Join Rumple for Sunday morning worship, December 29 at 11 a.m.
Service will be in the sanctuary, or you may watch live at 11 a.m. on our webpage or YouTube channel. Childcare is available for the service. Bulletins are available on the church website.
Each Sunday our worship service is livestreamed. Cold, flu, and covid seasons are upon us, so if you are feeling under the weather, we encourage you to stay home and worship online for the health and safety of others. Find all previous online worship services on YouTube.
Parking is at a premium in Blowing Rock! In order to be sure there is plenty of space for visitors and guests, and while construction is going on, please consider driving only one vehicle per household to Rumple each Sunday. Thank you!
Winter Weather Announcements will be communicated on Sunday mornings via text through Breeze, email, and the church website. If you're unsure on Sunday morning about worship cancellations, please check those places. Also, if you have not opted in to texts through Breeze, please do so or call the office to get help enrolling.