The Weekly Shofar of Congregation Kol Shalom
~ A Welcoming Conservative Synagogue in Annapolis, MD ~
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Thursday, September 8, 2022 - Wednesday, September 14, 2022
12 Elul, 5782 - 18 Elul, 5782
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Guest Speaker ~ Selihot Night Live ~ High Holidays ~ Challah ~ And More!
Scroll down for more information.
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Candle lighting time for Friday, September 9, is 7:06 PM.
Friday evening service will be held via Zoom only on September 9 at 5:30 PM. Click here for the Zoom link.
The Bat Mitzvah of Sydney Katz, daughter of Richard Katz and Laura Kiessling, will be held (in person and via Zoom) on Saturday, September 10, at 9:30 AM. Mazal Tov to Sydney and her family! The Torah portion will be Parshat Ki Teitzei. Click here for the Zoom link.
Please click here for information about our mask policy for in-person services.
Our next Monday evening service will be held via Zoom only on September 12 at 7 PM. Click here for the Zoom link.
Thursday morning service will be held via Zoom only on September 15 at 9 AM. Click here for the Zoom link.
A Word About Onegs: Onegs are back, and we need your help! We are asking all members to consider signing up for at least one Shabbat morning to help with set up and clean up. Most weeks it will be very simple - just challah, wine, and some prepackaged snacks. Starting in August, we'll also have one week per month that is a full lunch. For those, we'll also need a bit more help on Saturday morning, as well as someone to go to either Pikesville or Rockville on Friday to get food. Please click here to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Rachelle Tannenbaum at
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Guest Speaker Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh | | |
On Shabbat morning, September 17, 2022, we will be happy to welcome guest speaker Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh, an Israeli Druze politician who has a history of breaking barriers. After services, Ms. Kamal-Mreeh will speak about The Incredible Potential Of Israel's Rich Mosaic And Complex Society.
Born to a Druze family in the village of Daliyat ai-Karmel on Mount Carmel, Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh served as the first Druze woman to anchor a Hebrew-language news program on Israeli television, the first female Druze member of Israeli's legislature, and now, as the first Druze to serve as an Israeli emissary for the Jewish Agency for Israel.
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Selihot Night Live is scheduled for Saturday, September 17, beginning at 8 PM. This community event filled with learning, worship, and musical programs is hosted by the Rabbinical Assembly, and Congregation Kol Shalom is a sponsor.
Click here to view the program schedule.
Click here for the Zoom link.
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High Holidays: We look forward to continuing our High Holiday traditions with you this year. Click here to see a schedule of this year's High Holiday services. Our goal is to ensure that everyone who wants to worship in person for the High Holidays has the opportunity to do so. There is no limit on the number of services you can attend this year. Registration will be required for in-person attendance at services. Click here to send your registration no later than Wednesday, September 14. We are limiting the number of attendees at each service to 100, so please call or e-mail with your reservation promptly.
Mahzor: To make the High Holiday virtual worship experience as smooth and user friendly as possible, Kol Shalom will gladly provide a Mahzor to borrow for the High Holidays. Just stop by the synagogue from 4:00 - 6:30 PM on Tuesday, September 13 or Tuesday, September 20, to pick one up. If you are unable to pick up High Holiday books at the synagogue, please contact Mary at or 410-266-6006 and she will arrange to have books delivered to you.
We will also provide online access to the Mahzor Lev Shalom through the Rabbinical Assembly Publications Department. Details will be forthcoming.
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Challah for High Holidays | | |
Please click here to access order forms for your High Holiday challah!
Please complete and submit your forms by texting Allison at 443-871-4126, e-mailing the synagogue office at, or dropping off at the school office NO LATER THAN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. Due to time constraints, we CANNOT accept orders past this deadline.
Payment can be dropped off at the synagogue office or mailed to Congregation Kol Shalom, ATTN: CHALLAH ORDERS; 1909 Hidden Meadow Lane; Annapolis, MD 21401. Checks can be made payable to Congregation Kol Shalom (please note "challah order" in the memo line). NO PAYPAL PAYMENTS, PLEASE!
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Please join us (via Zoom) after the 7 PM service on Monday, September 12, for our new monthly class, The Study of Mussar - Jewish Ethics. The class will be led by our new member, Francine McMahon, and Rabbi Josh Wohl. The first class will be an introduction to Mussar - What is it and how does it help us better ourselves? Click here for the Zoom link.
Siddur Class will continue on Tuesday, September 13, at 10:30 AM. Feel free to join the zoom room to say hello at 10:25 AM. Click here to access the Zoom link. We will begin to study the Torah Aliyah blessings. Plan for classes on September 13 and September 20 before we break for Rosh HaShannah.
The Zentangle Meditative Art class is held via Zoom on Wednesday mornings beginning at 10 AM. No art background needed or required. Please have the following items available: several sheets of copy paper, a no.2 sharpened pencil, a black pen with a fine tip and good ink flow, a Q-tip and a scissors (to cut out our drawing paper). Please e-mail the synagogue office at with any questions or if you would like the Zoom link.
Talmud Study and Torah & Tabloids sessions will resume after the High Holidays.
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Congregation Kol Shalom would like to extend a word of welcome to our newest members, John and Karen Letada and their family!
We are delighted that you have joined our congregation and we look forward to becoming better acquainted with you!
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Attention please: By now, the entire membership of Kol Shalom should have received a mailing from Women's League. If not received by Friday September 9, please notify Gloria or Edith via email: or OR text: (410)865-9769.
Rosh Hashanah New Year's Card: The deadline to include your listing in this year's New Year's Greeting Card is quickly approaching. Please e-mail your listing, exactly how you want it to read, to Gloria Markowitz at no later than Thursday, September 15. Then mail your payment (checks payable to Women's League of Kol Shalom) to the synagogue office, Attn: Gloria Markowitz, or leave at the synagogue with Gloria's name on it.
Oneg/Kiddush Donations: It is with thanks that we acknowledge the donations made to the Oneg/Kiddush fund. Howard Salob reads the list at services each Shabbat and we publish the list in The Weekly Shofar as well. Click here to view a list of donations for September 2022. In addition to using the funds to serve food in the building, we are donating funds to the Anne Arundel County Food Bank and the Anne Arundel Community College Student Food Bank.
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Support for Ukranian Refugees
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Below is a list of Jewish organizations where you can help support the Ukrainian refugees.
HIAS: Welcome the Stranger. Protect the Refugee
JDC: The Leading Global Jewish Humanitarian Organization
Emergency Campaign for Masorti Communities in Ukraine
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If you have an item you would like to include in the Weekly Shofar, please compose and e-mail your submission to the synagogue office (see e-mail address below) no later than the preceding Tuesday. Any items received after this time will be held for the following week's announcements.
If you would like to purchase a plaque to memorialize a loved one, or a simcha leaf to commemorate a special occasion, please contact Howard Salob at or 410-544-2440.
Amazon Smile: Click here to shop Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate .5% of your eligible purchase to Congregation Kol Shalom. Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know - same products, same prices. You shop, Amazon gives!
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Congregation Kol Shalom ~ 1909 Hidden Meadow Lane ~ Annapolis, MD 21401
410-266-6006 ~
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