessert, drinks, and paper goods. Also, bring blankets, chairs, and frisbees, etc!  All Kol Shalom families are welcome; bring friends too!


Zentangle: The Zentangle Meditative Art class is held via Zoom on Wednesday mornings beginning at 10 AM. No art background needed or required. Please have the following items available: several sheets of copy paper, a no.2 sharpened pencil, a black pen with a fine tip and good ink flow, a Q-tip and scissors (to cut out our drawing paper). Please e-mail the synagogue office at [email protected] with any questions or if you would like the Zoom link.

Siddur Class: Rabbi Pohl’s Siddur Class will continue (via Zoom) on Tuesday, September 12, at 10:30 AM. Please contact the synagogue office at [email protected] or 410-266-6006 to obtain the Zoom link.


USY/Kadima Youth Program - September Events

Sukkah assembly & Lunch: Sunday, September 24 @ 12:30 - 2 PM. Kol Shalom has a new sukkah and we need all hands to assemble it. Families are welcome (and appreciated).

The Congregation Kol Shalom USY/Kadima Youth Program provides activities that are fun, relevant and meaningful to Jewish teens, with a mix of mitzvot, religion, culture, and entertainment. The Kol Shalom chapter of Kadima/USY is generously supported by the Women's League, funding staff and a scholarship to encourage participation in regional and national events. 

Please contact Kate Penn at [email protected] with any questions.

Kol Shalom Sisterhood

Click here to read a High Holiday message from Shuly Rubin Schwartz, Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Dr. Schwartz was a speaker at the Adult Bat Mitzvah Program at the Women's League Convention 2023.

Oneg/Kiddush Donations: It is with thanks that we acknowledge the donations made to the Oneg/Kiddush fund. Howard Salob reads the list at services each Shabbat and we publish the list in The Weekly Shofar as well. Click here to view a list of donations for the current month. 


If you have an item you would like to include in the Weekly Shofar, please compose and e-mail your submission to the synagogue office (see e-mail address below) no later than the preceding Tuesday. Any items received after this time will be held for the following week's announcements.

If you would like to purchase a plaque to memorialize a loved one, or a simcha leaf to commemorate a special occasion, please contact Howard Salob at [email protected] or 410-544-2440. 

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Good & Welfare

Congregation Kol Shalom ~ 1909 Hidden Meadow Lane ~ Annapolis, MD 21401

410-266-6006 ~ [email protected] ~ www.kolshalomannapolis.org